How to Cure Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Curing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been around for a long time. It started popping up in the 70’s and 80’s when stress become a very prominent part of life.
If you look at saliva from a healthy person you will find DNA from hundreds of pathogens. These pathogens are always around, but these pathogens are kept at bay by our powerful immune system.
Stress keeps our immune system depressed, allowing different types of viruses and bacteria to take over causing chronic disease.
Stress leads to an interaction of multiple pathogens to create a complex disease process. Pathogen A + B = Disease C, but Pathogens C + E + Q + D = Disease V. There are millions of different combinations leading to millions of different expressions of disease… all which have different symptoms.
People who are stressed, and those who’ve had life altering negative experiences, or an accumulation of stresses… become immune depressed. And some people become exceptionally sensitive to stress which leads to immune suppression.
People who were children of parents who were emotionally stressed are extremely sensitive to stress. Even in the womb we pick up on the stress of our parents…and this leads to many health challenges.
We have more stress than ever before, and our bodies have not changed fast enough to keep up with the onslaught of stress. Change in the human body in general takes thousands of years.
Basically we have a failure of the immune system leading to autoimmune disease.
And sometimes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is misdiagnosed as Adrenal Fatigue, but both of them end up causing immune depression.
So what’s the answer?
Tips to Cure Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Sleep – Get enough sleep… without 7 to 8 hours of sleep our immune system is depleted and we end up with disease. Get up at 6 AM and go to be at 10 PM. We need to reset our circadian rhythms, we have two little cells that flash on and off every second in every organ of our body, and they know when we should be sleeping and should be up and around. – If we go against this way of living we shorten our life span.
Darkness – We also need 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness otherwise our immune system will be depressed and that can lead to disease. Working shift work or staying up all hours of the night under artificial light causes disease.
Water – Drink lots of water – at least 10 glasses of water a day, I recommend at least 1/2 liter in the morning and 1/2 liter in the afternoon and more. Drink Reverse Osmosis Water, you can buy these machines at any home repair center like Home Depot for very little money (it is the best water) even kidney doctors recommend this water for their patients. This is the kind of water we drink at home.
Green Juice – Drink 2 – 8 oz glasses of green alkalizing juice in the per day – Kale, Cabbage, Swiss Chard, Turnip Greens, Beet Greens, and any other kind of green leafy veggie you can find, this is important for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Chlorella – Take 3,000 mgs of Chlorella per day. – you can buy this in 1,000 mg tablets – it is a green algae that has over 60 different nutrients in it and it will do your body good – Powerful
Meditation – First thing in the morning after going to the bathroom – sit down and concentrate on your breathing – breathing in and out, if a thought comes in, say – I will get to that later and go back to your breathing. Do this for 30 Minutes – this gives the mind/body a rest. Even during sleep your mind is not resting – this turns it off for a little while – it takes practice and surrender to the process. Even Dr. Dean Ornish recommends Meditation – and it has nothing to do with Religion – it is about healing – and we now know that people meditate have good genes expressed and bad genes are shut off and not expressed- Wow! Amazing Stuff. – Meditate for 30 minutes first thing in the Morning and about 5PM in the afternoon for 30 Minutes. – It will do your body good.
Breakfast – Have breakfast in the morning with 1 1/2 cups of fruit – and 1/2 cup of almond milk or nut milk of any kind and 1/2 cup of raw flattened oatmeal ( rolled oats). Good old old fashioned Quaker Oats, but don’t cook it, use it uncooked and use stevia, honey, or agave nectar.
Use any kinds of fruit you want – papaya, apples, mangos, berries, strawberries, what ever makes your heart sing – all raw, the different types of fruits and different types of colors you have the better… all contain different live enzymes.
Eat at Least 80% Raw – Cooked food is great but it lacks 75% of the nutrients and 100% of the live enzymes, and those live enzymes are very important for great health. I recommend eating breakfast, lunch, and snacks raw, and then having something hot in the evening if you want.
