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Healing Karmic Relationships

Healing Karmic Relationships


Have you ever felt a strong connection with another, yet you have a hard time just being yourself with him or her? Intense feelings get stirred up and as much as you want to have a harmonious relationship, you find yourself acting in ways that do not make sense to you? A karmic relationship is the continuation of a past life and soul relationship with another. The origin of the word Karma is Sanskrit, meaning action and effect, In Buddhism and Hinduism it is used to describe the sum total of a persons actions from this and a previous existence.

In a karmic relationship, the existing karma may be harmonious. Two people come together from a previous life where they have worked out their ego centered challenges and love one another with a pure and compassionate love. In these relationships both people often come back together to work toward a common goal. Usually this goal is to be of service to others and contribute to the greater good. Their authentic self has been integrated into the relationship and they can freely and joyfully be with one another.

However, most karmic relationships are not easy. Two people are brought together to learn how to unselfishly love one another, heal past life imbalances and wounds and express their authentic self. These relationships are usually initially passionate and stir up deep feelings of longing and what feels like love. This irresistible magnetism is usually needed as these relationships can be challenging. Past emotional wounds, fears, anxieties and egocentric selfishness often surface. There may be periods of harmony and loving connectedness interrupted by conflicts, power struggles and unfounded fears. Simply put they can be confusing. Despite the desire to leave a karmic relationship, the magnetic attraction may keep pulling you back. The soul chooses these difficult relationships because of their inherent potential for healing, growth, wholeness and to refine and experience real love.

If you suspect that you are in a karmic relationship it is important to recognize that this in an opportunity for growth, profound healing and the experience of real love. It is also important to recognize that you are on a challenging journey.

Although your authentic self is often hidden behind layers of karmic issues and suffering, it is your strongest guide. To transform and heal a difficult karmic relationship into one of harmony and the truest experience of love, the false must be shed.

Begin with awareness. When intense emotions surface or your beloved acts in ways that cause you distress and pain, realize that as distressing as this may be, it is an opportunity for healing. Feel the intense emotions and feelings that surface. Do not dismiss or disregard them, even if they do not make sense. Sometimes all we need to do to release old karmic emotional energy, is feel it. As you do this, you let it go.

Do not let anyone convince you that what you feel or think is wrong or not valid. One of the ways that you will know that you are in a karmic relationship is that the intensity of emotions and pain seems out of proportion to what is happening in the relationship. Whatever needs healing, forgiveness and transformation will surface.

Your authentic self is the inner observer that knows and feels what you are experiencing, but does not dissolve into the confusion and relationship drama. Listen within to the quiet inner presence that informs you of what love is and what love is not. Your authentic self moves you forward out of victim and aggressor roles and provides you with the strength and wisdom to heal. Take action on what feels true and right for you. Be kind and loving to yourself. Forgive yourself and forgive your partner. This will free you from negative and difficult karma.

See Also
divine relationship OMTimes

Remember that you can only do your part in the healing process. This is all that you are responsible for. You cannot force your partner to perceive issues the same way that you do or heal in the way that you want him or her to. Yet, something magical happens when you act in loving ways toward yourself and confront and heal your inner wounds. You transform and exert and unspoken, but powerful influence on your partner and on the relationship.

Some karmic relationships can be healed and transformed. They become a vessel for divine love where both people evolve and express their authentic selves, freely and joyfully. Some karmic relationships are more short term. You may of come together with another in order to free yourself from oppression and control. In some, the purpose is not always clear. You may meet another for a specific lesson and once you learn what you need to learn, heal or transform, the karma is completed and the relationship ends. When you do your part to heal a karmic relationship you shed long term negative and difficult karma. Even if the relationship does not continue you experience the freedom and joy that comes with healing.

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About the Author

Sherrie Dillard (Durham, NC) has been a professional psychic, medium, and therapist for over twenty years. She has taught intuition development at Duke University Continuing Studies, and has led workshops and classes on spiritual development and spiritual healing nationally and internationally.

View Comments (5)
  • I just experienced this, complete surprise how much deep stuff got brought to the surface.. Scared the shit out of me, shocked me to the core.. Afterwards I felt lighter than I have ever felt before..

  • Can someone explain the difference between a destructive/toxic relationship and a karmic one?

  • I learned several years back.through a Vedic life reading my present day daughter and I were enemies in.our former life in Egypt. That certainly explained volumes in this lifetime. We have made peace and she no longer considers me her enemy. I wish I had met the astrologer when she was a child. It would have made my life less stressed.

  • I keep meeting these men that I am attracted to but I know that they are a karmic relationship. The most recent one I realized very early on. It feels to me more of the same thing I experienced with the other two. They were both very controlling and quite vindictive if they didn’t get their way. I ended both relationships. It took me a while to figure out that the first two were karmic. I believe the lesson for me is about being more independent and detached in relationships. In the past, I have tended to depend on people close to me for my self-worth. Today, I am definitely more discerning about who I let into my world and especially my heart. It’s not easy being an empath.

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