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Dare To Dream Greatly With Sylvia Henderson, CHt.

Dare To Dream Greatly With Sylvia Henderson, CHt.


Dare To Dream Greatly With Sylvia Henderson, CHt.

Airing Sunday, 18 January, 2015, 9:00pm EST

Have you ever asked a child what they want to be when they grow up and noticed that their answers are always big, bold and bodacious? They will usually tell you that they want to a Fireman, a Teacher, and a Doctor all at the same time. When you tell a child that their great big dream is impossible, unless they’ve been conditioned by those around them, they will usually respond by asking you, “Why?”

Children have the amazing ability to look at life out of curiosity and without the belief that life could possibly have limitations. Somehow life for them seems expansive and unlimited. This is what allows children to dare to dream greatly.

Somewhere along our journey unto adulthood we somehow lose our ability to think the expansive and unlimited thoughts we once thought as a child.

Some people have even lost their desire to dream, either because others have told them what they can and cannot be, do or have, or they have experienced disappointments and past traumas that have made them feel that their dreams cannot come true.

Dreams are birthed and sourced from imagination, and imagination is the substance and source of everything that is created in life. Imagination is the language of the subconscious mind. This is the vehicle that Divine Consciousness uses to connect with our true potential. So truly Divine Consciousness uses our imagination to provide us with the dreams of what is truly possible for use to achieve. That is if we allow ourselves to accept and believe that dreams can come true.

See Also

Join Sylvia Henderson as she shares the importance and the possibilities of Dreaming Greatly.

About Sylvia Henderson

Sylvia-Henderson_OMTimes-RadioSylvia Henderson wears many hats as an intuitive life coach, energy healer, hypnotherapist, spiritual teacher, public speaker, mom to two sons with Autism, and a stress relief expert. She has over 16 years of experience in the Body/Mind/Spirit connection and field and has studied over 20 different holistic healing and wellness modalities. She is gifted and talented at unraveling the structure of modern day problems and shifting belief systems. She helps her clients discover the root cause of their issues and quickly resolve them so that their lives can truly heal and improve.

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