Feng Shui at Work

Using Feng Shui in a Corporate Environment
Once we understand what Feng Shui truly is and its scope, we can apply the principles to different types of structures and reflect on how it can affect the occupants inside. Some buildings will have an influence directly on the occupants, but also serve a symbolic function and a subtle influence on the subject of the symbolism. For example, the White House has its own Feng Shui and it influences each President and their family privately and directly. But the overall Feng Shui of the White House might say something about American citizens and the American way of life too.
With a corporation, we can look at the immediate influence as well as the far reaching influences which could affect every single person who works for the corporation on some level. Feng Shui for a residence and Feng Shui for a business, particularly a corporation, can be glaringly different in some respects and very similar in other ways. For example, with a business we can allow for the physical space to be more “yang” and active, whereas for a home environment, we prefer the energies to be calmer, tranquil and “yin.”
Where the dynamic can be similar, the flying stars may affect a person the same way whether at home or work. If a space indicates digestive problems for instance, that may manifest whether the energy is in your office or your bedroom.
Using Feng Shui in a corporate environment, we start out by assessing the main “corporate headquarters” and the structure based on all the usual classical Feng Shui criteria. Here we are factoring in the age of the building and its precise compass alignment. This is how we determine the non-obvious, but very powerful unseen influences. We call this unseen magnetic field a flying star chart. This energy is anchored in a building as it is being built. Even though there is a trend for some practitioners to calculate the energies based on when the occupants move in, this is not usually the most accurate assessment of the influences. The energy established at the time of construction is based on energies of the Sun, the position of the planets at the time of construction and the energies of the earth below the structure. This is fundamental and at the heart of Xuan Kong Fei Xing.
The directional orientation of a building may even influence or mirror the type of business occupying the space. For example, a building which sits (the back of the building) to the east or southeast will resonate with some of the Wood Phase. And the Wood Phase can be related to paper products including the publishing industry. This might just be a subtle overlay. Aviation is associated with the fire element and that is linked to the direction of south. The directions of west and northwest are “metal” type directions and could have a nurturing influence on a business related to finance and investments. One could conceivably seek out a building type based on its orientation, to cater to the type of business that best suits the building type.
Within any and all structures, there will be some areas better than others. Important departments which can produce the most success for the business should be placed in the areas inherently strong for financial luck. Smaller departments, individuals who may not even work full-time, and little used spaces can be relegated to the less favorable locations. For some companies, a Conference Room is used only occasionally and with other companies, the Conference Room might be used daily and it might even be an important place where company heads meet with clients and vendors and close deals.
If the president, CEO or CFO of the company is not physically on the premises many hours a week, then it may not be that important for the head of the company to take the proverbial “corner office” or the best area by Feng Shui criteria.
Like any residential space or commercial enterprise, with a corporation we can adjust flawed areas in a number of ways from a tool kit known as “Five Element Theory.” If an office or whole department needed the metal element that could easily be in generous supply just via normal office furnishings, file cabinets or equipment made of steel, copper, brass, bronze, iron, etc. Other elements used include water, wood, fire and earth. These can be represented through other furnishings, art work, wall colors, or décor items like aquariums or waterfalls. Large spaces need large elements on display, but at the same time, the adjustments should be elegant and inconspicuous. Sometimes you will read about Feng Shui remedies done to buildings in Hong Kong or other Asian areas that are frankly ostentatious or peculiar. This is hardly ever necessary.
When it comes to cubicle spaces, there are less opportunities to enhance these work stations, unless the entire area of the suite is on board to follow through with an effective solution. For example, if one section of an entire floor needs the water element, one cubicle worker’s table top fountain on their desk may only produce small benefits. But if everyone in that same area had a fountain on their desk, the cumulative effect could be really good. In that instance it would probably be more practical to have a large water wall which could function as a piece of sculpture for everyone to enjoy, even those who don’t work in that location, but who can appreciate the view of it from afar or when passing by.
In a corporate environment, a Feng Shui consultant may appear to be like a business coach, offering ways in which the whole team can be more productive, communicate better, be more organized, creative and inspired. Specific departments may do better in certain areas of the building. A marketing, sales or I.T. department may be placed consciously in one area over another. Feng Shui influences can be that specific. A finance or legal department may have things go more smoothly with conscious Feng Shui input and adjustments. These adjustments have to be specific to the location and that is why this article does not list generic things to do.
Tailoring a space to the individuals’ birth data can also be utilized. Each person has their own best sitting direction for long hours at a desk, on the computer or on the phone. As well, when we know what someone’s personal gua is based on their birth year, it can help guide us in knowing where someone’s strengths can be best optimized. As an example, a person born in 1958, 1967, or 1976 is the Qian trigram, also called the “6 gua.” These are natural born leaders and these people can often be put in a position of power and authority and not have to be heavily supervised. If a person like this is put in a subservient role where they cannot be autonomous, they may be understandably frustrated.
Private offices can be micro-managed, but this needs to be done carefully, since whatever element is placed in a singular room might also influence surrounding offices.
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About the Author
Connect with Kartar Diamond and Kartar’s School of Traditional Feng Shui ® at fengshuisolutions.net

Kartar Diamond grew up in Southern California in the 1970’s and always had an interest in metaphysics and holistic lifestyle choices. She met Master Sang in 1992 became one of his senior graduate instructors from the American Feng Shui Institute. Kartar founded her own company, Feng Shui Solutions, and has advised thousands of clients and students about the healthful benefits of this still greatly misunderstood practice.