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Overcoming the Fear of Power

Overcoming the Fear of Power


by Angie Webster

Do you have a fear of power? How do you feel when you hear the word? If you are like many people today, you probably cringe when you hear the word, power, at least on the inside. Power has a derogatory connotation in the world, one that has been well earned by the huge and long-standing misuse of it. A lot of us have been harmed or controlled in some way by another person or group of people. Those people who haven’t been likely know someone who has. We have all seen the many atrocities of war, human injustice, inequality, and prejudice on a planetary and cultural level.


Fear of Power Due to Abuse

The abuse of power is essentially a misunderstanding of what true and balanced power is. True and balanced power is power that comes from interconnection. This understanding that we are all connected and that we are supported by an energy that is much larger (regardless of how you view that energy) creates compassion. The need to abuse power comes from a feeling of separation, need, lack, and fear. It leads to control, harm, destruction, and greed in the attempt to fill the void of true power. When we feel a sense of connection, there is no need to abuse or have fear of power because we know true power.

Not all power is bad or misused. Love is power and unconditional love is both balanced and balancing. It is so powerful that it dissolves the wounds created from imbalanced power, or even from imbalanced love. Gratitude or appreciation is power and could be viewed as a form of unconditional love. When our gratitude comes from a visceral sense of enjoying what we are experiencing, it is incredibly healing and powerful.


Fear of Power? True Healing is Power!

True healing is power. True healing allows us to see ourselves, another and the world as we really are, with acceptance and love, which then dissolves the pain and dysfunction. This requires us to be vulnerable, which seems to be paradoxical to power. However, that is not the case at all. Vulnerability is also power. Vulnerability begins with being willing to truly see your inner world in an honest way and to feel your truest feelings. To see your thoughts and feelings, while having the greatest of acceptance and compassion, opens the path to being able to do this for everyone. It opens you to receive the energy of Spirit and intuition, deepening your connection to all.

When we feel disconnected from ourselves, others, the Earth or Spirit, we can find it hard to share love or receive love though we may deeply crave it. The more cut off we feel, the more unsafe we feel in the world, so the more we resist love and connection. We unconsciously restrict our own personal power and the energy flow in our bodies, which leads to poor health, depression and anxiety. This fear of power leads to endless searching outside ourselves, yet never finding true fulfillment.


Fear of Power and Fear of [Dis]Connection

The fear of connection to our true and balanced power holds us back from knowing and speaking our truth. It also keeps us from being present for the truth of others. We are too caught in our own fear of power to truly hear another. As we shut off our ability to completely express who we are, we also put chains on our ability to use the talents and abilities we have been given. We accept the roles handed to us, often those that mean chasing something outside ourselves as a primary means of joy and comfort.

It is vital to our full functioning and flow in the world in order to flourish as humans and to be able to heal this block or fear of power. We can begin to do that by intentionally noticing all the ways we are fearful or resistant to it. Set aside a few minutes each day for a few weeks to notice how this arises for you. Be compassionate with any feelings that arise, while having no judgment about them. Simply allow them to come up and be with them until they wash through you and clear.


Meditation for Connecting with True Power

One way to help clear blocks to true power is to work with intentionally inviting Divine connection into your body, which will help you to adjust to the feeling of connection to true, balanced power. To do this, sit with the spine straight but relaxed and let your mind rest for a moment. Then, ask light to begin flowing into your head and down through your spine. You can think of this light as the light of God, the light of the sun, the moon and the stars, or simply Universal Light. It doesn’t matter, as long as it makes sense to you. Envision it moving all the way to your pelvis and then down your legs to your feet.

See Also

Next, ask light to come up from the center of the Earth and flow into the bottoms of your feet, up your legs, and into your pelvis. See this light traveling all the way up your spine to the top of your head. Ask these two sources of light to join in your belly, right at the solar plexus, just below the rib cage. Feel their loving power connecting with your own personal energy and giving you vitality and strength. Notice how you feel loved and capable, supported and at ease. Allow this feeling to swirl within you for as long as it feels good. When you feel ready, you can allow that ball of power energy drop into your lower belly to be stored and used when you need it. Remember, your connection to the Divine (or the light) is always there. You only need to place your awareness on it to strengthen this connection.

True power is not our enemy. It is unbalanced and mistaken power that has created so much difficulty within our hearts and for the world. With a little mindfulness and intentional practice, we can heal our inner relationship with power. As we do this, we shift this fear of power, breaking free from the chains of the illusion of unworthiness and separation.

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About the Author

Angie Webster is a Reiki Master Teacher in Central Illinois. She is also a freelance writer, regularly writing about Reiki, energy medicine, and spirituality. Angie is the author of Infinite Reiki, Infinite Healing: How Energy Medicine Healed My Life and What it Can do for Yours. Discover more at:

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