Oracle for June 2015 – Blind Trust

by Darity Wesley
Blind Trust – The energies and directions for the month of June are pointing us in the direction of yet another layer of illusion. In moving through and learning from lifting the veil of the illusion, the next step is looking at what is called “Blind Trust.”
It is as natural as breathing for humans to wish to trust; although for some it is harder than others. It has been a long road for me to even learn to trust others due to an early childhood abandonment experience, and it took years of inner work to overcome the many issues associated with that experience.
The hardest of those issues was learning to trust, and now I know, as my friend Cristina Smith ( says: “You can trust people to be themselves.” Nothing more, nothing less, eh?
As we travel this spiritually enlightening path of transcending illusions or “the” illusion this year, let’s look at the illusion of Blind Trust. I think this is an important subject, as there are many folks new on the spiritual path looking for answers outside of themselves. I am a true believer in divination methods. While psychic readings, tarot readings, astrological readings, and other types of readings and workshops are certainly great for receiving information from your Spirit, your guides, and angels, it is important to cross-check the information with your inner knowingness.
So, what is Blind Trust? It really is what it says: blindly trusting another or something without checking out whether or not it resonates with your own internal truth. Now, for those on the spiritual path, this may make complete sense if you have done inner work or if you are in the process of personal development involving the inner work. You know or are learning what your own internal truth is.
Many may not have thought about this. As a signpost, the Oracle says that many of life’s dramas with family, relationships, bosses, coworkers, colleagues, personal guides, gurus, or others, comes from a karmic perspective. With these folks, we do not, generally, check in with ourselves to verify the resonance of the influence or direction with our inner truth. So often we allow mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, pastors, priests, gurus…others to influence us through our Blind Trust, thinking these folks always have our best interests at heart when in truth and fact your Blind Trust may be misplaced.
There is what many call the human dance. I think we can all relate to that. It is an interesting perspective of how we live our lives, eh? Well, consider that this human dance is based on vibration. We resonate with the truth that matches our energetic vibration frequency of truth.
Sometimes energies come to dance in complete resonance; sometimes not. Consider that sometimes energies come to dance with the karma only and, therefore, do not resonate at all with your inner truth. It has been revealed, however, that as karma is released, as we transmute our karma by our inner work, these dramas, these people, these situations, leave or become inconsequential. They may have no further influence where we are able to transcend the emotionality of whatever has attempted to draw us in.
It is important to realize that these karmic vibrations can misguide us or block our growth. So it is key, this month of June, to tap into busting that layer of the illusion and not blindly relying on the truth of another. It is your truth, your Self, your Soul to rely upon to truly evolve. Others can share their experiences and ideas and processes with us, and then we check them against our inner compass to see if they point us to something we resonate with. If not, we thank them and move on.
The best example of Blind Trust is the Teacher-Student/Guru-Disciple relationship. The student, the disciple, generally expects that teacher or guru to do the work for them. There are many stories of students-disciples coming to the teacher-guru and saying “make me wise,” or “make me compassionate.” They expect the teacher-guru to have all the answers. What happens is the student-disciple loses touch with their truth because they adopt the teacher-guru’s truth as their own.
And so, this Oracle is here to remind us that we truly have moved from the teacher-student relationship. We are our own teachers. We have moved and grown and now is the time to realize that trusting anything or anyone outside ourselves can pull us off the personal journey that we purposefully set for our Self. This is not to say we cannot be influenced by folks that resonate with our inner truth. I am and do all the time. The important thing is that we check in and verify this within ourselves so that we can remain true to our journey home.
This Oracle is also here for us to consider the state of our attachment to the illusion of Blind Trust. Lift the veil and explore this for yourself this month of June. We have graduated from student-disciple. It is time to acknowledge it and give up the illusion of Blind Trust – that someone or something knows better for us than we ourselves as we continue to evolve, grow and change – become more and more our true selves birthing the New Reality along the way. Awakening more and more to our life’s purpose and what it is we wish to accomplish in this lifetime.
Pondering the spiritual realms and other constructs beyond the illusions will truly ground you further in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time no matter what so remember…all you need is love…it will propel you more and more into the expansion of your ability to rely on your very own Spirit and guides!!
Let your mantra for the month of June be: I AM releasing blindly trusting anyone or anything from my life and checking in with my Spirit, my Soul, and my Intuition for the truth of the matter…And So It Is!!!
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About the Author
Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. Contact her at You can follow her on Twitter @SpiritReviver. To subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, send an email to:, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. On Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at:
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