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8 Things You Didn’t Know About Death

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Death

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What happens when you die?  What do you really know about death?

8 Things My Bad-Boy Brother Taught Me About Death



When my brother Billy woke me three weeks after he died, describing what was happening to him in the afterlife, I thought maybe I had gone a little crazy. How could my bad-boy brother, who died a tragic death, who had problems with addiction all his life, who didn’t live what most people would call a successful life, how could he be sharing secrets about life’s greatest mystery from another dimension? But as time passed, my skepticism turned to wonder as Billy taught me all about death.


Things You Didn’t Know About Death

1. The First Thing that Happens is Bliss. As soon as you die, you’re sucked out of your body into a Healing Chamber. The lights in that Chamber erase all the harm you suffered during your entire lifetime, physical, mental and emotional. So, in less than a nanosecond, all your pain is gone.


2. You Still Feel Like Yourself. Even though you don’t have your body anymore, you still feel like an individual. Actually, you feel more like yourself than you did when you were alive. There’s so much influence from others while you’re on earth that in a way you don’t get to be you.


3. Light Has a Personality. In the afterlife, the light rays have qualities like wisdom, kindness, compassion, and intelligence. This light makes visible what is invisible on earth, the Divine nature of all things.


4. Sin and Punishment is a Human Concept. There’s a lot of mumbo jumbo on earth about what might be waiting for you after you die. Making mistakes while you’re alive is part of the earth deal. If we had to be perfect to get to so-called Heaven, no- one would make it there.


5. Your Life On Earth Isn’t a Punishment Either. Sure, there’s pain in life, but not because you’ve done anything to deserve it. Pain is part of the human experience, as natural as breath or eyesight or blood moving through your veins.


6. After You Die, Instead of Judgment Day There’s No-Judgment Day. When you review your life, you see the paths you took and the ones you didn’t. You see where your genius was and where you might have done better, but you don’t feel judgmental about it. And even though it might not make sense to you now, after you die you understand that you had a great life, even the hard parts.

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7. You’re Happy You Look Like Yourself. You’re not concerned with the way you look. There are no pretensions or efforts to appear any which way. You just radiate, which is effortless.


8. Love Is Not the Same As Earth Love. You’re not loved because of what you do, how you look, how famous you are, or how much money you make. It’s not like yesterday I loved you, but today I don’t anymore. Love is truly unconditional. Most controversial of all is that in the afterlife there’s perfect compassion and no matter how you lived you are loved.

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You will also enjoy Annie Kagan: Insights of the Afterlife and 7 Things You Didn’t Know About Love

About the Author

When she was sixteen, Annie Kagan was signed by a producer from Columbia Records. After 10 years of performing her songs in New York City clubs, Annie returned to college and became a chiropractor with a private practice in Manhattan. When her brother Billy died unexpectedly and began speaking to her from the afterlife, her future took a surprising turn. She recorded her conversations with Billy from the other side and published them in her debut book The Afterlife of Billy Fingers.

View Comments (82)
  • Great article. I have the book and it is AMAZING!!! Very reassuring and well worth it. Also, the facebook group adds a nice spark to your feed.

  • I had a NDE at the age of seven, long before anyone was talking about NDE’s. I find this article to be commiserate with what I experienced.

  • This is my baby Charles he passed away November 18 2012 , my son send me so many messages when he first passed away, what she has written in her book about her brother are so true, my questions were always wondering what is the after life like after reading I now know, i still grief for my son but the book helped me to move forward knowing my son was living better then me 🙂

  • I am reading “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers”. I find it so comforting to have a glimpse into a dimension I’ve always wondered about. Great read. Thanks for the insight, Anna.

  • I believe this without a doubt, cause that feeling/space is what I’ve always been longing for.As if I remembered that I’ve already been there. For now I’m happy to create heaven on earth.Beautiful.

  • so you weren’t just grieving, having a meltdown, seeing things that weren’t there??? how do we know your brother spoke to you? How do we know that you weren’t crazy or having a breakdown? What evidence do you have?

  • the earth was below me nd the universe sooo spectacular so beautiful , wanted to go on to this city i’ve seen tht look so beautiful nd awesome ,but my kids draw me bck ,I could not leave my boyz , a coma for 28 dayz seem like so fast for me ,it ddn’t feel tht long .have been through nd seen a lot durin tht time in a coma ………

  • What about serial killers and child molesters? Are you telling me there are no repercussions for what they’ve done? Why bother trying to be a decent human being?

  • I loved the book and the message BUT it makes me think if its soooo much nicer in death why should I stay here. I get confused by this and I feel I just want to go there now.

