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Numerology Compatibility For Love and Sex

Numerology Compatibility For Love and Sex

Numerology Compatibility

Do you have numerology compatibility with your partner?  Numerology compatibility in love is more important than how faithful you are! No matter what, your love should intensify like a blazing fire! Then alone, you will be successful in your love and sex.

Numerology Compatibility Decides Success

By Kannan M



You may have overlooked this compatibility angle if you love someone blindly at first sight. Relationships turn bitter on trivial things. An ill-timed remark or an anonymous phone call can ruin the trust built over months of dating and hard work. And the result? It is the Curtains for your love!

How can you make someone fiercely love you despite your weaknesses? Here are The Secrets!


The Strategy in Numerology

When playing chess, you make an enticing move to attract your opponent, but it is a trap. Many animals ooze out sexual vibes to entice, trap, and seduce their chosen love mates. Man alone is so blind in love matters that he treads on thin ice when he loves someone blindly.

How much better would it be if numerology compatibility existed between you and your love mate? And also, if you know this, before starting your love affair? This article will help you to learn this secret.

This knowledge makes your love efforts culminate in success. When you ensure this, your love mate dotes on you, irrespective of your merits and demerits. She or he loves you whether you are black or white, tall or short, and good or bad. That is the magic of compatibility in your numerology!


Are You Ruled By 2

Numerology Compatibility rules that if you have a day number of 2, you will have success in love affairs with number 7 persons. What does it mean? Those born on the 7th, 16th, and 25th of any month are ruled by the number 7. As such, these love mates ruled by the number 7 will love you blindly. They will dance to your tunes!

Their numerology makes them slaves to your love. Even if you fail to keep a promise, when you have multiple affairs, and even when you exploit them beyond limits, these number 7 ruled persons cannot hate you or go against you. They can never stand in a court of law to testify against you.

This is the power of numerology and its compatibility!


Do Not Exploit Pure Love

Numerology compatibility for number 2 guarantees your success in marriage when you marry a person ruled by the number 7. She will love you, whether you are handsome or ugly, kind or cruel. This does not mean that you should exploit his or her pure love. This info is given in good faith, for you, only to use it with wisdom.


Follow Compatibility Or Suffer

So many people suffer in actual life after marriage. The relationship turns sour and ends up in divorce. It is because they lack compatibility as per numerology. Your love mate may not have any rights over you. But your wife has all the legal rights! Even if she is your wife for a single day, she has enormous rights to your properties. She can claim your wealth. She can ruin your peace if there is no compatibility!



If you are a number 7 born

If you are ruled by the number 7, numerology compatibility assures success when you love or marry those born under the number 2. You are ruled by the number 7 if you are born on the 7th, 16th, or the 25th. You can identify the number 2 born from their birth dates. If your love mate is born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th, then his or her number is 2. Between you and him, perfect compatibility exists. As per numerology, you can happily love or marry him.

What was said about the number 2 birth applies to you as well. If you are a number 7 born, affectionate and loving, the number 2 born will dote on you, ignoring your defects. Remember that your youth and beauty will not last forever. But Your Love Will. Those number 2 born will be so devoted to you that though they initially treat you as slaves, later they will start dancing to your tunes! Take care not to exploit their Divine Love!


What If You Abuse?

Numerology is a Divine Gift from the Stars and the Heavens. You should not misuse or exploit Numerology compatibility. You must answer to your Conscience on the Day of your Judgment. Obey the Laws of Nature. Give more and receive more! Please remember this in your Love, Sex, or Marital Relationships.

Do you want to know more about yourself? If you are born on other days. you will be ruled by other numbers. Now that you know so much about 2 and 7, you may want to know more about your own love mate compatibility. If that is your wish, you can proceed further by visiting this most popular Web Site.


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About the Author

Kannan M uses his special knowledge of numerology, astrology, and graphology to design names. As a scientist, he actually measures the vibrations in alphabets, numbers, and your names. Based on these measurements, he decides what is best for you.

You can approach Mr. Kannan M, for your baby names, business names and lucky names. Take his expert advice, for your business success, numerology compatibility for sex and love, and to preserve your marriage.

If you want to experience a Conscious Relationship, try Ascending Hearts today!

Originally publisher 06 August 2013


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