OMTimes Magazine October C 2014 Edition

Margaret Ann Lembo is the creator of the recently released oracle cards, The Angels and Gemstone Guardian Cards. She is a true “Rock Star”, one of the world’s leading experts on stones, crystals, and their metaphysical properties and applications. A best-selling author, Margaret is the current Vice President, and former President, of the Coalition of Visionary Resources, a national trade organization formed to support businesses that deal in “Visionary Resources”, which are spiritually uplifting products and services that in some way nourish or celebrate the human spirit.
OMTimes is privledged to share this exclusive interview.
OMTimes is a Holistic Green eZine with a Spiritual, Self-growth perspective for the Conscious Community. OM Times was created to share new ways of thinking to promote Healing on personal, community and global levels; and to bring attention to the individuals and organizations that are making a difference.
OMTimes: Co-Creating a More Conscious Lifestyle
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