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How to Help Your Female Staff and Make Your Business Flourish

How to Help Your Female Staff and Make Your Business Flourish

By Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel

As women we know very little about our body and its most inner needs and secrets. We simply put up with it and tend to take care of it on a superficial level to make it look good as much as possible or do something about it when it is sick!

We are concerned with age because the media never stop singing the praise of a good looking and young female body, but do we ever stop to think how much we love ourselves or if we ever do in the first place?

Men don’t have a clue of what happens with women on a monthly basis, it is all beyond their grasp!

How all this has to do with running a business?

Well, if you have a business or you work for one, you might know how stressful it is being in either position and how important it is to feel good and be at your best.

As women we have a menstrual cycle that runs our body for at least three decades of our life in a more evident way, and then with menopause in a more hidden and subtle way. Either we like it or not, this is a fact and it can be pleasant or very unpleasant and painful at times.

If we belong to the second category, this is going to affect our working life as an employee or our business if we have one.

Wouldn’t it be useful to know more about it and find out about its secrets?

See Also

This might mean a happier and efficient working life as an employee and better performance of our business if our female staff is taking care of itself. This could mean less sick days, a more relaxed working environment and better results down the line.

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If you want to find out more about the implications of the menstrual cycle and how I can help you with being cycle savy, check and give me a call to have more info.

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