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The Power of Unity – One Earth, One Voice

The Power of Unity – One Earth, One Voice


by Clifford Michaels

How Can We Move Beyond Fear and Terror?

The recent terrorist acts in Paris and Belgium offer us an opportunity for reflection. With all of our technological advances we have more work before we call ourselves a fully evolved civilization. The diversity in cultures throughout the world has kept societies fragmented from one another until now. Through technology the world is getting smaller all the time. Ultimately, as a world community, we will need to act in a unified way as one voice.

Fear is what drives the behavior of persecutors – terrorists. They hope that the fear of death and the slaughtering of innocent people will act as motivation for others to listen. Quite the opposite is true. This is an opportunity for people to unite against terrorism. And, there is great power in unity.

If we can find a way to unite the people of this planet instead of focusing on our differences, we will be able to combine our energy and common needs to move civilization forward. Every decision we make has consequences not only for ourselves but for others. We are connected to each other in ways most of us have yet to discover.

We are not learning our lessons from history. The weapons have changed, but the fears have not. Until people understand why they are here and their attitudes toward themselves and others change, condemnation and disrespect for life will remain stagnant.


The Connection with Others in Unity

Unity may sound Utopian but, like it or not, we need to move civilization toward this goal. This requires a mentality of love, equality, and concern for others rather than wanting everything for oneself.

The world we live in is essentially a test tube for all of us, and over time it is getting smaller.

The question of whether one considers oneself to be “religious” is sensitive, as this form of identity means so much to people and resonates to the core of their belief systems. If you listen closely, many will define themselves by their particular religion and then define others who do not share the same religious beliefs as separate from them. This narrows our perspective of reality and closes down thinking.

Unfortunately, throughout history this behavior has repeated itself and has developed into an “us versus them” mentality. Most conflicts in our history have had their roots based in religious ideals. Religion can be a positive force in one’s life, but if it is based only on formal dogma, it can create division rather than unity. It must be seen as a method for speaking to your Maker, your Source, rather than the prime element for defining who you are.

If you look at the essence of all faiths, you will find more similarities than differences. We are meant to be one tribe.


See Also
new boundaries

One People on One Earth – One Human Journey

When we understand how similar we are to each other the better we will all be. There may be rules and guidelines we can gain from various cultures and traditions, but in reality our relationship with religion is individual. Many fear that they won’t be accepted by God and so they follow religious prescriptions for behavior like a checklist, thinking, If I say this or do that ritual, I will be given the keys to the kingdom. I am right for believing and doing it this way, and others who do not are sinful. This plants the seeds for conflict.

Ultimately, we are here for learning, evolving, and expanding ourselves through our experiences and the lessons that are put before us. Eliminating poverty and hunger and providing shelter create a minimum baseline for all who are less fortunate. It enables everyone to have a chance at life. It enables all to be less focused on survival and therefore more likely to make a contribution to others and our planet. We will understand that all life has purpose and a deeper meaning,

If we remain asleep and set in our ways we will face many challenges ahead. Compassion is currently one of the most important spiritual lessons for us to learn. People need to see and respond to the struggles of others as well as to their own. When we embrace this new way of looking at the world, the ability for each of us to find love and compassion for one another without judgment, will enable harmony and peace to take hold in a way this world has never seen.

We must embrace the power of unity and stand for what is just and good in life. We have to work together and embrace these challenges and learn to see each other as equals on this journey called “human”. We will be better able to weather them. We are not meant to suffer or be punished. We are meant to evolve as one people.


About the Author

Clifford Michaels started his career as a Wall Street trader before moving into private practice. He has a B.S. in finance from Syracuse University and an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh. Following a reluctant journey of self-discovery, he developed the sensitivity to interact with the heavenly realm and now has one foot planted firmly in two worlds. He transmits energy for healing and words for communication from the “other side” and aims to raise humanity’s awareness of who they are and how they can reach universal harmony.

View Comments (3)
  • “Singly, a grain of sand, has but little energy, but united with other grains of sand, in united action, can weigh tons, become immovable and form worlds.”


    “The thinnest veil over the Sublime Mystery of the Ineffable Name is Brotherhood and Love!”

  • “Without unity and Brotherhood nothing can be done.”

    “The true Republic is the out growth of Brotherhood.”

    “Love, or affection, is the cement that binds men to one another. Where there is love there is unity; where there is unity, harmony prevails.”

    “All men are brothers by all the laws of Nature and by the very being of God.”

  • “All men have the ability and the opportunity to BECOME that which they DESIRE. There is but one stipulation: They must be willing to make the EFFORT, to LIVE that which they desire to BECOME. THE PRICE MUST BE PAID.”


    John 1:12 (13)
    “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God”
    “Believing alone will NEVER sow the kernels of wheat whereby the life-sustaining bread may be reaped.
    ‘Receiving Him’ means to accept Him. ACCEPTING Him, also means accepting His Law. Accepting the Law carries with it the obligation to OBEY the Law, or live within the Law. This LIVING is “Sowing” and the sower, we are promised, shall reap according to his sowing and the spirit (feeling) in which he sows.”

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