3 Ways to Rid Yourself of Mind Games

Mind games are energetic connections, which people mirror, in order to influence, control, subjugate, suppress, and force others to accept their side of the story. Simply put, these games are utilized to coerce others into acceptance, according to one’s whims and fancy. Usually, mind games do not connote a very positive vibe. The more heightened a person’s psychic or paranormal senses are, the more likelihood there is that the person will apply these games in using such abilities. In fact, people with increased telepathic skills may tend to apply mind games to gain favor.
However, there is a positive side to the use of mind games. In fact, it is possible to focus on the usage of mind games to create positive changes in our lives. There are three possibilities, which include: enhancing mental strength, resetting the mind, and healing past life blocks.
1. Enhancing Mental Strength
The Navy Seals and many other defense units use mind games to increase mental resiliency and psychological strength. As the saying goes, life starts in the mind. This situation is similar to imprinting the mind for success by using an “if” and “will” mind game. For example, if you accomplish task A, you will treat yourself to a favorite movie. Now, your mind believes this and pushes you to accomplish the goal. Next, you increase the task load as well as the reward. If you accomplish tasks A, B and C, then you will take a weekend getaway or even a week’s vacation. The reward is greater and more enticing, as you increase the goals to be met. By using these sorts of games, you can achieve what you want by strengthening your own mind.
2. Resetting the Mind
When used in positive sense, mind games also can help breakthrough a negative or limiting mindset. The alteration of thought patterns or resetting thoughts will help to achieve more happiness and abundance in life. Playing the ‘if’ and ‘will’ mind game can actually rip through a lot of conditioning. Many of us limit ourselves with beliefs that we cannot do something because our parents or the people around us have told us this is so. Psychologically speaking, these childhood imprints create mind patterns and degrade our confidence, which can limit our potential.
A tool like a mind game can actually lift a lot of these blocks and harness our infinite potential. Ultimately, it is essential to train our minds to believe and conceive that the impossible is actually very much possible. It’s all in the mind.
To illustrate this point, Hollywood producers tend to market their anticipated blockbuster films and are able to generate millions of dollars in a short period of time. Their marketing plans are a fantastic mind game gimmick. For example, when we watch a movie, such as 2012 or Titanic, we can become engrossed in the movie characters and may replay the scenes over and over in our minds after having watched the film. The sound, imagery and acting have made an impression on our psyches, creating a make-believe reality within our minds.
Similarly, words spoken to us by our parents and teachers can also create a make-believe reality in our heads, and we start operating out of those pre-conditioned responses or mindsets, which are rarely far from our real selves. Sometimes, these responses can involve positive imprinting. However, more often than not, a negative fear is implanted in our minds. Often, we grow into adults who exhibit poor self-esteem, low confidence, the inability to express ourselves, and shyness. To remove these blocks as well as limiting thoughts in our psyches, we can apply mind games.
3. Healing Past Life Blocks
In examining the metaphysical side of mind games, many psychics, mediums, channels and shamans are quite adept at transmitting and receiving telepathic messages. They may influence a person’s mindset and assist with resetting it for improvement. For these individuals, their third eye chakra and/or intuitive senses are heightened and they are able to read minds and convey or project their thoughts etherically or, through the etheric body.
Hypnotists use mind games to instruct the subconscious mind of their clients to obey their order. On a positive note, past life regressionists use mind games to reset the mindset. They apply this by actually putting the conscious mind of their clients to sleep and letting the subconscious mind take over. The subconscious mind stores all the memories of the present life and past lives. As the client regresses into the delta state, memories stored in the subconscious mind begin playing out in their mind’s eye. Regressionists reset the mindset by cleansing these memories through application of external verbal orders and healing music. Such regressions result in enhancing the client’s potential by breaking past barriers created by past life imprints.
Making Your Own Movie
By using mind games in a positive way, you can indeed make changes in your mind and life for the better. Yes, there are positive things to be gained by using these techniques in therapeutic ways by enhancing your mental strength, resetting your mind, and healing your past life blocks.
Last but not least, do not forget to own your mind and make your own movie. As your mind is formatted, so is your life.
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About the Author
Sunanda Sharma is a professional tarot card reader, psychic, author and life coach. A published author, she has written two books titled, Inspiration from the Spirit Volume 1 and Inspiration from the Spirit Volume II, both of which are available on Amazon.com and flipkart.com.

Sunanda Sharma is a professional Tarot Card Reader, Psychic, Author and Life Coach from India. She is a member of Best American Psychics Team 2013, Member of Certified Psychic Society 2013 and Winner Tarot Super Achievers Award 2012 in India.