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The Truth Shall Set You Free

The Truth Shall Set You Free


by Paul Nijar

Throughout history, we have been fed numerous lies that have been meant to lead us astray from the truth and kept us from being truly free. These lies have shaped the understanding of our society, culture, and history through the disinformation it has provided. As the world’s population continues to live on this planet unconscious of the magnitude of those lies, the truth will inevitably come forth.

The truth within every situation has its way of revealing itself. Many of us have become blind to the truth as it presents itself as per the illusions of our material world. The material illusions like money, clothing, cars, houses, or social statuses have numbed our senses. Despite the many illusions that bombard us every day, we still are able to pick up on the truth unconsciously. Examples of this are seen in movies, songs, and books. The stories that are being told through those creative outlets will reveal a portion of truth that exists in our physical reality.

Although we associate who and where we are through our physical understanding, we are able to pick up from different truths through our collective consciousness. Collective consciousness is what connects us all energetically and spiritually. This is much like how the World Wide Web connects information from one part of the globe to another. One doesn’t need to be spiritually aware of the unveiling of the information as they can do it naturally in their sleep or whenever they become zeroed in on a specific task.

When we sleep we are unconsciously connecting with our spiritual selves that is in union with the entire universe. Through the universe, we are able to pick up on the hidden truths behind those lies we have been told. The truth becomes revealed through our dream states. Many of those images in our dreams, that we play off as random and odd get disregarded. Despite this, we are becoming unconsciously aware of the truth behind those images.

When we become zeroed in on a specific task we are exercising totality, where we cannot be distracted by anything in our surroundings. It is at this time that we are unconsciously connecting with the universe and tapping into the wealth of knowledge and information that exists. The result is seen through the various creative outlets that people share, not realizing that the story being told hold some truth.

The truth of major events can be picked up energetically as well. An individual does not even have to be in the vicinity a particular event occurred. We pick up on the energy imprints that are seeded into the universe. An example of this is when a person is traumatized so severely by an individual or group of individuals. The person may have been forcibly told to withhold information that would damage the reputation of the other individuals. As this occurs, the person who is being traumatized is creating an energy imprint through their intense emotions.

The energy imprint becomes so dominant that it can be picked up by anyone tapping into the universe through collective consciousness. Because we are all connected energetically and spiritually, the pain one feels can be felt by another even though they have no relation or awareness of each other. An individual may feel uneasy in the area the traumatic event took place, without having any prior knowledge of it. They may also wake up to horrible nightmares that reflect the events that took place in reality. This pain can then be the cause for inspiration for one’s movie, book or song.

When these stories or songs have been shared, they hold true for years beyond the artist’s career. The stories of ill events that took place in the past, still hold true for present times. As we have read and heard of how the world has been run by corrupt individuals that have lead through greed, we may play the details off as fabricated stories. But when years progress, we may stumble on those stories again only to see that they did hold truth. In such a case, we can understand the divine intervention that artist had in revealing such truth through collective consciousness.

The information that is shared becomes timeless. Through this ageless information people are able to look back and see the lies they were told. It is at this time that they start to compare the past events with those that are occurring in the present. This is the first stage of one’s awakening to the truth that exists beneath the lies.

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While the fine details of an event may not be revealed, the truth still creates a wave of awareness to things that occurred and have occurred throughout history. The truth is that all lies will eventually fade as the truth prevails. The people telling such lies are unconscious of the energetic and spiritual connection between us all. The connection includes the connection within all things on the planet because they too exist through the same energy that flows through each and every individual. The truth can be transferred from nature into an individual that will enlighten them on the truth.

As time progresses and the masses start to become attuned to the energy of the universe, they will no longer allow themselves to be fooled or deceived by those corrupt individuals who operate out of their own selfish needs. It is at this time that the mass population becomes awakened and starts to initiate significant changes in the world. No longer will they sit idle while a select few take what is meant to be shared universally. As the masses start to stand up, they begin to tap into the universe consciously.

When people are able to tap into the universe consciously, they will start to vibrate at such high frequencies. They will no longer be veiled by the lies that were told; they will become awakened to their spiritual truths. The things that kept them vibrating at lower frequencies, like drugs, alcohol and materialism will start to lose their allure. At this time they will no longer seek to be lead, rather they will acknowledge the leader within themselves. The repressed individuals become liberated. Through this liberation, the people will be able to set themselves free from the shackles of lies they have been made to believe.

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