5 Practices for Telepathy with Animals

With telepathy with animals, the “languages” animals use instead of words are languages that humans know too. We ’re just not accustomed to relying on them.
Learn How to Have Telepathy with Animals
by Dr. Linda Bender
By quieting the mind, focusing on the present, and opening the heart, we create the sacred space in which our souls can encounter the souls of animals. This is where you should begin whenever you wish to initiate such an encounter. Spend a few minutes doing one or more of the practices described below. I find that meditating daily makes it easier to settle my mind and open my heart at will, without having to make a big production of it. The sacred space I want to be in becomes so familiar that to get there is as easy as slipping into my favorite bathrobe.
Animals think in pictures and feelings. When they want to connect with you, the most natural way for them to do it is by sending a mental image, a feeling, or both. The fact that I “heard” the words quoted in this book doesn’t mean that the animals were sending words. Rather, the words sprang from my own mind spontaneously when I received a mental image or a feeling. If someone sends you a postcard with a picture of a mountain on it, the word “mountain” is almost certain to flash across your mind. Though you weren’t sent the word, it nevertheless arrives with the picture. This is what is happening when people quote words “said” by an animal who doesn’t actually know any words.
The best way to learn what animal messages are like is to practice sending such messages yourself before attempting to receive any. With telepathy with animals, the “languages” animals use instead of words are languages that humans know too. We ’re just not accustomed to relying on them.
Here are five proven ways to build your ability for telepathy with animals.
Five Methods for Telepathy with Animals
Telepathy with Animals Practice #1: Sending a Pictorial Message
You can practice this telepathy with animals practice with your companion animal if you have one. When there is something you would like your animal to do, instead of issuing a verbal command, form a mental picture of the desired action. Picture your cat coming to sit in your lap or your dog fetching a favorite toy, then imagine that you are sending that picture over the “telepathic airwaves.” You may be startled to discover that your animal actually responds to your mental request. On the whole, companion animals prefer this mode of communication, just as you probably prefer messages in your native language to messages that have to be painstakingly translated from Swahili.
You can also use mental pictures to send messages that are impossible to convey to an animal in words. For instance, if you are leaving on a trip, trying to verbally reassure your animal that you will return in a week is futile. Instead, during your absence, periodically send an image of yourself coming through the door, joyfully reuniting with your animal, and resuming your familiar routine together.
If you don’t have an animal companion, go outdoors, notice what creatures are there, and send them “picture postcards” of the sort of thing that might interest them. Send a bee a picture of a garden with lots of flowers to pollinate, or send a raccoon a picture of a dumpster loaded with discarded human food. For the purpose of this exercise, it doesn’t matter whether the animals actually receive these greeting cards (though they very well might). You’re just trying to get a feel for what it is like to send them.
Telepathy with Animals Practice #2: Sending a Feeling
As with the previous exercise, practicing this one with a companion animal is ideal. This time your task is to send an emotion. Start with one that is directly related to the animal. For instance, instead of saying
“Good dog!” simply experience the emotion of being pleased. Notice what it feels like in your body. It might help to exaggerate the feeling a bit, really filling yourself up with the sense of being pleased. Then send it.
When you find that your animal seems to be responding to emotional messages that directly concern him or her, you can go on to work with sending other feelings that you might be having. You can let your animal know that you feel sad or worried or excited. None of this is go- ing to come as news to your companion. He or she has been picking up on your moods all along, and probably knows what you are feeling even better than you do yourself. That’s not really the point. Your purpose is simply to get used to deliberately sending feelings. This will help you to recognize feeling messages from animals when you receive them.
Telepathy with Animals Practice #3: Making a Metaphor
A metaphor is a mental image that symbolically communicates a feeling. For example, we may say that we are “drowning in debt.” The mental picture isn’t meant to convey literal drowning, but the feeling of being overwhelmed by financial obligations.
When you have a strong feeling, sit with it a moment and see if an image comes to mind—an image that expresses the feeling symbolically. This is pretty likely to happen, but if it doesn’t, notice whether some familiar figure of speech comes to mind—an expression like “blow my top” or “bursting with pride.” Form a literal mental picture of what that figure of speech is saying.
You don’t need to send this image to anyone. The purpose of the exercise is simply to learn to express feelings through symbolic pictures so that you will be able to recognize such a message should you receive one from an animal.
Telepathy with Animals Practice #4: Sending Comfort
Some animal-rescue shelters have websites featuring photos and stories of individual animals who are currently up for adoption. You can, if you like, choose one of these individuals to be the beneficiary of this exercise. Or you can, if you prefer, think of a hypothetical animal in a predicament that stirs your compassion: a farm animal facing slaughter, or a wild animal threatened by poachers or by the shrinking of its habitat. Take a few minutes to focus on the pain this animal must be feeling. Then think about what you could offer in the way of comfort. It could be a mental picture, or a feeling, or both. For instance, you could offer an abandoned animal a feeling of being cherished, or a mental picture of being petted and played with. To an animal who is about to die, you could offer a picture of a happy afterlife in your imaginary animal sanctuary. Prepare your offering in your own mind and heart, then send it telepathically.
Telepathy with Animals Practice #5: Sending a Request for Help
When humans need help, we tend to put our request for it in the form of a problem for which the helper could provide a specific solution. We ask questions like “Should I go through with the surgery my doctor is recommending?” or “How can I find a romantic partner?” Such re- quests for advice are not very intelligible to animals. What an animal is capable of receiving and responding to is the concern or feeling behind the question. In emotional terms, “Should I go through with the surgery?” really means, “I am scared to have the operation and also scared of what might happen if I don’t have it.” “How can I find a partner?” means “I am feeling lonely.”
Think of a current problem or concern for which you would like to receive inner guidance. First phrase this request in the form of a question, as you probably would if asking a fellow human for help. Then sit quietly with yourself, exploring the feelings that motivate the question. Put what you are feeling in the form of a statement instead of a question. Notice whether that feeling evokes any mental pictures or metaphors. Then telepathically send your statement—along with the emotion and any images or metaphors that came up—to any- one whose help and guidance you would like to receive. (It could be God, an angel, an animal, or a fellow human being.) When you request help or guidance by expressing the concern behind your question, you are more likely to receive what you truly need—not just from animals, but from other spiritual beings, and even from living people.
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About the Author
Linda Bender, DVM, spent 14 years devoted to veterinary work that included the rescue, rehabilitation, and protection of wildlife in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Her interest in spirituality and healing led her to found the Mind the Gap Wellness Center, as well as one of the first pet-therapy programs in Cincinnati. She is also cofounder of the nonprofit organization From the Heart. As an educator and author, Linda is dedicated to advocating for animals throughout the world. She is author of the book Animal Wisdom: Learning from the Spiritual Lives of Animals. lindabender.org

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It’s a good start to animal communication
Great start for those who are new to this. I have been doing this forever and really believe I have better communication with my pets than my people family!! Maybe I’m destined to be the crazy old cat lady? (only have 3 cats and no intent to add, unless a home is needed) Peace all lovers of life!