Logical Reasoning
By Wanda Lawson
What is real? Realities vary from one person to the next, depending upon one’s view. Our realities change from day to day, moment to moment actually and our respective realities are not always shared with others because of variations in views. Views can be seen, felt, or both.
For instance, a red rose can be viewed as beautiful. To one, this beauty is felt on the heart level. To another who perhaps doesn’t like the color red and does not view the same beauty, sees the thorns of the rose.
This paradox also applies to life. One focuses on the beauty of life, another focuses on the thorns. Thorns happen when we have expectations that are not met either from others or from ourselves. Of course, there will be challenges in life, but how we view them is what makes the difference.
A child’s reality is much different from adults. As children, we look at the world and all that is happening around us with a sense of wonder and curiosity. If we do as we are told, we are rewarded. If we don’t, we are punished. Hence, we began to be conditioned by others views.
At one time, we were all children. Time goes by and we are teenagers, then young adults, then adults, then senior citizens. We see how time can fly in the blinking of an eye…time that can never be recovered. We began to look back and reflect on our past with a childlike sense of wonder…our present and future with curiosity.
Many teach that our past was just an illusion. Well, speaking for myself, my past is my reality and there is no illusion to it…it happened, I lived it. The secret here is not allowing the past to “live me”. My views have changed as a result of outcomes from past situations.
Also popular these days are “positive thoughts”. Positive thinking can be valuable, but meditation is where the gold is found. You will find with a consistent practice of meditation, positive thoughts will follow automatically.
Logical reasoning is a form of making a decision by questioning and analyzing. How one feels about a thought, determines their action or reaction. This surpasses any religion, dogma, or label and brings a lesson of acceptance. All views regardless of any reality stem from thoughts. As a thought appears, we began to reason or act/react.
Automatic actions/reactions come from our conditioning. We learn quickly that if we touch something we are told not to and are punished, we no longer touch the object. So at all times, we are contending with two things: Conditioning or logical reasoning.
It is said there are two sides to every story and everyone has their own personal stories. How each of us reacts to our story solely depends upon conditioning or logical reasoning. Nine times out of ten, our reaction is a result of conditioning. But, we can allow logical reasoning to step forward and supersede. Logical reasoning can be accomplished with an open mind and an open heart. Of course, the ego will step in and try to “reason” with us that we can’t allow another to have the upper hand or allow ourselves to be “wrong”.
Logical reasoning in spirituality can birth a transformation of the mind. It is logical to reason that one plus one equals two. Scientist and theorist are determined to put equations in spirituality in order for one to actually believe it exists. I see this happening some day. In my heart, it is a definite existence without proof.
It would be wise to practice logical reasoning when it comes to the business of spirituality. For many years, I have seen where astronomical prices are charged for spiritual practices. It is true that these people must have money to survive, but to what extent?
Making money by taking advantage of those who are searching for assistance on their spiritual journey does not reflect a true spiritual path. Granted, there are many great spiritual teachers who sell their goods. But if reasoning is applied in the form of questioning their motives, I would guess there are more with an attitude of greed than not. This has been my experience. You…do the maths.
Personally, I cannot think of anything involving life that does not have to do with maths. Our entire bodies, cooking, driving, and games are just a few examples. All are comprised of numbers in the form of equations. In playing the game of golf for example, one must be able to compute equations in order to be successful. Golf is a mental game.
In order to be successful in the game of golf, the mind must be clear in the moment and focused on hitting the ball where one desires it to land, with the intent to put the ball in the hole. This act in itself could be considered to be a form of meditation as our consciousness becomes aware in the moment and has become a reality.
Circumstances such as the wind, the ground, the chosen size of the club, the environment all play a part in the tee off. The wind direction will also determine how fast and what yardage can be obtained. The condition of the ground on the tee box, fairway, and greens will determine the skill needed. Environmental noises or people talking will interrupt the concentration of the player.
So you see, in the game of golf, logical reasoning is the tool used in order to condition one’s self in order to be successful in getting the ball in the hole. Such is the same in life. The conditions required in golf are its foundation of consciousness.
We can use logical reasoning to change the course of our life when we find ourselves in dire straits. We do not have to accept the way we have been conditioned by others. We can create our very own foundation and therefore, build upon it.
And so it is, the next time a thorn pricks you or you desire a “hole in one”, clear your mind with a brief moment of meditation, consider all possibilities without judgment, abandon preconceived notions, and apply logical reasoning.
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