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Dr Wayne Dyer Transitions To Eternity

Dr Wayne Dyer Transitions To Eternity


Dr Wayne Dyer, Self-Help Guru, Passes Into Eternity

Breaking News from the Family of Dr Wayne Dyer:

Wayne has left his body, passing away through the night. He always said he couldn’t wait for this next adventure to begin and had no fear of dying. Our hearts are broken, but we smile to think of how much our scurvy elephant will enjoy the other side.

We Love You Forever Dad/Wayne

The Dyer Family

Dr Wayne Dyer, internationally renowned author and motivational speaker in the field of self-development, has passed away.

He was the author of 30 books, had created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows.  His first book Your Erroneous Zones in 1976 is one of the best-selling books of all time, with an estimated 35 million copies sold.  Many of his books have been featured as National Public Television specials.

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OMTimes would like to express their sincere Gratitude to Dr Wayne Dyer for his incredible life of service to others and the countless personal transformations he engendered from those who heard his gifted oratory.  OMTimes also sends their Blessings to their family during their time of grief.

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View Comments (2)
  • So sad for his family, and for all of us! May his spirit rain down on us all, as it did during his life here.

  • RIP Mr Dyer..I know that I have been inspired and felt a true sense of love and humbleness when I read your books and listened to you speak.You have made your mark in many lives including mine.God Bless you for all your work you have done and all you achievements.

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