  • I love this, and this is what I believe, although I know I don’t know.
    I’m not completely resonating with number One. A while back, my father visited me while a friend was assisting me with chores and chat. We both felt my dad’s presence and Calli-Girl was watching him; she could see them all the time (sometimes she would get upset, so I believe in negative spirit). My friend could hear my dad, and Calli was just a little subdued. My dad was agitated. He was missing my mommy, and wanted to tell me the truth about her young death (I kind of assumed she’d been reborn to just “clean things up” a but after a hard life.). There was a lot of mystery, accusations,…He wanted me to know, but wasn’t sure I could handle it. I was ready. He explained the trial medication and its effects (I had already guessed that part, keeping it mostly to myself.)–and the mistakes in the Emergency Room. My friend and I assisted my dad to let go of the residual anger he felt.
    So, how does this fit Kagan’s experience, using the premise all these are real?

  • Something happened to me a few years back where I pastout and bashed my chin..while this was happening I was in a complete state of the most beautiful calm serene feeling ever …then it was like someone grabbed the back of my shirt and sucked me right back and I woke up bleeding …I cried for days I felt like I died for a moment …it was such a beautiful feeling ..if thats what its like to die ? Im sooo NOT afraid …just not ready 😉 fabulous experience

  • eh, ….I think I’m calling bullshit on this article. In times of extreme despair, when the central nervous system is experiencing emotion on a level like it probably never has before, people can have what seem like out of body experiences or thoughts so strong they are certain they’re being contacted by someone from another dimension. Well, they kind of are – a part of their brain they’ve never spoken to before. I’m sure this author had some deep, deep , intrinsic reflection about how she wished the after life to be for her brother but, …sorry folks, I’m not buying the “dead brother 8 step program to the afterlife” bit. I will never allow myself to believe that someone can do anything their sick mind may desire and have it lead up to a heavenly afterlife. Is she saying people can lie, cheat, steal, rob, plunder or do anything they want and still arrive at pure bliss in the afterlife? That’s how the article reads to me. How about someone who rapes, murders or tortures little children? Is she saying when they die it *REALLY* gets good? Nope. Sorry. Some people go to hell.

  • Christine, you could be ready for the “Seth Material” info by Jane Roberts. We’re here for good reasons, but it’s our thoughts/beliefs that create our own version of reality. Events/people are drawn to you, you show up ‘there’ to learn. When you work on ‘you’, your world will change. We do show up w/a blueprint in the beginning, so to speak, but not a 100% guaranteed life event plan — blueprints can be altered, right??? Forgiving and letting go, thank ’em for whatever happened and move on to visualizing good/enjoyable things will enhance your experiences. Just be patient.
    Wish you the best. 😉

  • This comment is completely (and quite literally) insane. You’re telling everyone here that without any impending punishment, you, and the rest of the world around you, would slide into a state of mass murderers and rapists? Are you kidding me? Are you really asking what else is keeping you from being a completely depraved human being? How about decency? Altruism? Love? I mean if even just for the sheer stability of your society? I don’t know about you but I live everyday without any eternal consequences for my actions and I’m living and loving and respecting everyone around me. I don’t understand how anyone could be this incredibly asinine.

    Oh and P.S. If you’re a member of the Christian faith (I’m not sure if you are or aren’t) as long as those vile people you were talking about accept Jesus, no matter what they’ve done, they get in to heaven, while I, an apostate, regardless of how well I’ve lived my life, am locked out and sent to hell (or maybe annihilated depending on who you ask) so no matter how you look at it…it’s not really about morality anyway.

  • You want inpending punishment, not forgiveness for all …please reread your post ,,, do not cast the fist stone unless you have never sinned

  • Cindy, did YOU read my post? I don’t want a god damn thing to do with impending (not to mention eternal) punishment, that’s what Marilyn wants. I’d ask that you please read posts before you respond.

  • none. you are still viewing things from your human perspective and that is ok. do what is best for you.

  • And THAT is the question I was waiting for. A sign you MIGHT be crazy is that you “see dead people”.

  • Look man, that’s all fine and dandy, but I sincerely think you might need to see a mental health professional. NOT one from the “East”. Don’t even get me started on how shamans (which is more or less what any “spiritual individual from the East” is) are confirmed to be full of themselves, not to mention crazy.

  • Christians dont believe in ghosts, ghosts are considered Demons God didn’t create ghosts. Anyone thats willing to repent and look for God will receive him and will inherit eternal life.

  • What are you talking about??? Did I say anything about ghosts?? Are any of you actually reading my comment?

