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Shift Your Perspective: On Success

Shift Your Perspective: On Success


How Do You Define Success?

How many times have you looked around and felt that others were more successful than you feel you are?   Is it the amount of money they make, the large home, or the jet-set lifestyle they lead? Now look at them again.  Is it only the material things they have that you want?

I know many people in corporate jobs that make a lot of money, but who are unhappy in the rigid, political environment that is inherent in most large corporations.  Of course there are exceptions, but they are few and far between.  Climbing the corporate ladder or becoming famous or achieving a medical degree are some examples of what many feel defines success.

Society has its standards of what success looks like, and the majority of people strive to attain it despite how unhappy it makes them or how stressed they feel.  Succeeding by your own standards allows you to function in accordance with your true nature and to experience a level of comfort not otherwise achieved.

There are several dictionary definitions of success.  Two that are most pertinent to this discussion are “an event that accomplishes its intended purpose” versus “A state of prosperity or fame.”   The first is the definition that is the focus of the work at hand, rather than the second which focuses on the more common societal view of personal success.

Start by writing down a list of the external indicators of success, like money, type of residence you prefer, and how many hours you want to work.  Then make a list of the internal indicators of success, such as creative freedom and what type of lifestyle makes you happy.  Include everything you can think of on both lists.  Focus on what you want, not what you think is possible.

Now look it over while you check in with yourself using my four-part inner guidance system.  How does your body feel as you read each item on the list?  Does it tense of relax?  How do you feel emotionally as your read—exhilarated or stressed?  What thoughts come into your mind?  Are you flooded with ideas and visions of how to move forward and joy at succeeding using that particular measure or nervousness at the prospect of having that indicator fulfilled?

Circle the top three to five items combined in both the internal and external success indicator lists that make you feel the best, that light you up, and that feel most like who you are.  Take these and write them on a separate piece of paper.  Can you imagine feeling successful having these manifest in your life?  Does it feel closer to who you are or does it represent the standards imposed by familial and societal expectations?  If the latter, go through the list again, until you can get to the core of what success means on your own terms.

Put it all together to create a solid vision of your happiest, most successful life.  For some it is creating a happy family life and all the things it takes to make that happen.  For others, freedom is the most important indicator of success; to have a flexible work schedule, creative expression in their work, and the ability to set their own goals in accordance with their vision.

Trying to fulfill someone else’s idea of success leads to a sense of failure and despair, because it does not allow for your unique notion of how you want to live your life.  When you determine your definition of success and decide the type of life you want to live, then it is easier to see the path to your desires and to set goals along the way.

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About the Author

Diane Wing, M.A. wants to live in a world where people feel inspired, create their ideal future, and experience a sense of wonder at everyday magick. As an author and perspective changer, she’s published four books – The True Nature of Energy: Transforming Anxiety into Tranquility, The True Nature of Tarot: Your Path to Personal Empowerment, Thorne Manor and Other Bizarre Tales, and Coven: The Scrolls of the Four Winds all available now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and iBooks.   She is the founder of Wing Academy of Unfoldment, host of Wing Academy Radio, and has written a screenplay based on her novella, Thorne Manor.  When it comes to getting unstuck and feeling great about life, her 9-word philosophy is: Let go. Be grateful. Stay open. See the magick.  Find out more at

© Diane Wing, all rights reserved.

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