Mantra Mind Protection

By Dudley Evenson
Power of Mantra for Personal Empowerment
I like to use mantra to clear my mind and focus my inner conversation so that it supports my personal empowerment and allows me to be the best person I can be. Typically, we have a constant dialogue going on within our minds. This inner conversation can range anywhere from the news we heard on the radio, to making a ‘to do list’ or replaying an unpleasant interaction with a friend, co-worker or relative.
Quite often, we are repeating internally something we were told about ourselves from a parent or ex partner a long time ago. These kinds of repeated ‘tape loops’ can be very self destructive. For instance, if our parent often said to us ‘your room is a mess, you will never succeed’ and we continue to replay this concept, we will find that we are affirming for ourselves that our life is a mess and consequently, success will always elude us.
By becoming aware of the rampant mental processes that we wish to control, we can learn how to use our minds and our voice in harmony to stay focused. The word ‘mantra’ means ‘mind protection’ in Sanskrit. We need a guardian at the gate of our awareness to keep the demons of our mental processes from distracting us and a mantra is one way to do this.
It is very difficult to get these thought patterns out of our minds and they especially tend to lower our self esteem and crop up when we are trying to meditate. This is why in meditation we use several concentration techniques to overcome the busy monkey mind and allow for the one-pointed concentration of the meditation process. In addition to focusing on the breath as a concentration device, we can use mantra, chanting and affirmations to help clear the mind of unnecessary clutter and allow us to enter a deep state of inner quiet.
A mantra is a short sacred sound or phrase, usually with a spiritual significance which carries a vibration and frequency that extends beyond the simple meaning of its words. In the highest sense, mantras carry thought waves that can energize the prana or life force through constant repetition and they can reach deep into the subconscious mind to access the collective consciousness. More simply, they can help overcome the mind chatter and prepare the way for an expansion of consciousness.
Mantras can be in Sanskrit, English, Hebrew, Latin or other languages. They can be passed on from guru (teacher) to devotee (student). In cases like that, they may be ancient and have a strong association with a long spiritual tradition. They can also be created by an individual based on their personal needs or issues. Mantras typically are statements of profound spiritual truth that resonate with the person repeating them. They may also be short affirmations that are easily repeated multiple times. In fact, it is in the repetition of a mantra where power lies.
A mantra that many people may relate to is simply ‘I – AM.’ One way to use it would be as you are breathing in say to yourself ‘I’ and when breathing out say ‘AM’. You may prefer to extend it to say ‘I am – alive’ and it will have a similar effect. Affirming simple, basic truths can help to clear away unnecessary conditions, judgments and ego attachments that normally follow us around and open us to a greater sense of inner peace. So whether using an ancient mantra or a personal one that you create, try using mantra to empower your soul and spirit to be the best you can be.
One can also use the ‘bija‘ mantras that associate with each chakra. Bija means ‘seed’ in Sanskrit and the chakra bija mantras from root to crown are Lam-Vam-Ram-Yam-Ham-Sham-Aum. These can be said in a monotone and repeated with awareness of moving up the chakras. Another system involves using vowel tones with each chakra and that system from root to crown is Uh-Oo-Oh-Ah-Eye-Aye-Eee. When using the vowel toning, we usually start in a low register and raise the pitch with each ascending chakra.
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About the Author
Dudley Evenson co-founded Soundings of the Planet in 1979 with her husband Dean. Together as sound healing pioneers they have produced over 70 albums and several DVDS including their newly release Sonic Healing Video Course featuring today’s leading musicians, meditation teachers and sound healing luminaries. Dudley has been the Executive Producer, art director and copy writer for all of the Soundings releases and she works with video, photography, graphics, writing, music and dance. She also plays harp and zither, tamboura, Tibetan singing bowls, hand drum and uses her voice as a complementary instrument. An environmental activist she is devoted to healing the planet with the power of sound.
Her blog is and music website is

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