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Gary Craig: The Father of EFT

Gary Craig: The Father of EFT

An Interview with Gary Craig: The Father of EFT

Gary-Craig_OMTimesFounder of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Gary Craig is a Stanford engineering graduate and an ordained minister that understands life through a decidedly spiritual perspective. Gary is an avid student of A Course In Miracles but at no time is any EFT’er asked to follow any specific spiritual teaching.

Gary Craig was born April 13, 1940 and have been intensely interested in personal improvement via psychology since the age13. That was when he recognized that the quality of

Thoughts could be mirrored in the quality of one’s life.

Considering himself as a self –taught individual, He considers EFT, the core of which he learned from Dr. Roger Callahan, to be an important tool to achieving the highest levels of healing. He also has high regard for Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) in which he is a Certified Master Practitioner.

OMTimes has the pleasure to present this exclusive Interview of Gary Craig by Sylvia Henderson of Intuitive Transformations on OMTimes Radio.

Since Gary Craig launched his website,, in 1995, EFT has been used by millions of people around the world and has been taught in some 23 different languages. It’s used by doctors, psychotherapists, counselors, life coaches, celebrities and even children have experienced success using this very portable and effective modality.

EFT has been featured on TV shows like Dr. Oz, written about in magazines such as O Magazine, and has been discussed in countless newsletters, medical and non-medical publications, and has been the subject of numerous research studies focusing on health, stress as severe as PTSD and so much more.

Gary  Craig is the author and co-author of a number of books about EFT including but not limited to The EFT Manual, EFT for PTSD, and The Promise of Energy Psychology: The Revolutionary Tools for Dramatic Personal Change, which he co-authored with David Feinstein, Donna Eden and Mike Brown.

See Also

Full Interview of Gary Craig on OMTimes Radio

You can listen to the full audio interview of Gary Craig with Sylvia Henderson on Intuitive Transformations on the OMTimes Radio Network by clicking the player below.

Interview with Gary Craig

Sylvia Henderson: Well, I’m excited about this interview, because as I said, you are a vast wealth of knowledge and information and such an open hearted individual who really wants to do–play a part, your part–everybody has a part to play and really have to help us all live our lives the best way that we can. Gary, can you just take a moment to please explain to everyone what is EFT, and when was it created, and exactly what does it do?

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