When Quitting is a Good Idea!

Are you unhappy? Is your life actually making you sick? Do you have a desire to resign, freeing yourself from the constant tension? Are you ready to throw in the towel and start fresh? Then, this article is for you!
You stand up, gather your belongings, and hit the door running. Making a bee line to the car, you open the door, get in, turn the ignition, and suddenly reality sets in. How will you pay your rent? Can you survive without health benefits? What will your parents say? What in the world are you thinking! Shamefully, you walk back to your office.
What’s interesting is the fact that you participated in the creation of the life you are living. Every day you have been making decisions, large and small. The entire scenario was most likely crafted by your own hand. It was once exactly what you thought you wanted.
So, here you are feeling beaten, battered, and tired. You may be at the point of physical illness, as stress and worry has wreaked havoc on your body, mind and spirit. Running away to a tropical island has entered your mind. You’ve envisioned living in a pretty little beach cottage in the Bahamas on the crystal clear turquoise water with palm trees gently swaying, a warm breeze, and beautiful golden sunshine. It’s just you, okay maybe your cat, and a Pina Colada.
What’s holding you back? Money? People have managed to live off the grid with little or no money. You don’t have to live in the lap of luxury unless of course you can afford to. In that case, what are you waiting for!
Perhaps, you just want out. You want out of the job that is literally sucking the life out of you. You want out of the profession that is laden with politics and high school pettiness. You want out of constantly rushing around town, going to appointments, and doing errands.
You want to throw in the towel and quit. Well, that is exactly what you are going to do. Sometimes, quitting is a good idea! I’m sure right about now you are wondering if you should continue reading. Hold on, you are going to like what comes next. Many people have felt just like you and have emerged happier and healthier. Things can change for the better. You, too, can enjoy life and the people you love again.
Quitting your Job…
Now, I wouldn’t advise calling your boss right at this moment and quitting. However, if you feel your job is the cause of your discomfort, stress, and illness, you may want to look into another profession. Quitting can be the path of least resistance. It can also be challenging, but it can be done. It all depends on how much you desire and need change as well as your current circumstances.
If you are in a position where money is not an issue, consider yourself lucky as the transition from one job to the next can be made without pressure. If not, you will need to carefully plan and orchestrate a transition. Do you want to stay in the same field or pursue something entirely different? Many people have several career changes throughout their lives.
Remember though, the grass is not always greener. If the job entails the same responsibilities you have now, a lateral move could yield the same outcome. If management or administration is the issue, the move may relieve some of the stress and frustration.
It can be unpleasant to work with people who are driven by personal agendas, shady interactions, and secretly hiding behind smoke and mirrors. However, you are ultimately responsible for your happiness, both in and outside the workplace. No one can steal your joy unless you let them. Sooner or later people are exposed for who they are.
Naturally, quitting your job without careful planning and consideration would have consequences. You need to weigh the pros and cons and come up with a plan that will suit your needs. No one has reached the end of their life or lay on their death bed wishing they had spent more time at a job that was the cause of so much stress, frustration and unhappiness. Quitting can be a good idea.
Over Scheduling Yourself? Try Quitting That…
If your life is spent running from one appointment or class to another, it’s time to stop. Limit the amount of appointments and activities you commit to. Block out time for you and your family. This will allow you to feel a sense of spontaneity rather than obligation and enable you to do things on the fly. Can you say road trip?
Quitting Extreme Seriousness…
Lighten up and have a little fun! Life can become all work and no play if you let it. Quitting even some of the extreme seriousness can make a big difference: Add laughter. Go to a Comedy Club. Watch a funny movie. Play. Blow bubbles with the kids, or by yourself. Step in puddles or take your shoes off and walk in the rain. Learn a joke and tell it.
Putting Life On Hold? Try Quitting That…
People do this all the time. They put off living the life they want, while waiting to obtain something that they feel will make their life better or happier later on. Quit doing that! Make memories and plan day trips. Visit your parents, grandparents and friends. Go to an animal shelter and pet the animals. Volunteer. Do something that makes you feel alive.
There are activities that cost little or nothing. Take a bike ride. Go to the beach. Pack a lunch, bring a book and your floppy hat. Put your feet in the sand. Take a walk. Go to a museum, look at art and architecture. Invite a friend for lunch or meet at a botanical garden for coffee. Order dessert first. Listen to music. Take a candle lit bath. Put on your dancing shoes. Go out on the town. Take a chance. Try something new.
Not Paying Attention? Quitting That Will Help…
When you speak with someone, look in their eyes, while giving them your full attention. Put down the cell phone. Shut it off, at least during meals. Spend time talking with family or friends instead of answering and sending text messages. Pay attention to body language. Take a minute to notice. You will learn a lot.
What is your body telling you? Have you been losing or gaining weight? How’s your skin? Are you drinking enough water? Are the foods you’re eating causing you to feel energized and vibrant or are you feeling fatigued and sluggish? Pay attention and make adjustments.
Dale Carnegie once wrote: “One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon—instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.”
Sometimes, quitting is a good idea. With a little finesse, soulful reflection and a plan, you can start fresh. Life is happening now. Live it.
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About the Author
Gia Dalton is a visionary writer, speaker, coach, teacher and Intuitive Life Strategist. Currently writing a book, Gia operates a private concierge holistic practice. A modern, Bohemian Guru, she states, “My mission is to motivate, empower and inspire the lives of others with integrity, beauty and love.”

Gia Dalton is an international visionary writer, speaker, coach, teacher and intuitive life strategist. Currently, she is writing a book. A modern, Bohemian guru, she states, "My mission is to motivate, empower and inspire the lives of others with integrity, beauty and love, giving the Glory to God."