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Masaru Emoto: A Message of Love

Masaru Emoto: A Message of Love

Masaru  Emoto has Passed Away

R.I.P Doctor Emoto

Dr. Masaru  Emoto a renown scientist  that had been visually documenting molecular changes in water by means of his photographic techniques,  and in doing so, had expanded our concept of Consciousness has passed away this morning in Japan.

His beloved wife was with him.

Since he became ill in Shanghai, he has received so much love and gratitude from his dear friends of all over the world. He was very encouraged and happy to receive your kind messages with love.

His last word was “Arigato”. (“Thank you” in Japanese) We believe his last word was to you, everybody. He was so grateful for you and thanked you all so very much.

He used to say, “Life is LOVE which is a gift from God and parents, and DEATH is gratitude for going to a new dimension”. So now he is in another dimension and continues to look over us warmly with love and gratitude.

We are going to carry on his mission of spreading the power of “love and gratitude”.

See Also

Masaru Emoto was born July 22, 1943 and he was a Japanese author and entrepreneur who claimed that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Emoto’s conjecture has evolved over the years. Initially, he believed that water could take on the “resonance” of “energy” which was directed at it and that polluted water could be restored through prayer and positive visualization.  In 1986 he established the IHM Corporation in Tokyo. In October of 1992 he received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. Subsequently he was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water. Emoto has stated,

“Water is the mirror that has the ability to show us what we cannot see. It is a blueprint for our reality, which can change with a single, positive thought. All it takes is faith, if you’re open to it.”

Emoto’s book The Hidden Messages of Water was a New York Times best seller. Emoto’s water crystal experiments consist of exposing water in glasses to different words, pictures or music, and then freezing and examining the aesthetics of the resulting crystals with microscopic photography. Emoto makes the claim that water exposed to positive speech or thoughts (intention) will result in “beautiful” crystals being formed when that water is frozen and that negative intention will yield “ugly” frozen crystal formations

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View Comments (28)
  • how disrespectful. Dr Emoto brought a lot of truth and understanding to so many people. Just because you may not have felt a connection to it, there is no need to be so dismissive. A little empathy would have been more appropriate.

  • I agree with you. This is a man who had a “degree” that can be bought for a little under $1000. His “knowledge” was purchased. Now, don’t get me wrong, he was a good businessman, otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many people following his idiocies.

  • This is not the time or place. Show some respect. One of the unfortunate side effects of the internet seems to be the complete disappearance of good manners and propriety.

  • I hope for the sake of your family that in your death bed nobody will be laughing over your achievements. So many people seem to have been raised in a barrel. No manners. No respect.

  • Your one word sentence can be taken in a way that you do not know what knowledge is…which, now that I think about it, is a logical conclusion.

  • Agreed. These are the people who will never grasp the concept of Emoto’s work. Therefore, it must be lunacy.
    Our universe has literally been shaped by the unseen forces of frequency. Alpha, Gama, Beta, Theta are all brain wave frequencies. Like radio waves, they can carry information which may be positive or negative. Minerals dissolved within the water can capture these waves like antennae and arrange its crystalline structure accordingly.

  • A subscriber, I’ll bet, to the silly superstition of materialism. Everything was created by nothing from nothing. hahahahahahahahahahah

  • I’m open to all those possibilities. But if he says he proved it with his experiments, other people should be able to conduct the same experiments and get the same results. That’s how science works.

  • Perhaps monks or other spiritually-minded individuals could duplicate the results. Regular people are too focused on the distractions of everything in their shallow worlds to put the right energy into the process. Our minds are the most powerful tools on the planet. Even if some of it or all of it may sound hokey to you, it all makes perfect sense. Water is a conductor. Why do you think you shouldn’t stand in a puddle of water while using electrical things? It’s a communication channel. We are made up of mostly water. The planet is made up of mostly water. If we don’t have enough, we become very ill and even die. We move with the moon and the tides move with the moon. That’s why women have monthly cycles. Research some things of your own. Don’t just rely on the internet for random postings to just upset people who are trying to show some respect to a very significant man that just died. His water crystal study changed my life. I see the world and my carbon footprint a lot more clearly now and I aim to be more loving and positive. It’s pulled me out of the lowest depths of a major depressive state and I hope it continues to raise me up. RIP Dr. Emoto <3

  • Internet bashing someone who has just deceased and the funeral hasn’t even taken place yet is right up there. Just seriously in bad taste.

  • Sience in western society has become one of the greatest obstacles in the development of the human mind. It seems like something can’t exist unless our mainstream sience can prove it. How limited can someone choose to be in rejecting this great mans achievements? Thank you Masaru for your contribution to humanity.

  • “Mainstream” science is the buffer between real science and the general population. Often times it serves as a mechanism for the suppression of enlightening knowledge. Knowledge that global elites believe should be kept out of the hands of common people.

  • I didn’t internet bash him, I just asked a simple question. I actually expected someone to refer me to some scientific article substantiating his work. But instead, I get criticized for having bad manners.

  • You seem to be under the impression that I’m a closed minded skeptic. I’m not. I’m not even a skeptic. I’m actually obsessed with the paranormal and metaphysical. But when it comes to scientific claims, I have enough respect for the scientific approach to not accept something unquestioningly based on one persons results. I just don’t understand why people are so willing to believe things just on the basis of a person telling them what they want to hear. This goes for believers and skeptics alike.

  • I actually agree with you. But there are plenty of scientists out there that are not part of the mainstream establishment. What about them? Couldn’t one of them try to replicate the experiment? Are you folks just completely uninterested to see if this stuff can be replicated? Wouldn’t that be a great thing if it could be done?

  • I suppose this is supposed to give legitimacy to homeopathy. Gee, we could say H2O has “memory of the dinosaurs, “memory” of once being some animal’s urine, etc etc ad infinitum…Rediculous.

  • Perhaps it’s not our place to do more for you than you can explore on your own. When the time is right, perhaps you will.

  • I have actually explored Emoto’s research, and I understand the metaphysical principles he was working to demonstrate. So spare me your patronizing bs.

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