  • Tell me please, how can you be so sure of what you pretend to know. You’ve been there? How many times? For how long? it/s very easy joking other’s experiences and feelings. If you want to be sure it’s a fake, read the book. See you then.

  • Marilyn Scuto and Chris. We are not here by accident. Each of us live to serve a purpose. If you are supposed to be a saint, a murderer, a beggar – whatever, it is because you must accept consciousness as it manifests itself . Religion has nothing to do with being brought up well. Some of our most influential people were brought up in abuse and pain; religion became part of that person eventually – if at all. Murderers are not cultivated – people begin to see, feel, embrace life and act accordingly. Love, hate, revenge, power, service contribute to the lives of others too. If someone is meant to die unnaturally, albeit an accident or murder, there has to be someone to carry out their mission in relation to the other person’s demise. Whatever this article is to you – appreciate someone else’s experience. Write your’s down and see how amazingly everything just fits together. Peace!

  • HAVE TO AGREE WITH U ADAM OOPS SORRY CAPS their I do know I have seen my dad, he had been dead well over 20 yrs when he came to me all he said was u have to get your mom she is sick he came to me 3 nights in a row by the fourth day I got to mom and he was right she had double pneumonia and would have died had we not gotten to her her care giver was just letting he die but that is another legal story. anyone I have ever spoken to who has spoken to those who passed over npot one has been told anything about the after life and for some silly reason i beleive that thought our loved ones even those we do not know but see are not allowed to speak of the after life just my opinion condisering no one who died and stayed dead has spoken of it

  • Well first of all I wasn’t joking – I was commenting on the article. Secondly, even you yourself referred to the authors statements as “experiences and feelings”. I never denied that she had this experience or the *feelings* that came along with it but feelings aren’t facts and I guess in the end no one can either prove or disprove the story because it is an account of one persons experience. I simply don’t believe that her brother returned to her with a road map of the afterlife. It’s just my opinion. Heaven forbid I should ever loose a close loved one or a child in some tragic way – I’m sure I would spend every moment both awake and asleep trying to make some connection in my head and not letting go. I’m sure if I tried hard enough I would make that connection – even if it were fantasy. All I’m saying is the intimate details of the hereafter as outlined in this story are difficult for me to believe.
    I would never make light of someones death or the suffering that a loved one endures in the aftermath, but I say again, the in depth nature of the messages brought back by her brother from the dead are difficult for me to believe. This is my feeling.

  • Just because there is no eternal Hell doesn’t mean there are no repercussions. I’ve read it being described as an ‘acid shower’ when the light strips away your evil and sins, the more evil the more it hurts to have the evil washed away. However it is not a punishment as God is not human and therefore doesn’t have the human failing of wanting to see people suffer just cause He’s mad at them. It is simply a consequence of having evil that needs stripping away. Makes a lot more sense than Hell in my opinion.

  • Let me copy and paste my reply above for you.
    Just because there is no eternal Hell doesn’t mean there are no
    repercussions. I’ve read it being described as an ‘acid shower’ when the
    light strips away your evil and sins, the more evil the more it hurts
    to have the evil washed away. However it is not a punishment as God is
    not human and therefore doesn’t have the human failing of wanting to see
    people suffer just cause He’s mad at them. It is simply a consequence
    of having evil that needs stripping away. Makes a lot more sense than
    Hell in my opinion.

  • Actually a lot have spoken to a loved one about it. Most people either don’t talk about it for fear of being ridiculed or else write it in a book or article which some people believe and some ridicule.

  • A shaman is a religious leader of a Native American tribe. They are not “from the East”. As far as being crazy that certainly may be true. On the other hand so are most Priests, Ministers, Rabbi’s, Witches, Fakirs, Gurus, Atheists, Gnostics, politicians, etc etc etc etc That still leaves everyone free to decide for themselves what to believe and that’s the first thing my counselor told me when I brought up religion. A mental health professional is NOT there for religious purposes. Maybe you are just not psychic or receptive enough to have picked up anything that lets you believe in spiritual matters. That doesn’t mean that those who do are any more crazy than those who don’t.

  • Our bodies are our house, our souls live in these houses. The body dies but a soul does never die. If you leave this world without accepting Jesus christ as your lord and savior, you do not go to a blissful place but are cast into outter darkness and eternal torment. I believe to me at least that the worst torment would be to look around and see your loved ones in the same torment, them that you never told about the love of God and his only begotten that laid down his life that we might have peace with God our father, all that because you didnt accept the love of God for your own souls sake

  • Faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God. You do not have to understand it all, the holy spirit gives understanding because only he knows it all. You dont even have to be a firm believer, you do not need to be a perfect person and you cannot be a perfect person, there is only ONE that is perfect, you need only to have a willing heart and mind!

