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Colleen Mauro: Spiritual Telepathy

Colleen Mauro: Spiritual Telepathy

Colleen Mauro: Spiritual Telepathy

“When we make conscious contact with the soul, everything changes. We lose our sense of separateness and realize that we are part of a great universal life, the soul of humanity. We find our place within the greater whole and experience our interconnection with all life.”

Coleen-Mauro_OMTimesIn the late 80s, Colleen Mauro launched Intuition: A Magazine for the Higher Potential of the Mind to introduce readers to the emerging field of intuition development. In her new book, Spiritual Telepathy: Ancient Techniques to Access the Wisdom of Your Soul , she takes us beyond the intuition basics and introduces us to a more advanced form of intuitive perception called spiritual telepathy.

Colleen Mauro’s extensive background in magazine publishing includes work a publisher, editor, advertising director and circulation and marketing consultant. Intuition, published from 1988 to 2001, explored the higher potential of the mind and the many and varied ways of intuitive knowing. The magazine, which included both research and how-to information, featured leaders in the field such as Dean Radin, Jean Houston and Candace Pert.

In Spiritual Telepathy, she introduces the advanced mind-training techniques that will allow us to access the wisdom and guidance of our own souls. These teachings, also known as the esoteric or mystery teachings, come from a body of knowledge called the Ageless Wisdom. Once taught in the ancient mystery schools of Egypt, Greece, Babylon, and India, these teachings were first put into book form by the Hindu sage Patanjali, author of The Yoga Sutras.

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As the Wisdom teachings tell us, the soul is our gateway to the higher worlds. When we make contact with our souls, we have access to the universal or divine mind where information on all subjects can be found. In the past, it’s been only the “special” people—our saints, shamans and spiritual leaders—who have had access to the higher worlds. Colleen Mauro’s message is that it’s possible for each of us to build our bridge to the soul and tap that universal wellspring of inspiration and knowledge.

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