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Spiritual Fitness for the New Year

Spiritual Fitness for the New Year

By Dinita (Dee) Nicole

A New Year has begun and if tradition holds many of us have set resolutions to help us make 2013 our best year yet.  As we commit to making better food choices, watching less reality TV, switching from coke to diet, and beginning new physical fitness regimes there is one area that is getting overlooked: Spiritual Fitness.

Spirituality is a practice and so requires practice. By focusing on your spiritual connection you will find that stress fades, inner-peace abounds, and your personal goals fall into perfect alignment with your life (which means easier to attain!). The life you truly want will begin to unfold right before your eyes.  You may think this is too difficult a task but here are 5 easy things you can do to improve your spiritual fitness:

1) Clear Your Energy Body – Just as your physical body collects dirt from the city around you, your energy body (or aura) collects debris from all the different energies, both internal and external, you encounter each day.    If you let these energies build they will begin to feel heavy, cause fatigue, dampen your spiritual connection, and generally throw your life off balance.  The solution is simple- treat yourself to a spiritual shower. Imagine a VERY high pressure shower (think power wash) of beautiful, bright, white light flowing through and around you washing off any energy that is not for your highest good.  Imagine all of the gunk you don’t need falling away and traveling down a drain that leads deep into to the Earth.   You can take your spiritual shower while you take your regular shower or while you are sitting in your office.  All it takes is a little imagination.  And don’t worry, the Earth will take all the gunk you washed off and use it as fertilizer to create something new.

2) Listen to Yourself – There is no one out there who knows better than you what you need to maintain a healthy, happy, spiritually connected life.  Most of us, however, do not take the time to listen to ourselves.  Another easy solution: set aside five minutes each day to just breathe and listen to yourself.  You can even ask yourself a question like, “What do I need to feel great today?” or “How can I resolve an issue I’m facing?”  Once the question is asked, be sure to sit and listen to the response, then act on it.  Don’t be concerned if you don’t get an answer right away, sometimes the 5-minutes of quiet is all you need. Just be sure to notice when something does pop into your head; it could be a particular food to eat, an exercise to do, or a way to relax. No matter what it is, give it to yourself without judgment. This is your intuition communicating with you and answering your question. If you ignore the answer you are really ignoring yourself.

3) Think Positive – Your thoughts send out electromagnetic waves of vibration that effect every aspect of the world around you. Choosing happy, aka high vibration, thoughts will help you maintain a joyous spiritual connection every day.  At times this can be a difficult task so I recommend starting a positivity journal.  At the end of each day, think of any situation that upset you or caused you think negative thoughts. Write down the situation and then write something positive that happened as a result.  Did missing your bus allow you to discover a new part of town? Did missing an appointment give you the time to yourself you needed? There is always a positive side to everything, a positivity journal will help you practice seeing and thinking positively.

4) Clear clutter from your home – Clutter in your home can act like an obstacle course for energy so clearing the clutter, clears the pathway for spiritual energy to flow easily into your life.  Each day, or even once a month, take a moment to look around your home.  Notice if there is anything that you do not want or need, also notice if there is anything does not make you feel good, then get rid of those items. Do it immediately, don’t wait.  Give the items to a local charity, throw them out, just get rid of them and then watch as your spiritual clarity improves and new energy flows into your life.

5) Take a Class – If you struggle with self-discipline attending a spiritual development class may be the best choice. Picking a class can be daunting but try picking one that speaks to you or one that just sounds fun.  If you still find yourself stuck, I recommend beginning with a chakra balancing or Reiki 1 class.  Both of these classes will allow you to strengthen your spiritual connection while also giving you valuable self-improvement skills you can use in your everyday life.  Classes are like gifts that keep on giving, all you have to do is sign up and show up with an open mind.

Spiritual fitness, like anything else gets easier with practice.  Whichever tip you choose, the more you practice, the easier it will become. Before long, you may not even have to think about practicing these tips they will simply become a part of your spiritually connected life. 2013 is an exciting year; why not make it the year you commit to improving your spiritual connection?

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Dinita (Dee) Nicole, co-host of OmTimes Radio’s Now Age Zen and owner of Now Age Wellness works as an energy healing practitioner in New York City. A member of Best American Healers, Dee has trained extensively at the Northwest Psychic Institute and The Sacred Stone School. She is a twice certified Reiki Master Teacher, Rommett Floor-Barre® Instructor, and Emotional Release Bodywork practitioner. She is certified in The Rock Girl® Foundation Treatment, Auric Cleansing/Chakra Balancing, Angelic Healing and Angelic Advising. Dee creates personally tailored in-person and remote sessions as well as classes to help you realize your true power. Visit:

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