11 Ways to Really Shine!

11 Ways to Sparkle, Shimmer, Shine!
Are you hiding or dimming your dazzling, illuminating, luminescence of light in order to be accepted or loved? Well, tell them to put on their sunglasses! It’s time to sparkle, shimmer and shine!
Co-creating is part of life’s experience. If you are feeling unfilled, drab, flat and uninspired, it’s time to adopt a new perspective, one that will enable you to shine your light with the world. Living a life of half-truths and resentfully engaged in acts of duty and illusion diminishes your ability to shine
Limiting beliefs can hold you back from being the embodiment of radiant energy you desire. Begin the process of untangling truths from untruths and embark on a journey that will take you away from the dinginess and darkness. You will emerge gloriously with radiance, luster and shine. Here are eleven steps to assist you in doing so.
11 Ways to Really Shine!
1. Decide what you really want. Be honest. You may have thought you wanted something. However, as you have expanded and grown, it is no longer a priority. Release it. Hold on to what you do want with powerful intention. De-clutter your personal space, inside and out. Infuse your life with what makes you happy. If you are dutifully and resentfully going through ritualistic motions, that you are no longer aligned with, let them go, so that they may be replaced with joyful experiences.
2. Recognize what you are afraid. Take inventory of your fears without judgment. You can change the way you think about something after acknowledging its existence. The best way to get over fear is to face it head on. Write them down. Rip, burn or flush them away. They will return to their native nothingness, and light will fill the space. Fear is nothing more than the absence of love.
3. Examine your likes and dislikes. Are they yours or inherited? Embrace your unique preferences. This is something that leads to greater self-love, acceptance and happiness. Many of your preferences may have been adopted due to necessity, guilt or even shame. Have a little fun. Experiment. Try something new. Reinvent yourself. You may discover an entirely new set of personal preferences. This can be deeply transformative and empowering.
4. Write your love story. Everyone has one. Use your imagination to write a story that would make any man or woman swoon! Fifty Shades of Gray has nothing on you. It is never too late for a happy ending. Hold the pen to a blank sheet of paper. Get your laptop and type. The dark chapter you’ve been living is coming to end. It’s time to step into some color. Let go of the way you’ve always thought it would be and let yourself experience love in a new way.
5. Harness your truth. Offer forgiveness to yourself and others. It is difficult to move forward when you are harboring resentment. Gracefully release it. Practice gratitude by finding beauty in your truth. Expressing gratitude creates powerful, positive energy, which attracts like energy. This makes you an irresistible magnet for more of the same. There is a place deep inside that knows exactly who you are. Tap into that place. Be willing to do the work to change your concept of self. Practice positive self-talk to develop greater confidence. Trust that who you are in this moment is enough. Become a source of honor and admiration for others.
6. Expect the best and the best will come. Set bold intentions. Pay no attention to critical voices. Separate yourself from censorship and opinions of others. Make yourself happy. When you are happy, happy people will gravitate towards you. Gather and commune with like-minded individuals. This is essentially important, as it will strengthen your sense of self, and provide many opportunities to share your light.
7. Align with authentic intention. Fear of judgment, family history and life experience can diminish your ability to shine. Experiences – good, bad or indifferent – do not define who you are. They take you from one place to another, calling you back to who you were, before all the adding and subtracting of life. Don’t be afraid to show your softness and vulnerability. In doing so, you personify power and unlimited potential.
Accept what is as only temporary and contemplate the future. Imagine life as you would like it to be. Don’t worry about how it will happen and do not let any thought to the contrary stand in your way. Deliberate intention paired with a positive, creative imagination can shine a light in the midst of darkness. You know what is best for you. Don’t just talk about. Be a good example. Shine with authentic alignment.
8. Create a vision board and clarify your intentions. Dreaming is creating. Clip pictures from magazines. Include affirmations, mantras and favorite quotes. Use colored pencils, markers or crayons to enhance your board with creativity and artistic flare. Display it in a place where it will serve as a daily reminder. Add to it. Subtract from it. Clarify intentions by writing reminder notes. Post them on the bathroom mirror, refrigerator or computer screen. Make a plan and take small steps each day in that direction. What you believe you deserve becomes reality.
9. The next time will be best time. As you evolve and change, situations and people will evolve and change too. The next time will be the best time is a statement that embodies hope. Hope and happiness walk hand and hand. Take them wherever you go. Don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith following your heart’s desire. Plant seeds and the harvest will come. Everything you believed to be true got you where you are today. Everything you believe today will take you where you aspire to be. The next time will be the best time, as each time you shine your light, it gets a little bit brighter and easier to do.
10. Let your light shine. Be the glorious, magnificent embodiment of energy and essence you were destined to be. It’s okay to make mistakes. Laugh at them. Release preconceived notions. Feel free to be creative. Go with the natural ebb and flow of life. There are no boundaries. Whatever is calling to your name is meant for you. Light reveals. Light shows a way out of the darkness. You are a representative of the collective consciousness. Let people see who you are.
11. Share your light with the world. Be a mentor for others. Find a mentor for yourself. Illuminate the path so others can see. Be the light. Spread the light. Share the light. And shine, shine, shine!
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About the Author
Gia Dalton is a visionary writer, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture Physician, teacher, author, speaker, coach and Intuitive Life Strategist. “My mission is to motivate, empower and inspire the lives of others with integrity, beauty and love.”

Gia Dalton is an international visionary writer, speaker, coach, teacher and intuitive life strategist. Currently, she is writing a book. A modern, Bohemian guru, she states, "My mission is to motivate, empower and inspire the lives of others with integrity, beauty and love, giving the Glory to God."