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Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse 2014

Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse 2014


Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse 2014 – The Purifying Moon

October 23, 2014

0 Scorpio 3

2:56 PM PDT / 5:56 PM EDT / 9:56 PM GMT

This month’s Scorpio New Moon hits the reset button. It’s the second eclipse of the month, as the cosmic change agents clear the decks and compel a reboot of our lives.

Unpredictable Uranus, agent of radical, liberating change, ignited the Aries lunar eclipse on the 8th and set off firecrackers of revelations, bridge burning and chapter closings. Now Pluto, agent of inevitable, inescapable change, is wiping the slate and shoving us into what we perceive as darkness.

His participation is only one of the factors behind the profound metamorphosis we’re entering. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio and this new moon, is the lord of death and rebirth. The Scorpio New Moon is also a solar eclipse, which blacks out the action and brings the light gradually back up on a rearranged stage. Making this particular eclipse even more intense is the moon’s location, in the rawest possible spot of Scorpio: not merely the very first degree, but only three minutes into the sign.

The stakes are extraordinarily high, for ourselves and all of our connections, because Venus is at ground zero of the eclipse. She’s the ruler of what we hold dear (love, money, possessions, beauty, creativity), what we value about ourselves (self-worth issue alert!) and our value systems in general. She and Pluto are the two planets of desire and money, worldly and conscious on her end, huge and primal on his.

How have these issues been heating up for you? Much of what is surfacing involves organic changes that have been in process. This is the final eclipse in a cycle that began in November 2012, so this last blast has a wrapping-up-and-sending-off feel. Bits of information, insight or plot twists may be new, but not the general themes. If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll see they’ve been developing for a while.

The ongoing changes have reached an evolve-or-die moment. They’re coming down like a guillotine on unsustainable arrangements, while forcing blossoming of the ones with growth potential.

Nothing is trivial or frivolous now. We’re plumbing previously unknown depths of intimacy and resources issues (and/or utter terror associated with them). Some connections are intensifying; others are collapsing. The ones with staying power reflect and respect our self-worth. The ones on the way out don’t. (Keep that in mind if you’re struggling with a troubled relationship. If you can’t make it work, maybe it is not good for you.)

Sharing and reciprocity are lava-hot topics. What and how much are you investing? Are you getting enough of a return? Imbalance is a factor in situations that are departing. So is disparity in value systems. Relationships are evaporating, even decades-old connections, if you do not have the same or compatible value systems (which includes definitions of integrity).

Everything that is happening touches the core of our being. At the bottom of it all is how much we value and love ourselves. That is the true point of focus for all the reboots. Whatever changes in the outside world will merely reflect the slate clearing going on inside each of us.

That’s why so many people have been weepy and unsettled lately. Monsters have been emerging from our very cells. We’ve been purging memories, pains, attachments and terrors that damage or invalidate our own worth. Do not invite them back in.

If you find your mind turning them over and over, take action to banish them. Take a shower and symbolically wash them down the drain. Dream up a ritual. Even though Scorpio involves water, a burning bowl is appropriate now, since one of Scorpio’s symbols is the phoenix, which rises reborn from the ashes of a fire. If you know Emotional Freedom Technique, tap on releasing memories, pains, slights, terrors, etc. from your physical body and embracing love for yourself.

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Actively purge. Actively love. Fiercely love, too. Otherwise, though, let go of the controls. Forces greater than any mortal will are at work. You cannot force, make or direct any particular development to happen (except, perhaps, an ending).

Thinking your way through a situation isn’t the way to go, either. Your mind has no map yet for the new approaches in relating, and it will not steer you right.

Instead, take a deep breath. Let go. Dive in. And trust-yourself, most of all. Whatever happens, whatever leaves, whatever arrives, whatever, bring yourself back to a base of love-for yourself, most of all.

Learn more navigational tips in Kathy’s Fall 2014 Astro-Talk mp3.

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About the Astrologer

Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives.

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