Lunch – Have a green salad for lunch, with lots of veggies, all raw. Cooked food is seen by the body as an invader – raw is healing.
Veggies – Have lots of different colored foods in your salad, red, yellow, green, purple, all the colors of the rainbow in your beautiful salad, it’s very healing, colored veggies are full of antioxidants that are healing and live enzymes that are powerful.
Green Tea – Drink Green Tea – 3 small cups a day, green tea is full of polyphenols that are great for the immune system.
Snacks – In between meals eat carrot sticks and fruit of any kind as snacks, have 3 snacks a day. You want to eat small meals every 2 hours.
Dinner – For Dinner here is a soup that you can make at home and it is very healing -Make a soup of broccoli, cabbage, kale, swiss chard, turnip greens, been greens, and any other green that you like. Also add 4 cups of beans of your choice like pink beans, garbanzos, lentils, all of the beans are great. Don’t use canned foods, cook the beans yourself, canned foods are toxic. Lots of terrible chemicals in linings of the cans.
Use low sodium or no sodium veggie broth to cook this soup.
You can eat as much of this soup as you like, but only in the evening, need the rest of the day to be raw food.
Something Sweet – If you want something sweet once in a while have some Sorbet. Take frozen bananas and any other kind of frozen fruit and blend them in a powerful blender… and you have a great sorbet. You can add some stevia if you like or agave nectar.
Herbs – Thyme, elder flowers, kalawalla, licorice, astragalus, paudarco, cat’s claw, ginger, echinacea, goldenseal, olive leaf, and andrographis, are all good immune boosting herbs.
Oat Straw Tea is great for relaxing jangled nerves and helping to sooth away the day.
Kava Kava is very relaxing, and in Fiji the native people drink Kava Kava all day long. Cat’s Claw taken in capsules is wonderful for boosting your immune system and also helps with pain and inflammation.
Melatonin will help you get a good nights rest, we produce less and less melatonin over time, and supplementing with a little melatonin each night can help with fatigue.
Ginseng is great for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome because it a good immune boosting herb and also boosts your energy level.
St. Johns Wort has been researched for years and it’s one of the best herbs for lifting your mood and helping to increase serotonin levels in your brain thus helping to reduce pain.
Garlic and Turmeric are great immune boosters and will help get your body back in shape and help prevent disease at the same time.
Double blind studies show that the supplement L-Carnitine helps with pain and other symptoms, plus SAM-e is a mood enhancing supplement that also helps with joint pain and rest. SAM-e increases serotonin and dopamine in your brain thus helping with pain and boosting your mood.
Mushroom supplements have a positive effect on those suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, especially rieshi, shitake, and maitake mushrooms.
Kalawalla a powerful herb for autoimmune disease.
And there are more herbs… but too many to go into here.
Probiotics – Probiotic bacteria are important for boosting your immune system. The more good bacteria you have in your colon the higher your level of immunity. Eat kimchi, natural sauerkraut, or capsules of probiotic bacteria that you can find at your local health food store which will boost your immune system.
Exercise – Walk 5 miles a day, outside if possible, or go to the mall and walk if it’s too hot or cold outside. Walking or swimming is easy on the body and it’s very healing.
Yoga – Also yoga is great for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome… take a class and de-stress.
Friends – Get out and have fun, have a life! Have friends…. that’s important. Being alone all the time will make a person sick… in mind, body, and spirit.
Garden – Start gardening, you need organic veggies and working in a garden is very healing. Start a community garden so everyone can heal… and will help you find friends too.
Live in a Natural Environment – Get out of the city, cities are not natural and cities cause stress. Go back to basics and live in the country where life is much simpler.
Community – Live in a small town where everyone knows your name and cares about you. Join clubs, join the chamber of commerce, and help others who are in need… helping others is very healing.
Get Out in the Sun – Being in the sun every day is healing for the mind and body and improves our mood. A good mood means… a healthy mind and body.