  • I guess in the end we’ll all have to agree that the story itself as well as all of the opinions posted in response, including mine; are belief systems that can never be proved or disproved by anyone. Cya….

  • Would you feel good after raping a child? You live as a decent human being because you feel lousy when you don’t. It’s that simple. The repercussion for serial killers is they HAVE TO BE THEM. Can you imagine the sickening darkness that would be in that sad life?

  • Oddly enough, I’ve experienced these things in ceremony with Ayahuasca, except maybe that i still felt like an individual, because I didn’t. My ego boundaries dissolved and I was one with the totality of existence, which I would call unconditional love.

  • We have a son on the other side, he passed 4mo after a leukemia diagnosis on Oct 22, 2007 at 16yo. My husband is a professional medium, so we have never lost our connection with our son, & we work with him now. We totally agree with this article!

    I was molested & beaten by my stepfather, when he died I KNOW he was surrounded by love not judgement. So why bother doing the right thing? Well, I know we have our life review & there is no hiding behind an ego with it. You get to see the great & not so great things you did. YOU get to evaluate if you came here and lived the life you signed up for. YOU get to feel the joy & pain you created. Personally I want to look back at my life & be able to say, “Job well done!”

  • Y Marilyn??? R u just follow the rules or pretend to b good because its a reword a prize for that? Amazing your question is sick……

  • When I started reading the comments abut this beautiful experience, whether “real” or not, I knew it would degenerate into an argument. So sad.

  • It’s really difficult to know since it requires faith rather than physical concrete data. Everyone has an experience that means something personal to them. If it gives comfort instead of sadness, then so be it.

  • I didn’t delve that far into that this is what the author was trying to convey. I think she was more or less suggesting a possibility of some of what occurs. But I suppose you’re right it might’ve helped to also address what happens to those human souls who live an evil life such as murder, violence, hate etc. No doubt there is a lot of that in the world and they don’t get the same free pass that those who were good get.

  • I think you can tune in yourself and be able to give us some data about what you’re picking up on regarding the afterlife. Try it and see what you get. You have the abilities to do so. Obviously first remove the doubts you have, which are understandable as that’s the human condition and what we were taught by other human souls.

  • Just because you feel differently is no reason to harp on someone else’ beliefs. Many people believe in Shamans and other spiritual healers. Just because you don’t is no reason to judge. If you want to have a say on these aspects, make sure you are knowledgeable on the subject.

  • what if the brother is a demon wanting her to “think” he is the one she is communicating with? so now all the readers of her book will think it ok to sin, murder, etc. so the devil gets their soul? someone doesn’t want me to write this, third time i’ve been knocked off this page. woooo scarry

  • Believe Adam. I’ve had numerous experiences (all good) with this sort of thing and also experienced my dead child’s soul leaving his body. Didn’t see it but heard the child angels coming for him. They were laughing and squealing, so happy. Dozens of them. Passed right through me and the laughter finally faded away, my child was gone. It was surreal and something I will never forget.

  • I agree, I find that the tortured souls that are here in this plain have soooo much more suffering internally than they expressed externally. I pray for their suffering to end in that they may reduce their suffering to others. I pray for the souls that had to endure the wrath of the damaged souls that they learn, grow, develop and help protect those after who can not. I am a product of extremely tortured souls, I have released it and now send and develop so much love for those that are now a product so that they may heal and release and learn to accept love. You can not live in fear and in love……………

  • Marilyn, I’m sorry that many people immediately got upset with you for stating how you felt. I understand your concern and feeling the way you do is very human and normal. I’ve understood that when we die, we become completely back to a place of enlightenment/all knowing. The pain and suffering, regret, even “sins” become dealt with and cleansed. The core of soul is pure love and light. A soul who incarnated in a body that committed murder can recognize the complications of its human reality (sometimes contributed to biological disorders, circumstantial situations, faulty DNA or genetic brain dysfunctions causing sectors of the brain to be more violent, emotionally absent, etc) and the soul knows how to rectify it energetically. At which point, a soul can reincarnate and choose to redo another life and try again, or participate in other ways.
    The earth and evolution of human beings are a work in progress. All life experiences (good and bad) are catapulting the consciousness of human beings in higher dimensional planes. My human self has no idea why there even needs to be evil. Even if a God existed, why one would allow such a thing to exist (that it would create)….but something within me reminds me that what we do every time we come into this life form is to build and evolve this planet and all its inhabitants into a state of better, improved, and more harmonic tendencies as our true soul nature. Hence, “Heaven on Earth.”

