Oracle for December 2014 – Completion

By Darity Wesley
Completion – The energies and directions for the month of December are evolving around completion. Well, that sounds pretty good, since it is the last month and ends this year of breakthroughs and breakdowns, eh? Depending on the spiritual work that has been going on in our lives this year, the attention we have paid to beginning, continuing, or off-the-charts raising of our vibration, we deserve a well-rounded feeling of completion! As we tapped more and more into who we really are-doing a little, a lot, or massive inner work this year-we can know this level, this stage, is complete.
So, completion as a concept and as an exercise is what this month is all about. As we journey through the hustle and bustle of December, with the worldwide holidays of celebration-whether we enjoy them or not-it will be good to keep the concept of “Completion” in our mind as we finish 2014 and begin contemplation of the new year of 2015 that is on the horizon.
The growth for all of us has been exponential. Our guides, our spirits, our angels, whatever we call our support system, which we have whether we know it or not, has been directing our way this year. We are now at this place where we can stand complete in the energies of 2014 and, at the same time, begin preparing for the changing energies of 2015 because, for sure, more is on the way.
What we need to know for sure as we focus on completion this December is that we are loved unconditionally and completely. Our alignment of this year with our support system, our very own Divine Essence, sets us up for the year of 2015. The new energies apparent everywhere mean duality creates more and more chaos to divert our attention from the spiritual path at hand.
I loved what Kryon (an entity channeled by Lee Carroll for the last 24 years: said about duality. Remember, it is most folks’ primary reality and this new year of 2015 is all about shifting our consciousness more and more away from duality’s influence, including time. Most of us don’t know what that means or how to step in that direction. It is part of our completion to get a grasp on that if we do not understand, and to practice getting unhooked from it when we do understand.
What Kryon said was that some of us are getting better and better at ignoring duality. That is, it just sits over there in the corner like an old discarded shoe, but every once in a while it makes a lot of noise to pull our attention back to it to wear it again. I love that description, and feel that is exactly what is going on with events out there in the worId. How much fear can the fear mongers create to keep as many as possible hooked into duality? Evidentially a lot, just look at the American political system.
The change on our planet at the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012, was, indeed, a shift in consciousness from duality to unity, to oneness, to cosmic consciousness. The concept that we are all in this together-plants, animals, minerals, planet, solar system, galaxies, cosmos, all interrelated-all flowing as different expressions of the divine energy.
If you missed information about that, feel free to let me know and I will send you some of the old Oracles or you can check them out right here at It has only been two years, and those relatively new on the path are still just getting a grasp of what that all means.
The Oracle is written for all levels of awareness and growth in consciousness. With some inner counsel, some silent meditation on our very own intentions, and our very own inner work of breaking old habits (including old thought patterns and old relationships), no matter where we are on the path, we can absolutely step more and more into our new selves, our very own work and purpose of spiritual exploration on this planet in this lifetime.
This Oracle is always just a sign post; an opportunity for us to exercise our real, live, true knowing deep in our heart that there is, indeed, more than this third dimensional reality of us-versus-them, and the righteousness of making others wrong. The belief that we have the answer to anything, let alone everything for everyone or anyone else, is part of this change. Needless to say, a lot of people still hold this belief.
The Oracle likes to define terms as we go along the way each month. We can do it with the word “completion,” even though we pretty much understand its meaning. For definition’s sake, the Merriam Webster Dictionary defines ‘completion’ as: “the act or process of finishing or completing something;” as well as, the “state of being complete or finished.”
When we look at completion in its defined sense, we find it is pretty much what we thought: Being done, concluded, finished, finito! Now we can imagine the Oracle brushing its hands and saying “Good job!” “You are all done!” – “Hurray!” “Just get on with your life, there is nothing more to do!” — Nah!!! That is definitely ‘not it’ about completion this month. Completion, as our practice for December, is to go to a new level for the work we have done this year. It is to be completed this month-not all of it, for sure, but this portion of it at least!
As has happened for the past 45 years, on or around my birthday, I am given a journey, a spiritual focus, from my God, the Universe, my Higher Self, my Spirit guides, whatever that is, shares with me. Last year, the journey was to “mend my rifts in time!” This year the journey, the focus, for me is “To shed what is dead in my life…”
Now, I don’t know how that’s going to work yet; but I trust Spirit in all things and I have had this same feeling pretty much every year: I don’t know how it is going to work or what it means, but by the end of the year, I have completely integrated it into who I am. It is quite an experience to learn what it meant, how to do it and then doing it as a spiritual practice all year long and then beyond.
I highly recommend this for anyone on the spiritual path as a tool to begin, continue, or expand our connection with our Spirit guides. Since this 2014 part of our journey is now complete and our focus is on concluding the integration of the steps we have taken in 2014, we are now preparing to step into the energies of 2015 which are coming in very intense.
As we allow ourselves the space to explore this year’s elements of completion over this month of December, know that if we have broken down (and most of us have to some level or another), and if we have broken through (and most of us have done that too at some level or another), we will, yet again, experience a new level of spiritual confidence and consciousness in the completion of this year of inner work. These experiences will hold us well as we move into the energies of 2015, and close this amazing year of growth and breakthroughs.
As with all signposts, expand your spiritual consciousness and remember, always, that Love and Trust will follow our attention. Focus it on completion of the steps taken this year, review them, and integrate them. Constantly remind yourself to move into your heart center to respond to any situations this month because you have completed some tremendous work this year! Congratulations!!! Next…
Let your mantra for the month of December be: I AM and have completion of certain steps in the growth of my spiritual consciousness and I AM ready for the next steps…And So It Is!!!
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About the Author
Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter @SpiritReviver.If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2014 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved.

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