Get Out in Nature – Being in nature helps us to find inner peace and de-stress, get out in nature daily.
Change Your Life – Empower yourself and change your life so you don’t have stress.
Your Thinking – Think positive thoughts, the mind/body is one, and science has proven this. Or find a good counselor who can help.
Laugh – Laughing is very healing, join a laugh therapy group… it will heal everything in your mind and body.
Forgive, Forget, and Move On – Forgiveness is important if we hold resentments and anger it causes challenges in our mind and body, and science has proven this.
Remove the following from your life
No meat, no chicken, no fish, no seafood, no eggs, no cheese, no milk, no added oils, no canned foods, no artificial flavors, no artificial sweeteners, no artificial anything, no chemicals of any kind, if you don’t know what it is, don’t eat it.
No alcohol, no highly spiced food, and use very little salt, no fast food, no processed food. If in doubt don’t eat it.
No wheat, no bread, no barley, no spelt. All of these are highly inflammatory.
No GMO foods. All of these are highly inflammatory.
Eat organic if possible, organic is the best!
If you want protein eat Tofu, Beans, Nuts, Seeds, all organic.
You only need 5 or 6 % protein and that’s exactly what you get eating this way.
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About the Article
This article is meant to get you started… so you can do more research on your own… dig a little deeper and find what works for you. This article is for educational purposes only, I strongly recommend that you seek advice from your own GP, private doctor, or medical specialist for any ailment, illness, or medical condition.. this article not meant to be a scientific analysis in any way, shape, or form.
About the Author
Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at – feel free to contact him any time.

Dr. Paul Haider is a Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at - feel free to contact him any time.
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is not a new disease. (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a misnomer, and should not be used). Descriptions matching this illness date back to 1750. It did not ‘start popping up’ in the 70s and 80s – it was dismissed as other things prior to being identified. There have been suspicious outbreaks which may indicate some specific environmental or viral factor is involved. High stress, low stress, it doesn’t matter – listen to what people who have this disease have to say. They come from all sorts of backgrounds. Stress is not a defining factor in those who become ill.
The cause of ME is not understood, but it typically has a trigger – while a stress event is a possible trigger, MUCH more common is a bout of viral illness such as mono, or even a vaccination which produces a bad reaction. The immune system is triggered, and it over-responds in some fashion. Something goes badly wrong, and an inflammatory process is started, which affects the brain.
The primary symptom of this disease is post-exertional malaise. This means that any exercise, physical or mental, is not recovered from normally, and can trigger symptoms (or a crash, rendering a person bed-bound, if they are done to excess). Let me repeat – excercise is risky for ME patients, and can make them much worse. A person with ME must learn to always underachieve when it comes to physical or mental exertion. Walking 5 miles per day would be laughable, even for someone with mild ME. Advising people with ME to to do this is irresponsible and may do harm.
The author of this article insults everyone who is struggling with this illness. M.E. is, for most, a life sentence. The only way to manage it, is to stay under your energy limits and rest. And hope. Because for some, the condition will get better, with pacing – and for many others, it will not. Many patients with ME turn to health foods and diet changes to try to improve their condition. THIS DOES NOT WORK. Eating a healthy diet makes anyone healthier, but it doesn’t cure (or significantly impact) ME. It makes you a slightly healthier person who has ME. Worst of all, those with moderate to severe ME typically cannot prepare food themselves.
The part about sleep is kind of funny in an ironic sort of way, too, as people with ME often suffer from insomnia, poor sleep, and disrupted sleep. Another hallmark of the condition is unrestorative sleep. No matter how well you sleep, you don’t wake up feeling refreshed.
Stop making light of the hell that is this is disease. Stop letting the insulting moniker of ‘Fatigue’ dictate your thoughts about it. This disease is not about fatigue. Everyone gets ‘fatigued’ sometimes. We did not ruin our health by failing to sleep, or by not eating right, or by not getting enough exercise. It did not happen to us because our lives were too stressful, and there is no cure to be found in addressing all of those things. A sick person taking your advice could become bedridden for life – STOP.
