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6 Steps to Create Your Sacred Space

6 Steps to Create Your Sacred Space


Learn How to Create Your Sacred Space

By Jose Sanchez

Why Do We Need a Sacred Space?

If each of us took full responsibility for our well being and for our highest and best thoughts, the world would be a much kinder place. Humanity would begin to make huge strides in technology and spirituality. Unity consciousness would become a reality as the needs of everyone would become a priority not just for the individual but for society as a whole.

One loving and whole hearted action initiated by the desire to share the very best we have to offer can change lives. A simple desire to remain centered in the heart can be a powerful signal to our entire being to become present and manifest positive changes in our daily lives. We must, therefore, create a coping mechanism to the rigors of our societal demands due to an awkward and outdated system.

Society of old was designed to make us forget ourselves. We must create change by remaining in our hearts, thus creating a new paradigm. All around us there are reminders about being in the heart and being fully present. Within the heart lies the greatest power, the power of love.

A personal experience in the last year prompted me to share the message that we should all have a daily practice that is symbolic of how we plan to manifest positive change in our lives. One approach is to create a sacred space in our homes that is a representation of the sacred space in our spirits. Dedicating a small space in our homes in honor of the divine can be beneficial in reminding us to live life to the fullest.

Creating a sacred space can be a very lovely experience and a powerful intention of our commitment to live life to the fullest. By stating our intention to manifest ourselves daily as our absolute self we can confidently inform the universe and life that we are here to live and not simply exist.


How to Create Your Sacred Space

1) If you wish to have images of ascended masters or angels, or the Buddha, please do so but also make sure to have a picture of yourself to be placed side by side. This will be a reminder that we are all sacred beings.

2) A pink candle and a white candle. The pink candle will represent love and compassion and the purity of the heart. The white candle will represent purity of light and life and the sacredness we all carry in every cell and in every particle of our essence.

3) A prayer of love, for example: “In the name of my Mighty I am Presence, and the highest love of my divine spark, I, [state your name], manifest with the greatest intention the Holy Force of Love I carry within me as the Absolute self. By the presence and through the presence of the Sacred Masters, angels and archangels, beings of light and the blessings of Divine Father and Mother /God, I, [state your name], invoke the manifestation of purity and the power of the Holy Word within my sacred space. I am now manifesting heaven on earth as the greatest love that I am. Love I am love. “

4) Light the candles once the prayer of love is recited and you can feel the presence of divinity or a sense of serenity. The candles will now be infused by the power of your prayer and the power of your inner light.

5) Sit for at least five minutes as you start and end your day contemplating and manifesting yourself.

6) This step will be your reward for daily practice of love through your daily meditations. As your intention becomes magnetized through your daily practice a sacred space will become activated within your heart. Your heart will then resonate at the speed of love. Peacefulness will take residence and you will become a walking blessing.

This is a simple technique that can assist you in your daily life and will have a powerful impact in how you experience yourself, and it will also give you clarity of heart as you move through the world. This technique is also a reminder to be in the heart and in a place of love as you go about your day. By dedicating a minimum of ten minutes to spending time with yourself, you will gain compassion for others while becoming present and responsible for your feelings and thoughts.

See Also

Having a sacred space is very beneficial as a reminder that we are manifestations of the greatest love in the form of life. Remembering the true miracle we are is crucial in making quantum leaps in our spiritual growth. Building a dedicated sacred space equals to divine gratitude which, in turn, attracts a divine flow into our lives.

“May we all remember we are sacred space.”

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About the Author

Jose Sanchez has always lived from the heart. He has a great desire to be of service to humanity as an intuitive healer, teacher and channel. His skills as an explorer and innovator in energy work offers the seeker an opportunity to understand themselves; primarily through opening to the highest level of self love they are willing to achieve. Jose encourages everyone to fearlessly embark in the greatest journey to self-reconciliation, to self-forgiveness and self-love.

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