Danette May: The Healthy Living Expert with Heart!

My face completely broke out due to stress, my neck was in chronic pain, and I could have easily gained weight during this time. I chose to take the higher road and to write my own story. I decided each day was a new one. I decided I get to write on these pages, as I desire. I have choices, either to quit or take action. Taking action is a whole lot easier when you have clean food in your system, adequate sleep, and stress reducing movement under your belt. When I have worked out, gone for a walk/run, or gone to the gym, I always emerge feeling more hopeful about my future. I feel more ready to conquer. I am so grateful for these lessons. I am so grateful for healing, loving foods.
JVM: What is some advice you can give others to get on the path to health and healing?
Danette May: I encourage everyone to start a journal today with your hope, clarity and a renewed resolve to feed your body with the best and to move it for healing.
You are in charge of your life. You are the only one who gets to decide how it ends! Everything I am sharing is about giving “hope”. Hope in knowing and believing that one can feel good in their skin and in their heart even when shit hits the fan.
JVM: Tell us more about your Bikini Body Detox 3 day cleanse. It sounds like just another fad diet? What makes it different?

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality