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11 Signs You Might Be an Angel in Training

11 Signs You Might Be an Angel in Training

angel in training OMTimes

Are you an Angel in Training?

Signs of an Angel in Training

By Kaya & Christiane Muller



Our lives on the Earth plane have been given as a sacred purpose, a true platform for evolution, and not a perpetual wheel of dissatisfaction and search for sensations. According to Kaya and Christiane, we can all “walk between both worlds” and become the highest forms of ourselves, an Angel in Training. As human beings, we are all, consciously or unconsciously, connected to the Angelic kingdom.

Each of us is an ANGEL in training, here to evolve and discover our true identity, which we really are, as well as the real reason why we are here on Earth. This is our spiritual goal, to discover and develop the divine powers we all have within.

Here are 11 clues that reveal you might be an Angel in Training and are on your way:


11 Signs You Might Be an Angels in Training

Angel in Training Sign #1 – You’re thirsty for new knowledge and you feel different from others.

Angel in Training Sign #2 – You are deeply convinced that Life has a more profound meaning than just living an ordinary life.

Angel in Training Sign #3 – One day, you feel good, you sense Life and Light… and the next, and you are sad and have no energy.

Angel in Training Sign #4 – While your friends live in matter without asking themselves any questions, you wonder, “Who is happier, them or me?”

Angel in Training Sign #5 – You want to be right and just, you are intense…sometimes too much, sometimes not enough.

Angel in Training Sign #6 – You feel discrepancies; you always think it is your fault, or the fault of others, and you don’t understand why you feel like this.

Angel in Training Sign #7 – You can foresee certain events before they happen.

Angel in Training Sign #8 – You can feel disillusioned by things that happened in the world or in your life, and nothing provides you a sense of fulfillment in your daily life.

Angel in Training Sign #9 – You are extremely sensitive; you start to see signs and gradually you start to feel people’s real intention or the message behind the words.

See Also

Angel in Training Sign #10 – You wake up in the middle of the night, or during the day, you always see the same numbers: 111, 333, 555, etc.

Angel in Training Sign #11 – You wish to transform yourself into a better person and to help others.

When you receive all these signs, it means that you are in initiation… that you are ready to receive knowledge… ready to meet God….


Adapted from The Book of Angels, The Hidden Secrets by Kaya and Christiane Muller

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About the Author

KAYA is a Teacher, Author and International Lecturer on the Interpretation of Angels, Dreams, and Signs & Symbols in more than 43 countries throughout the world. He is also the President-Editor and Founder of UCM School & Publishing House, a non-profit organization. His philanthropy, exemplary devotion, and humanitarian aid have become a source of inspiration for millions of people on the planet. His capacity to understand and explain how human conscience works through symbolic language is an extraordinary source of knowledge and understanding. Along with his wife, Christiane Muller, they travel worldwide teaching workshops, as well as creating books and products to promote the spiritual evolution of mankind.

View Comments (12)
  • Not everyone is an Angel in training. Angels are not humans passed over or the next stage in human soul evolution. Angels are separate beings of their own. Some people are incarnated angels, but not everyone. The signs given here are just as valid for every day humans who are waking up and becoming conscious, for lightworkers, for starseeds, for indigo and crystal people. None of these are necessarily angels as well.

  • Michelle, I’m not going to sit here & say that the author is right, but neither can i say the same for you. Personally, I don’t believe we all have the potential to be a angel in training, if so… There are as many bad angels as there are good angels in training in this world. Both the author & your views are good, but that’s just it..their your views, your opinions/beliefs..not actual facts. Which doesn’t make it a bad thing, but doesn’t quite prove that either of you are right or wrong. So with that “fact,” that you both posted your “views,” how can “you” then say the author is wrong. To be quite honest, you have no right or actual proof to say the author is wrong. Going to church, reading the Bible & loving/worshipping God is not enough to prove to people you are right in what you say. I do those things mentioned & even I know the reality, the fact, that I do not know everything. So with that being said, I’m not going to spread what I believe is truth, w/o knowing if its really true or not. Until the Lord himself comes & tells me personally, who am I to act as if I know the real truth. The reality Michelle, the truth is…we all don’t know everything about everything, including all there is to know about God, Jesus, Angels, Heaven, Hell & Etc. We don’t know everything, all we have to go by is the Bible, our beliefs & faiths. Until its time for us to know, to go with God… We all will never know the real truth. So this author gave her “opinion” & you gave your “opinion,” that’s all they really are, opinions & nothing more. But as I stated, I do agree that everyone cannot be an angel in training, if so, then there must really be some major mixups going on in the obtaining/knowledge area…because many people are cruel. But again, that is my “opinion.” Overall, I enjoyed reading this article, because I personally do every last thing in that list now since having a life/death experience. But I also liked your opinion as well. -Peace to you-

  • I really appreciate your sharing & offering food for thought. My dear Mom, bless her soul, blessed me with the wisdom to consider everything, take what works for me & leave the rest. As I do this, I discover some goodness in all religions & spiritual beliefs, with similar basic Universal Laws in each. With that being said, I would like to bring into the conversation what I feel to be a profound component found across the board. That is the given Free Will we are all blessed with. We all are from Our Creator, and since God is pure, than so our we. God doesn’t create evil. It’s with the human conditioning & ego that some chose to make very horrible decisions that harm. That’s how bad things happen to good people. Blessings ~

  • I absolutely agree, God doesn’t create evil, but even with him not creating evil, evil does still exist, and many people still chose to do it. Yes this world has positivity, and negativity, good and bad, but we all have a choice on what we chose, God gave us that free will to chose. & even though people know what is right or wrong, good or bad, there will always be people who chose good, while the others chose bad, just that simple. Why they chose this path, I cannot say nor can you, we can sit here & say its human conditioning, ego, or whatever else, but the fact still remains that whatever their reason for choosing the bad path, people know what’s right and wrong, we are taught this from birth, and lets say if we are not taught this, we soon learn from outside sources not within the family. So for people to act ignorant and blame their choices on anything but themselves is ridiculous and I am tired of hearing the excuses. It’s neither hard no easy to be either good or bad, neither one is easy, so with neither being easy in this world that we live in, why settle on being evil and doing bad, what do they really accomplish, nothing at all. So why not chose to be good? Again, it’s the individual. I don’t make excuses for people, people know the truth but chose to ignore it, we all know the truth, the Bible is the truth. Stop blaming others or things for your faults, and take full responsibility for your actions. Stop babying these evil doers, because rest assure they will not baby you, believe me I know from personal experience, numerous times. Now am I saying all hope is lost, not at all, continue to pray for them. But in the end, it will be their choice if they change or not, it’s always been their choice. -Peace & Love-

  • I wouldn’t say that an Angel is a human. It sounds ignorant. I read the signs and they are very good but they are ascension signs rather.

  • We are Angels? That’s just ignorance. These signs are classic ascension signs that I started experiencing in my awakening in November-dec 2013,

  • We are Angels? that is a sweet but as a Catholic we believe that Angels were never humans. The word “Angel” means something like thought form. We are so much more than Angels. They are Gods agents. In Dec 2013 I experienced symptoms of ascension and I approve of the 11 signs for normal days. but I would call them rather ascension signs or being visited by saints, spiritual family, and ascendant masters.

  • I am trying to understand your beliefs but I cannot. The article itself says we are “all Angels in Training,” yet then proceeds to say signs that show you are an “Angel in training.”
    Angels existed before humanity and are separate beings. An angel is created, not trained.
    This article seems to rely on psychological basics and dualities rather than actually saying anything. I am just stating my opinion in this but I believe this article to be simply wrong and damaging.

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