A Medium: Mediumship Defined

A Medium
by Geoffrey Jowett
Medium: Something in between. A particular form or system of communication. The materials or methods used by an artist.
You are a what??? One of the most charming aspects of being a ‘medium’ is the responses I get from people when they learn about my ability to hear, feel and see spirits and comprehend their messages. In my life experience, I have found so few people that really know what a medium is and what mediumship is about. Allow me to help clarify my practice so that I may better serve you and so that you may learn that whether you are a large, medium or small, you are a soul having the human experience.
The Wikipedia definitions shared at the beginning of this article are interesting because they all include aspects of what a medium is. Let me explore each statement with you in regards to my role as a medium.
First though, it is important to review the philosophy of spiritualism. The foundation of mediumship is the universal law that life in eternal and that the existence and personal identity of a soul continues after the change called death. Death only occurs to the physical body, but the soul remains alive forever; it cannot be created or destroyed. The main purpose of mediumship is to remind you of the divine law of love. Love is all there truly is and your task is to remove all barriers you have built up against the idea that you and everyone are love. Love is your purpose for being!
A Medium: Something in Between
A medium is the intermediary of specific messages from the higher vibrational spiritual plane to the lower vibration of the physical plane. Your loved ones in the spirit plane provide specific clues or evidence to let you identify them along with inspirational messages to encourage, support or clarify your life purpose. A medium is not necessary for you to carry your messages to your loved ones in spirit. Your loved ones in the spiritual plane hear and feel you whenever you call their name. It is such a pleasure to be the messenger from one loving soul to another.
It should be noted that a psychic is a person that can see and feel the energetic signals that you broadcast or carry in your auric field, such as emotions, beliefs, ideas, concepts, etc. A psychic obtains their information using their own intuition and can make predictions based on what they feel about your energy. Mediums are psychics, but rely on obtaining their information from your loved ones that are in the spiritual plane.
A Medium: A Particular Form or System of Communication
There are two major types of mediumship: physical and mental. Physical mediumship is the manipulation and transformation of energy to cause a sound, movement or result that is perceived by your physical senses. For example, the voice of the incarnate spirit might come through, or they might move your keys, flicker your lights or present the aroma of a scent associated with them.
I practice mental mediumship, which involves three main forms of communication. My strongest form of mental mediumship is clairauditory. I can hear spirit speak from their high vibration and therefore, it is easy for me to do phone readings and hear specific messages. With mental concentration, I can hear with my ‘intuitive ears’ spirit speaking and in certain circumstances, I can hear accents, sounds associated with what they enjoyed or where they worked, or songs they liked. To hear and then know the meaning and feeling associated with the sound is important in conveying the messages to you.
A second from of mental mediumship is called clear seeing or clairvoyance. With my visions, I can see images, symbols, or signs and know their specific meanings. Your loved ones in spirit like to choose special associations that they shared with you or had a passion for themselves. A grandma that liked to bake may present pies, cookies, or cakes; a grandpa that liked to build things may present his tools; a child that enjoyed music may present musical instruments, or a mom that was a banker may show money and checks as visual evidence for you to identify them.
The third form of mental mediumship is clairsentience, which is another term for clear feeling. Here, I experience sensations within my solar plexus or heart centers (gut feeling) or sensations on the surface of my body (mostly my arms and shoulders). I can also obtain information through my sense of smell and taste with clairsentience. During a reading your loved ones may provide the scent of roses if they had a passion for gardening, or the smell of fresh cut grass if they enjoyed time in the yard. Creatively, your loved ones in spirit may manifest the taste of a specific food they enjoyed within my mouth, or they might present a feeling of a fear or joy they carried within them when they were here. I can often feel their body locations where the discomforts of disease or injury may have affected them.
A Medium: The Materials or Methods Used by an Artist
My scientific mind often takes me to the logistics and deeper meaning of the messages presented by spirit. What is of great value though, is for you to validate the evidence and inspirational messages presented to you with your feelings. If something does not feel right to you, you do not have to accept it. Take time to reflect on your messages and feel the associations with them to your loved ones. One of the great benefits of a reading is that your loved ones in spirit will validate what you already feel and help develop a means of communication with you using specific signs, such as a butterfly, the song Somewhere Over the Rainbow, pizza, a kite, irises, coins or a specific term of endearment. Feel your messages because spirit communication is all about feeling your loved one.
I have discovered that what is most fascinating about the messages provided from your loved ones in spirit is the level of genius and pure creativity. The artistic quality and creativity used to present specific heart-felt messages and awesome signs demonstrate the great level of originality that goes into the loving messages gifted to you from spirit.
Remember that your loved ones in spirit are always communicating with you through the song on the radio, the people presented to you in your day-to-day life, the things presented in your daily path. Be open, be still, reflect and connect. Loving messages are all around you.
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About the Author
Geoffrey Jowett is an intuitive medium, author and spiritual educator located in Palm Springs, CA. To learn more about him, please visit www.geofjowett.com.

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