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Why Being a Chai Tea-Aholic is Great

Why Being a Chai Tea-Aholic is Great

Chai Tea

Chai Tea is great! And if someone is going to be hooked on anything…chai tea is a good option. Did you know that it has many health benefits? In fact, it has more health benefits than coffee because it contains many wonderful herbs that aid the body in powerful ways. Here are just a few ways that chai tea can assist the body in healing.

Chai – It Does a Body Good!



Some chai teas contain black tea, and others contain green tea. Both have powerful polyphenols that prevent diseases such as cardiovascular disease and strokes, help to prevent diabetes and even cancer. In fact, a new study showed that black tea is very good at preventing and repairing DNA damage.

Why tea? Drinking any kind of herbal tea is beneficial. According to Ayurvedic Medicine, one of the oldest healthcare models founded in India, every herb we take should be tasted and smelled to have the best effect on the body. We do this using our taste buds and our brain’s olfactory region. These two important areas interconnect in our brain to bring about a selection of nerves and meridians that work together in concert for healing. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, most herbs are taken as teas because of that intertwined connection of the mind, body, and spirit. Some Chinese teas are not great tasting, but it’s important that the brain connects to the taste of each herb… thus bringing about a threefold process of healing.


What is In Chai Tea

Cinnamon Cinnamon is very important for lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Plus, it’s a great antioxidant, thus preventing disease and even a good anti-inflammatory agent that helps with arthritis and the cycle of chronic inflammation. Also, cinnamon seems to help with PMS and Alzheimer’s disease, and studies show that it protects the stomach from bacteria causing ulcers.

Ginger – Ginger is common in chai tea and will help to relax the stomach and soothe away GI distress. Ginger works great for motion sickness and helps with sweating and nausea. It is also very important for preventing colon cancer because it boosts our immune system. In studies, ginger has been shown to prevent the development of colon and ovarian cancer. It is a great anti-inflammatory agent helping to prevent arthritis by getting rid of cytokines and chemokines.



Cardamom – Cardamom is a powerful antioxidant helping to get rid of free radicals in our body that promote disease. Cardamom is also a good antispasmodic herb helping to soothe away GI gas and even heartburn. Cardamom is also useful for headaches and works really well for preventing heat stroke. It is one of the few herbs that help to detox the body of caffeine. And it works wonders for asthma and other respiratory problems by increasing blood flow to the lungs. Plus, cardamom boosts our energy level and improves our mood.

Black Pepper – Black pepper is very common in chai tea giving it a little spice. Black pepper helps with indigestion and flatulence and works to detox the body and get rid of excess fluids. It also helps with nasal and lung congestion.

Fennel and Anise – Anise is a great herb for calming the GI tract and killing foreign bacteria; plus, it contains powerful antioxidants such as vitamins A and C that help prevent cardiovascular disease, strokes, and cancer. Anise is full of B vitamins that promote good mood and vitality and lots of copper, which is very important for promoting the formation of red blood cells. And anise also contains potassium for fluid regulation and good heart contractions. Fennel seeds help to bind bile acids, thus helping to lower cholesterol.

Caraway – Caraway seeds are sometimes used in chai tea and are great for soothing the stomach and helping to get rid of nausea and indigestion. Caraway helps freshen your breath and contains a lot of great minerals, electrolytes, B vitamins, and great antioxidants, helping to prevent degenerative disease. These seeds have a very soothing, relaxing, calming effect on the body, making them great for stress and anxiety.

Cloves – Lots of chai tea contains cloves, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that helps with arthritis. The first step towards the creation of disease, in general, is inflammation… and when a person drinks chai tea with cloves, they reduce their risk of coming down with a disease.



Nutmeg – Nutmeg is a great pain reliever. It is also a great antibacterial agent and helps to prevent tooth decay. Nutmeg contains myristicin, which protects the brain from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, plus it strengthens our liver and increases blood circulation throughout our body.


Chai Tea is also usually made with milk, soy, almond, or other kinds of milk. Thus, we also get the benefits of protein from many of these great kinds of milk. A sweetener is also added; this can be honey, stevia, or something else. From this, you can also reap the benefits of a boost of energy from the honey or its great allergy-preventing capabilities.

Lots of people are switching from coffee to chai tea because of all the great health benefits associated with it. A warm cup of chai tea is great in the morning or as a frozen drink on a hot day.

Try some Chai Tea… it’s one of the few good things to be hooked on.


Please Note:

This information is meant to get you started… so you can do more research on your own… dig a little deeper and find what works for you. This article is for educational purposes only, I strongly recommend that you seek advice from your own GP, private doctor, or medical specialist for any ailment, illness, or medical condition., this article not meant to be a scientific analysis in any way, shape, or form.


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About the Author

Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 25 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at – feel free to connect with him any time.

Originally published Apr 17, 2015


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