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Strengthen Chakras with Visualization

Strengthen Chakras with Visualization


by Shelly Wilson

Our chakras, or energy centers, are spinning wheels of light that act as energy transformers through which we receive and transmit life force energy – spiritual, emotional, mental and physical. When the chakras are open (too receptive) or closed (too non-receptive), an energetic imbalance and even physical pain may develop since each of the seven main chakras is associated with emotions and physical organs. Maintaining a healthy and balanced chakra system is essential. Allow yourself the opportunity to tune in to what your physical body and energetic centers are conveying to you. In addition to clearing and balancing your chakras, it is important and beneficial to strengthen them as well through intention and visualization involving color.

Using the respective color for each chakra, set the intention to first clear, balance and then strengthen each one. To begin with, focus on bringing your energy to the present moment in the here and now. Then, set the intention to ground and center your energy by envisioning your legs as tree roots growing deep into the earth (grounding) and a ball of white light at your core (centering). Take a big deep breath and visualize yourself breathing in emerald green healing energy from Archangel Raphael and letting go of anyone and anything that no longer serves you or your Highest purpose, including any fear, worry, doubt or any of the lower vibrational emotions. Consciously choose to feel these emotions, so that you can acknowledge and release them as you move into the higher vibrational heart-space of love and trust.

The Root or Base chakra is red and is associated with survival needs along with the lower vibrational energies of worry, fear, doubt, regret, guilt and shame. It is our foundation and the connection to the physical plane. Physical organs include the colon, rectum and adrenal glands. To balance and strengthen this energy center, work with the color red for the Root chakra – wear red clothing, eat red foods (strawberries, apples, red pepper, watermelon, tomatoes, raspberries) or visualize what you are eating or drinking as red and work with red crystals, such as jasper, garnet or any of the grounding crystals, including hematite, smoky quartz or jet.

The Sacral chakra is orange and is correlated with creativity, inspiration and sexuality. Physical organs include the kidneys, lower abdomen, liver, prostate gland and reproductive systems. To balance and strengthen this energy center, work with the color orange for the Sacral chakra – wear orange clothing, eat orange foods (oranges, carrots, orange pepper, cantaloupe, apricots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes) or visualize what you are eating or drinking as orange and work with orange crystals, such as carnelian, topaz and orange calcite.

The Solar Plexus chakra is yellow and is your power center and gut instinct. The digestive system, spleen and stomach are the physical organs connected to the Solar Plexus, which is related to our will, personal power and identity. To balance and strengthen this energy center, work with the color yellow for the Solar Plexus chakra – wear yellow clothing, eat yellow foods (squash, bananas, pears, pineapple, corn, lemons) or visualize what you are eating or drinking as yellow and work with yellow crystals, such as citrine, yellow calcite, yellow tourmaline and tiger’s eye.

The Heart chakra is green and is associated with love, including love for self and others, and all other emotions. Our spiritual home, the Heart chakra is tied to the physical body organs of the heart, lungs, rib cage, thymus gland and breasts. To balance and strengthen this energy center, work with the color green for the Heart chakra – wear green clothing, eat green foods (celery, green pepper, green grapes, lettuce, kale, cabbage, limes, avocadoes, green beans, peas, broccoli, cucumbers) or visualize what you are eating or drinking as green and work with green crystals, such as amazonite, aventurine and chrysoprase as well as pink rose quartz, which is the stone of unconditional love.

The Throat chakra is blue and is your voice – the area of communication and self-expression. Physical body organs involve the neck, voice, thyroid gland and throat. To balance and strengthen this energy center, work with the color blue for the Throat chakra – wear blue clothing, eat blue foods (blueberries, blackberries, figs) or visualize what you are eating or drinking as blue and work with blue crystals, such as blue lace agate, blue calcite, lapis lazuli and sodalite.

The Third Eye chakra is indigo or violet in color and is your area of intuition and spiritual awareness. The physical body organs include the pituitary gland and the higher brain centers, including the endocrine and nervous systems. To balance and strengthen this energy center, work with the color purple for the Third Eye chakra – wear purple clothing, eat purple foods (eggplant, purple grapes, plums, purple cabbage) or visualize what you are eating or drinking as purple and work with purple crystals, such as amethyst and purple fluorite.

The Crown chakra is white and is your connection to Source energy. This energy center involves all-knowing and understanding and is connected to the pineal gland and highest brain centers, including metabolism. To balance and strengthen this energy center, work with the color white for the Crown chakra – wear white clothing, eat white foods (white onions, cauliflower, coconut, garlic, mushrooms) or visualize what you are eating or drinking as white and work with clear crystals, such as crystal quartz, clear tourmaline and opal.

See Also

Remember, intention is key to assist you in enhancing those energy centers that may require some attention. Take note of what your physical body is saying to you as you incorporate visualization with color into your spiritual practice.


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About the Author

Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master, and Spiritual Growth Coach, Shelly Wilson, would love to assist you on your spiritual journey. She is the author of 28 Days to a New YOU, Connect to the YOU Within and Journey into Consciousness. In addition, Shelly is a featured columnist and the Metaphysics Editor for OMTimes Magazine.

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