Your “cure” is so far from what would even improve a person with CFS I can’t quantify it. “Get 8 hours of sleep” No amount of sleep relieves the exhaustion of CFS. “Walk 5 miles a day”? I and many sufferers of CFS can barely make it from our beds to the bathroom. Your claim to have a cure for CFS is not only untrue it’s harmful. Remove it from Facebook. Your so-called cure is evil. It can only do harm to someone who is desperate for a cure.
Stress does not cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Nor does unhealthy living. Your assumption that we weren’t eating or exercising properly nor meditating before we got sick is arrogant. Telling us to walk five miles a day is like telling someone with a broken leg to walk on it without a cast in order to heal it. Your “cure” is highly irresponsible.
I’m glad you held their feet to the fire. I believed all of it until I read your n Winged Wolf’s response. Thx I’ll just listen to my body and my common sense. I agree I am desperate not only a cure but maybe just 3 hours a day of being pain free n strong. Bless you. PaS
Thanks for your comment. I’m so confused about it all. And I actually get exhausted reading so much to learn about it. Bless you I actually took notes cuz I felt I was doing something wrong and I need to correct it. I will continue to research all n confirm as much as I can. I’ll list to my body not misleading articles as the one we both just read. Thank you Winged Wolf
Thank you for your information. I was going to try n do what he said. All I want is a day off of all this pain brain fog and inability to lead a normal life. 26 years is a long time to wait for relief. Again Thx Barbara
I wish you well. I know what you’re going through.
‘cure’ is not an appropriate word IMHO..perhaps i may suggest ‘manage’ instead? There have been numerous studies that show stress is not a cause. stress does compound the issue, but sure doesn’t cause it. its an auto-immune response gone wild. my CFS appeared after a horrible bout of Fifth Disease, some contract Epstein-Barr, others contract different viruses. I would agree that walking 5 miles a day does help, but its awfully difficult to get to that stage. I should know. I started with unimaginable exhaustion, and now after at least 7 years of very slowly pushing fwd I am able to run races (1/2 m, 10k, 5k,etc…) . Your article is somewhat mis-leading in that area to say the least!!!.
This article and its author will go down in ME/CFS/SEID history as it will be part of a publication of how not to deal with a disease. Doctors, other health practitioners, the public and their videos, articles, comments will all be collected for historic reference on how patients are blamed and maligned and treated as patients who are not desperate to get well when they have not followed the recommendations to a T.
This article is a good example of how having “Dr.” in front of your name doesn’t mean you are knowledgeable, understanding or wise. My expectations were low as soon as I read the second sentence, which has a grammatical error that junior high kids wouldn’t get away with.
I’ve been dealing with cfs/me/seid since at least April 6, 1987. And I was doing almost everything on this list before I got sick.
Dear Readers, There is no cure for chronic fatigue syndrome. Many of the ideas here are likely to cause harm to someone suffering from it. I urge readers with this condition to look elsewhere for symptom management. Avoid anything that “stimulates” the immune system. Do not attempt to walk five miles. This article oversimplifies a complex condition. It lacks wisdom and understanding.
This quack has a doctorate in religious studies and is apparently a master herbalist. He knows nothing about the sufferering of ME patients or for that matter fibromyalgia sufferers. Just came across an article for diabetics which would frankly put most of us 6ft under
I could go into detail about why this article is not only ill researched, but also dangerous for those newly diagnosed who might actually try walking 5 miles etc. However this has been covered in many of the comments below. The phrase ‘get out and have fun, have a life’ particularly angered me. I would love to do this. I don’t stay indoors and have no life for the fun of it. I think an apology is in order.
