How to Overcome Emotional Pain

How to Overcome Emotional Pain Holistically and Naturally
by Joseph V Cassarino
Emotional Pain can be devastating and often occurs after a break up, death or divorce. Emotional pain can also be debilitating. Emotional pain can affect your mood; performance, professional life, relationships, and can occupy your mind and cause you to lose interest in almost everything except your emotional pain. Emotional pain can cause you to fall into depression and cause you to consider yourself worthless. It can even make you feel as if you have no reason to live or induce destructive behavior like alcohol or drug abuse, none of which are the proper way to heal or improve your condition. Professional counseling or psychotherapy are popular ways to overcome emotional pain and are effective and recommended by most. However, another way to overcome heartache pain holistically and naturally can be enhanced by acknowledging, meditating and improving nutrition.
Acknowledging your emotional pain is the first step to overcoming heartache. You cannot begin to heal emotionally until you realize you are in pain. Hiding and masking your feelings is unhealthy and can lead to illness and disease. When a person suppresses emotions, they can take on physical illness as cancer, aids, shingles, depression and other physical illnesses, which emerge from emotional pain or suppression. Often those in emotional pain deny their pain in order to function. Often those in denial will look outside of themselves in an attempt to repair themselves. However, in order to heal themselves, those in emotional distress need to dig into their conscious awareness and look inside themselves to find the real support to foster the sense of wellbeing they need. The road to improvement and growth is by acknowledging your emotional pain and then searching inside your consciousness to become fully aware of your inner turmoil.
At the core of pain is some sort of belief a person is not good enough or has done something terrible. Most of these feelings are suppressed from childhood when the person was conditioned to feel a certain way or encouraged to suppress feelings. These core wounds from childhood, become unconscious and get buried deep inside our minds until they surface later on. The trick is to allow yourself to feel what is really going on inside of you and allow yourself to feel it. The other trick is to realize, none of us have ever done anything bad. We are all part of the divine source. We are all light and love vibrating at a high frequency. What we have been conditioned to believe, is what has usually caused our pain. Acknowledge your pain and begin to heal the emotional distress. We were created to have experiences, make mistakes and learn from those mistakes. We can either learn to forgive and to love and trust our inner source, our instincts or we can live in fear, misery and pain. It is all a conscious decision. However, we have to acknowledge and understand we have the power inside us to evolve and grow spiritually and emotionally.
Meditation is the key to connecting to the universe-God. When you learn how to meditate, you discover how to tap into the source and enter that state of awareness that is not possible in the typical environment. After you meditate and clear your mind, you start to realize you are connected to everything and everything is connected on a much deeper level than you imagine. You discover, what you once believed becomes obsolete after you connect to the inner source and begin to hear the voice of a higher power after you clear your mind of the chatter inside your head. You need to free your mind of the chatter, the clutter and the usual, conditioned thoughts in your mind and meditation is the way to do that. You need to connect to the universe from a blank canvas sort to speak. Reading books on meditation will help guide you how to meditate. Meditating allows you to become more centered, clear and focused. Meditating is one of the most healthy, natural ways to obtain optimum health.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that the majority of chronic diseases could be prevented by proper self-care. That is, by people managing their own stress and lifestyle. Meditation prevents stress from getting into the system and meditation, releases accumulated stress that is in the system. When a person meditates, their physiology undergoes a change and every cell in the body is filled with more energy. This results in joy, peace and enthusiasm. On the physical level meditation, lowers blood pressure, lowers the levels of blood lactate, reducing anxiety attacks and decreases tension related pain, such as tension headaches, ulcers, insomnia, muscle and joint problems. Meditation also increases serotonin production, which improves mood behavior and the immune system, all of which will help you overcome heartache.
On the path to overcoming emotional pain, it is important to understand all facets of your health. Emotional pain is similar to physical pain in that it hurts as much. By improving your nutrition, you also aid your mental state of mind in the same way good nutrition aids physical injury. Therefore, the more you do to improve your diet from that of unhealthy food intake to that of rich, unprocessed, whole foods, the better nutrition your body will receive and the better your brain will function. What you eat affects your mood and your health. Therefore, eating healthy combined with other positive lifestyle choices will help you overcome heartache holistically. Many health professionals advocate a healthy diet is one of the most important elements for treating depression. If your body is not getting proper nutrients, it is most likely; your brain is not receiving those nutrients it needs to function optimally. Switch to whole, unprocessed foods. Whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts included with lean meats and low fat dairy products are more likely to stabilize your mood than eating processed foods which offer minimal or little nutrients and which are mostly full of sugar or corn syrup. Food with added sugar is most likely to make your blood sugar rise and fall during the day, leading to mood swings. Getting enough vitamins and minerals is equally important for maintaining optimum health and warding off depression.
Research has found omega-3 fatty acids, foliate, and vitamin B12 may help depression and a deficiency of these nutrients may be a risk factor for depression. You may not be aware. However, mostly all of the processed foods we eat on a daily basis, the “fast foods” consist of hardly any nutrients and deplete our energy. Most processed foods and most fast foods that you eat out are laden with chemicals. Chemicals have a negative impact on brain function. Your body would benefit immensely if your cells were receiving essential nutrients and vitamins to fuel it properly and you now know this effects you emotionally as well as physically. This is why improving your diet is an important step to overcoming heartache. I’m not a dietician or nutritionist. Please consult with your doctor or dietician before making any significant changes to your diet.
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About the Author
Joseph V Cassarino is Founder of aimed at helping individuals overcome heartache, heartbreak and divorce pain. Joseph is a published author, speaker and coach offering private coaching sessions outdoors and surrounded in nature along the Hudson River in beautiful, Rhinebeck, N.Y.

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