Oracle for May 2014 – Contemplation

By Darity Wesley
The energies and directions for the month of May are evolving around contemplation. The idea that contemplation is the key to May is amazing, when things are so wild, so intense right now, eh? Do you feel it? I sure do! Contemplation? Really? Who has “time” to contemplate???? Wait, wait…let’s see what the Oracle has to say about contemplation as the focus for the month of May.
Now, as the Oracle always likes to do, look at how this word is defined in the dictionary. We may think we know what contemplation is or have a feeling for the word, but let’s see how it is defined. This is important, first of all, because misunderstanding words prevents the truth of the matter from coming into our consciousness. Second, it is important because we truly are expanding these concepts. As we move into the new landscape of the new reality and step boldly in the face of all this chaos, we know in our hearts that All Is Well.
So, contemplation, what does it mean? One dictionary defines contemplation as “the action of looking thoughtfully at something for a long time.” Another: “The act of thinking deeply about something.” Yet another: “The act of looking carefully at something.” And another: “The act of full or deep consideration.” So, with all these definitions, we get a strong feeling about the direction the Oracle is pointing us this month: thoughtful, deep, careful consideration.
Massive amounts of energy are pouring forth on the planet at this time. These energies affect us at personal, professional and spiritual levels. It is now, even with all the intensity, with so many things to do, so much happening in the world and in our personal experiences that we are to contemplate. –Contemplate what? The answer is: Contemplate it all–thoughtful, deep, careful consideration of everything we are doing; including contemplation of our big vision and the big picture of the new reality.
The month of May will find us riding our wild horses through the mazes of life. Yet, while we are riding and dealing with everything coming our way, we will find a space, a reminder to stay in a contemplative mode along the way. We do not need to stop to contemplate. At the same time, it may be a good thing to stop and contemplate. Let your spirit be your guide. The important thing is that we do it!
There is much information being channeled right now about what is going on here on this planet, and if we feel it, if we see it, we know the truth of the matter. So the point of this Oracle is to advise that while we are going through all this we are to contemplate everything along our way. This is not a time to be skipping through the daisies without a thought for anything. While those times are wonderful and necessary, this is not one of them. If you look at it from a religious perspective, contemplation is the same, yet differently focused.
From a Christian perspective, the word ‘contemplation,’ for over 16 centuries, had the specific meaning of “resting in God.” In this “resting,” the mind and heart are not so much seeking God, as beginning to experience what they have been seeking. Contemplation, from this perspective, makes it a state of being, not the suspension of all activity, as many other belief structures hold.
In the Hindu tradition, contemplation is conscious awareness of God. It is conscious oneness. Swami Mukundananda says: “Contemplation means repeatedly bringing any aspect of Divine knowledge to the intellect. Contemplation helps strengthen the knowledge in the intellect. It is one of the most potent means of illuminating the intellect with the light of Divine knowledge.”
From a Muslim perspective, IslamWeb says that “contemplation is one of the greatest deeds performed by the heart; it is the key that opens the door which allows the light of guidance to enter; it is the initial step in the direction of correct understanding and comprehension; many people know its virtue but are unaware of its reality, essence and its fruits.”
The spiritual, non-religious, perspective brings all of these concepts together. All of these are true and impact us in the same way, as we contemplate everything this month as well as when we contemplate contemplation, eh?
If we first understand that “spirituality” is not a belief system or an ideology, and see that it is the surrender of one’s ego to the infinite wisdom and knowledge that is the Universe or what the Oracle calls “All That Is,” then contemplation is part of that surrender. ‘How does that work?’ you may ask.
If our soul’s journey is to support our physical incarnation to become conscious, enlightened, and aligned with our divine source, we may truly feel like we are coming to that understanding or are definitely working in that direction, or may be there with the experience of putting that energy out into the world. Well, no matter where we are on the path, to contemplate, to be in a state of being in communication–communion, if you will–with our higher self, as well as our guides, angels and spirits, is a most important practice for the month of May.
More and more information will be flowing in through us, up from the planet and down from the heavens. We know that what is above is below and what is outside is within. This is, indeed, part of our spiritual understanding along the way. It is something to be meditated upon and thought about, no matter what is going on in our lives.
We see the progression through this year so far: getting grounded was first, then we worked on being flexible, then mustering our integrity, standing in the truth of our convictions, and now taking the space to contemplate all that has gone on. Let the love flow as we feel what we have been through, and contemplate the larger changes to come as we move more and more into our new lives through this month of May.
Said before, as a reader of this Oracle, you are a way-shower. As we grow and change and become more and more authentic, as we contemplate our soul’s journey and in the state of love, consider in deep reflection what this all means for us individually. We change not only the collective humanity but, really, the entire cosmos. We know now that everything affects everything else, as it is indeed all connected. So, work now to incorporate the concept of contemplation to each and every thing that you are doing.
Our willingness to follow our spirit’s directions from deep reflective contemplation–doing whatever is needed, whatever our inherent wisdom tells us, whatever our heart propels us to do–we do it from our contemplative state. As the Oracle has said before, and will say again, we do it all while being honest, truthful, congruent, authentic, transparent, and compassionate.
This Oracle is here to encourage us; yet again and always, to step into our real, true selves; to be wholly who we are! It is here to support the expansion of our spirits. Know that spirit supports you each and every step of the way. Always remember…love is all you need.
Let your mantra for the month of May be: I AM bringing a contemplative stance to my life with compassionate action, which allows it all to flow naturally and non-violently from a place of inner strength and grace…And So It Is!!!
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About the Author
Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at See her bio here on © 2014 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved.

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