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Astrology Forecast for September 16-22, 2013

Astrology Forecast for September 16-22, 2013

There’s an overriding sense that much is falling into place, and some of it quite nicely, too. Thursday’s Pisces Full Moon enhances that with the possibility of healing emotional wounds (especially baggage we have carried for others) and the illusion of separation. This Moon is a status report on how you feel about all the data you’ve been collecting and assessing all month.  With Jupiter pumping up Mercury, the event will not be quiet. Minds will be racing and expanding, and conversations flying to keep up. (Read more in my mooncast, which will be on the site by Wednesday.)

As solid as developments are feeling, finally, don’t confuse their current state with permanence. Tweaks and choices are on tap — what is it that you really want? — as we settle into all this settling in. On Thursday, Venus makes an adjustment aspect to awakener Uranus and throws a new possibility at us.  She also has an open current to Chiron, embodiment of our abiding wounds, so the moment of choice is tinged with forgiveness and balm to the heart.

The path is also vibrating with distant rumblings of more change to come as Pluto turns stationary direct. Undercurrents that have been roiling since mid-April are beginning their ascent to the surface; hidden impulses are coming out into the open.

See Also

They’re part of the weekend’s construction milestone. The opportunity is finally here to see major, noticeable progress in responding to all the recent upheaval. We’ve been in a near-constant state of addressing, repairing and remodeling the foundation of our lives. Now the tools appear, the workers appear, the puzzle pieces shift, and the ground we tread takes new form, or shape, or substance.

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