Astrology Forecast for 2014 Cancer Full Moon

2014 Cancer Full Moon
January 15-16, 2014 8:52 PM PDT / 11:52 PM EDT 4:52 AM GMT 25 Cancer 58 / 25 Capricorn 58
Get out your hanky, your fuzzy robe and slippers, and a big helping or three of your favorite comfort food, because the Cancer Full Moon is here. A security blanket could come in handy this week, as the Cancer Full Moon brings emotional release that’s been building since Christmas.
It is the cosmic clean-up act to foundation overhaul that’s been screaming for attention since the end of last year. Mars, the planet of push, has been roughing up the agents of unpredictable and unavoidable change, Uranus and Pluto, and then escalating the action with bigger-is-better Jupiter. Think of the life-redefining developments that have happened in, to and around you since the end of last year. (Could it only have been three weeks ago?) Even if you’ve come through without tears or trauma, you haven’t escaped unaffected.
Now come the aftershocks, backwash and delayed reactions; now comes a flood of emotional information. Inner children who have been brave little soldiers are allowing their lower lip to do more than tremble. Let them. (Refer back to the first paragraph.) There’s no point in arguing with anything that bubbles up, whether that’s out of you or someone else.
Besides, the bubbling up is productive. It’s letting you know how you and the people around you feel. It’s venting pressure, fears, disappointment, sorrow, relief, joy, and other emotions that you can’t put a name to but have been churning all the same. Allow it all to come out without judgment or ridicule, especially your own. It doesn’t have to make sense, but if you heed it, some of it will. It’s telling you where you feel safe, nurtured or protected, and where you do not, where it feels good to rest your head, place your feet or build your future, and where it does not.
That information is going to affect your choices, behavior and goals from now on. Don’t be surprised if the effect is immediate. This Cancer Full Moon carries a demand to go after what we want. It is imprinted with a catalytic connection between Venus and Mars, rulers of our desires and our will. Although Mars is the god of war, he’s taking orders from Venus right now (and for the first seven months of the year), because he is in Libra, one of the signs she rules. He has no choice but to implement her wishes, which these days run to the practical and lasting value.
If a situation doesn’t feel safe, nurturing, protecting, or building toward a solid, lasting form, watch for confrontation, renegotiation, ultimatums, breakups or walking away. On the other hand, this link-up promises action on matters that do fit that bill: reaching out, asking for what you want, making a play for someone, asking for a raise or change of circumstances and the like. Whether desires are fulfilled is a different matter. What’s important, for this week, is the move.
Don’t analyze or chew or waste energy on predicting specifics. They will be organic and spring from a nonrational source. You may be the instigator of action, or you may be on the receiving end. You may also experience multiple instances of this dynamic. And it’s possible that little of this will be premeditated. Much will simply unfold.
The quote that introduced last summer’s Cancer New Moon forecast applies again with the Cancer Full Moon, with one tweak:
“It’s like a wave. Resist and you’ll be knocked over. Dive into it and you’ll swim out the other side. This is a new and different world. The challenge is to cope with it and not just cope — but thrive.” ~ Mrs. Greenslade, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Instead of diving in this time, we’re all feeling a wave, at our backs, propelling us forward and carrying us along.
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About the Astrologer
Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.
Thank you. This explains a lot and really helped me get some perspective. It’s time to hunker down and roll with the changes. 🙂