Agree with all the comments left about ME/CFS. If you are looking for answers/support join an ME support group on Facebook. Some of them are amazing: The Lighter Side of ME, ME/CFS/Fibro support group for sufferers and carers for example. I have suffered ME for more than 20 years and yes healthy eating and meditation would certainly help but what the dear ‘doctor’ doesnt grasp is that most people with ME struggle to keep themselves washed and clean and get to the kitchen to make food let alone find the energy needed to eat/live like he is suggesting. The amount of time this ‘cure’ would take in a day would only be achievable if you didn’t have ME/CFS, were totally healthy and didnt need to work! Id love to live like this – and would do if i had all the money, time and energy in the world.
This is absolutely ludicrous! Walk 5 miles a day?! AND do yoga AND garden AND get out and enjoy life and be with friends? Like a day of all that is completely possible for someone suffering from CFS. Plus studies have shown that telling someone with CFS to do “graded exercise” is like telling a diabetic to slowly eat more and more sugar. I was working out 4 times a week and had a wonderfully social and active lifestyle. I am NOT sick because I am being lazy and anti-social. I am anti-social and “lazy” because I am sick! If I had the energy and brain power to do any of this I would immediately. And if this man thinks we could walk 5 miles a day, then he has clearly never met anyone with CFS.
THANK YOU! Charles Darwin and Marie Curie were both reported to have ME and that was a little before the 70’s. lol. And 5 miles a day is ludicrous! WHAT was this person thinking??
Yeah the “get out and enjoy life” thing was what really tipped me over the edge. This is all great advice for healthy people who are just stressed out. But this is ridiculous advice for chronically ill people. if i could get out and enjoy life as easy as that, I definitely WOULD BE.
I feel like the article should of been titled ” how to reverse chronic fatigue symptoms ”
There isn’t a cure. Not only did I do the above, I spent 20,000 doing every holistic approach by (5) 4 year naturopath college interns and a 20 year career naturopath professor. Then a 14 week detox IV, Meyer’s IV, plus all the latest equipment red/blue laser etc.
Every alternative treatment from acupuncture to a shaman. I had a 2 year remission period, then went back to being in bed. I’ve had fibromyalgia and fatigue since a drunk driver ran over my body, stressed out childhood and tainted blood transfusion. Chronic Fatigue came years later at age 30 and full disability at 32. Now, I can’t work on social security disability and can’t afford to buy the amount of food and lifestyle above but I do what I can.
I agree many of your suggestions can and will lessen symptoms but not a cure at least not in my opinion.
This is one of the most irresponsible things I’ve ever read. Boy, do you think well of yourself. Your ignorance is embarrassing.
I was diagnosed with CFS for 13 years, bedridden for 7 of those years. I saw 20 + doctors/specialists who all agreed it was CFS. I tried all of the things suggested in this article with NO RESULTS. Wait – not quite true – some of the suggestions (mainly exercise) made me dramatically worse.
After I saw the movie “Under Our Skin”, about Lyme Disease, I found a doctor who makes it his business to understand this disease. I was treated with antibiotics for 15 months and now have my life back, though still in the healing process.
I believe in supporting the body in every way possible through illness and the healing process. In that respect, most of the suggestions here are OK. But they are NOT a cure. And suggesting exercise to someone whose body is overwhelmed by disease is flat out malpractice as far as I’m concerned.
Your “cure” is HIGHLY dangerous!!! People with true CFS can’t and shouldn’t walk 5 miles a day. Pacing and rest are what manages CFS. Someone with real CFS who tries to do that amount of exercise will create further problems for themselves by overdoing so much. Stop spreading such dangerous misinformation. And trouble getting quality sleep is another hallmark of CFS. So telling us to get sleep is ridiculous. The definition of CFS is fatigue that isn’t relieved by normal sleep and rest. As for getting out and joining clubs and gardening, what planet are you from?!?! Many people with true CFS can barely live their lives, barely keep themselves cared for. Yes, socialization is important, but with CFS, having the energy to get out IS the problem. You’ve obviously never truly dealt with people with true CFS. As a true CFS sufferer of 16 years, stop spreading such misinformation and promoting such dangerous suggestions. Studies are now showing that true CFS sufferers don’t process exercise the same way as healthy people. We are exercise intolerant and exercise can be truly damaging to our bodies.