  • I’m sorry for your loss Jane but it sounds like you experienced something far beyond anything most people can relate to. No one can take that from you and even if they tried, you *know* what your truth is so it wouldn’t matter to you, I’m sure.
    As I mentioned before, experiences and beliefs are silly to debate. One cannot take from another that which cannot be taken – a belief or an experience.
    If we may step aside from your story for a second, I still make the claim that people have a tendency to believe things when they most need something to believe in. I watched a you tube video yesterday of someone claiming that some creature was visible climbing out of Japan’s Tsunami flood waters in this clip. The clip shows, and everyone that commented agreed, that a propane bottle was punctured in the maelstrom of the flood and released a big puff of gas into the air. It was plain as day and simple to see, but the person posting the video will NEVER agree. They see what they need or want to see and no one will ever convince them otherwise.
    I’m finished now. Everyone’s point of view is well understood here.

  • Do we get to join and stay with our loved ones in the afterlife? I sure hope so. ????

  • Your son is eternal. The metaphysical connection with you will be forever. Once you die and leave this Earth suit, you will be together again?

  • Are there repercussions to actors to the roles they play in movies…even when they are playing villains? The source sees us in exactly the same way that most of us see a character that an actor is playing in a movie. We know perfectly well that the actor is NOT that character. We may not like the character…but we know that the actor is not him or her. Infinite consciousness, or the source..sees us exactly the same way. Our life experiences are merely roles we are playing…nothing more. And the source also knows that we ARE NOT those roles.

  • I find the older I get(72) the more relevant these discussions become. My husband, a former pastor does agree we will know “all” upon passing into another realm.

  • There are repercussions and its called Karma. They will experience it in their next life only to teach them and help them grow into better human beings if they choose to do so. Sometimes it can take many lifetimes to learn from our past mistakes.
    If you are really curious about the afterlife, read the book Journey of Souls by Michael Newton. He is known for past life regression and everything described in this article is what his patients remember during their hypnosis. We’ve all been there but we don’t remember because everything is meant to be a new experience to learn from. Our souls are eternal and living on earth helps us evolve spiritually.

  • I spent many years hiding my death journey from my doctors and others. I was ashamed and felt like I would be called, crazy. It is my truth. Hit by a drunk driver, head on at 105 MPH in 1989 I was DOA. What is written above is TRUE! I’ve never felt such peace and bliss after I died. I was angry I was forced back. I’m glad it wasn’t my time..Because of the absolute joy I’ve experienced since that time..Everyone has a time to pass.. I was lucky! Skeptical? You’ll see…The reason I put this here is to let others know the truth., Your loved ones that have passed are in utter peace and bliss that can’t honestly be explained in words. Rest easy, they’re is the people left in this world, that suffer without them. I assure you, they’re much better off. They are happy and in no pain..You feel no pain…I have to remind myself of my own death experience, when I think of my deceased Mother, husband, father, and friends..They’re truly in bliss..I’m the one waiting for my time to receive my bliss again..and this time forever..Until then I educate others about not fearing death.and where religion..God intertwines into this..Many have shared they’re death experiences with me and we all agree…Life is now..It’s about making memories, visiting with your loved ones during your allotted time on earth..having an impact on the world–sharing your message and love..So be good and make positive memories with your loved ones who are passing on..It’s the best thing we can do..we’re all guaranteed one thing, death..we are not guaranteed LIFE! Make it count.

  • She’s NOT crazy…You should believe…Maybe the angels are sending us a message? Even GOD? better yet? The Universe? For some reason, we brought that message back..we lived against all odd’s to tell. I died on the side of the road…

  • While my husband lay dying in the ICU, we were getting ready to transfer him to Palliative Care. He knew, though he had not been conscious for some time and he knew it was finally time after years and years of hanging on through all his illnesses and diseases and heart attacks. When the hospital staff came in to tell us the room was ready, my daughter was by his side and he woke excitedly saying “I’m going, I’m going”. My daughter stroked his head and told him it would be okay and he would be okay and then they came to take him to his final resting place in the hospital. After they got him settled in we went into the room to see him. His heart was beating, his eyes were fixed, he was on machines but he was not there. We soon realized that when he told my daughter he was going, we knew then his soul left his body at that moment and I am left to imagine that a band of Angels came to whisk him into the next leg of his journey. It gives me great comfort in this life to know that he is at total peace, pain free and finally lives in a place of unconditional love where suffering no longer exists!!! Do I know that for sure? Of course not but that is the essence of Faith, at least for me!

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