Astrology Forecast for September 16-22, 2013

Wednesday: Pay attention to your early morning mental ramblings. They reflect your current stance toward the ongoing upheaval in your life (open to its benefits, most likely) after the processing that you did overnight. It will benefit you to adjust how you are going after your goals and how you are mentally framing your life. The size of the tweaks isn’t significant; what’s important is your attitude, perspective and intent. Focus on the positive and your day will blossom into hope, optimism and feeling good about yourself. The people who cross your path today point the way to the future and may well play an important role in it. Relationships deepen, commit or simply became real (rather than the wishful thinking or wondering that’s been running through your mind). Some get steamy, too.
Thursday: The predawn hours bristle with an edginess that doesn’t make for restful sleep. Are you nervous about yesterday’s connections? Their potential to be serious? Fear of losing your own space may be a factor. The interplay between being connected (and/or overwhelmed) and staking out boundaries is a live issue under the Pisces Full Moon. (Read more in my mooncast, which will be posted on the site by Wednesday). The Moon is void of course (what that means) for the morning, from 7:13 AM till 12:53 PM EDT. The noise level rises throughout the day. Minds are racing, ideas are blossoming, and everyone wants to — has to — share.
Friday: “Something’s gotta give” is catchphrase of the day. Huge internal changes feel imperative and unavoidable; you can not live small / put up with X / hold yourself back any longer. Starting now and through the rest of the year, impulses that have been brewing since mid-April are making their presence known more insistently. Changes that have been taking shape beyond your view are also beginning to come to light. As big developments swirl through the air, you come to a crossroads of the heart. It may be time to adjust your value system, your appraisal of your own worth, or what you say you want. You may face a choice between two objects of desire (possibly two appealing but different relationships). Be aware that your mind could be jamming your guidance system. Think things through too much and discomfort is probable; simply trust and your mind may put you through a test all evening. The Moon goes void of course (what that means) at 9:26 PM EDT until tomorrow evening.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.