I usually consider OM-Times as an objective and credible source of information. This one is so far off base, it’s almost laughable … The latest thinking is that LOL, no disrespect intended but ummmm, while I agree with broad suggestions which EVERYONE might do for their own health, I doubt this “doctor” has little direct experience with this illness. I was 29 in 1990 when I was diagnosed …. A key element of the “dis-ease” is INSOMONIA ….. In fact, while I don’t believe it’s stated as such, it seems to have its own sleep disorder. SO while the concept of getting enough sleep is sound, SURE .. try it.
All this said, I have healed my body in signficant ways. Through lifestyle and diet changes, but primarly through energy “medicine” … most recently Trinity Energy Progression.
I’d love an opportunity to write an alternative piece on this topic as I have first-hand experience as well as extensive knowledge on the topic ~Laurel <3 <3
I made the mistake of reading this rubbish. I would never wish this disease on any person, though you are close..but dont tell those of us suffering you can cure walking several miles a day, or live in small communities. Could you know any less about the condition..seriously stupid.
Move along sufferers and be well.
I cannot find the “remedy” article to read but have gotten lots of info from comments. I doubt that this disorder, finally recognized by the CDC in 1993, will ever be resolved. Mine came on overnight after my father and son both died suddenly within 2 months. Yep, I was stressed taking care of my father, attending to my mom’s emotional needs while she watched my father deteriorate, and raising a teenager. I was working out 5 days a week at the YMCA after work and was in the best physical health I had ever been in. For 7 years doctors doubted me! Who would want this disorder? I am a type “A” person and while I was clinically depressed for a 2 year period after these deaths, I was clearly not depressed the following 5 years. I quit my stressful job and quit taking chemicals(medications). I finally settled on listening to only one doctor….he had this disorder in med school while he was paying his way thru school and his father died. He ended up living in the streets. His name is Dr. Teitelbaum. Check him out. He is retired now living in Hawaii.
Well, I finally found the article and read it. This guy has wonderful suggestions for healthy living but not necessarily for CFS, Fibromyalgia, etc. I tried walking 4 miles one day and was in bed for the next 2 days! Moderation is the key for me. Moderation in exercise, diet, social activities, etc. Sometimes I just have to close my doors and go to bed for no obvious reason. I just do it. I have learned to listen to my body and obey it. Dirty dishes in the sink, dirty clothes in the hamper, bills unpaid……when I feel the need to crash, I just do it! I try to stay away from chemicals, esp in food. I am 70 yrs old and contracted this “monster” at age 38.
Who is your doctor and where is he?
I cannot even imagine being able to run!
Why do so many writers, journalists and even doctors use “stress” in such a pseudo-scientific way? You may as well replace it with “magic sauce” or something, because the mention of stress is used so non-specifically.
For me it was a question of starting slowly and only doing what I could manage on any given day. It still is. Some days I run, some days I walk, other days I sleep.
I don’t manage 5 miles a day every day – i’m pretty sure that would kill me anyway. I manage to do what I can, and that is enough. I don’t have a ‘5 miles or bust’ mantra and I can’t help but think that number was randomly pulled out of someones ‘trick bag’ 😉
I do part time live-in work with seniors. After a three day stint, it takes another few days for me to regroup mentally, physically and emotionally. I don’t want to leave my bedroom or leave the house. I just want to sleep, read or write. Writing is soothing.
Chronic Fatigue seems like a rebound illness. It’s like a reaction to being in a state of ‘heightened awareness’ for a long period of time. After a semester at college, I would fall into depression and exhaustion. Just before a new semester I would be full of energy again. Afterward, the same ole thing. I would be lethargic, restless and mildly depressed.