5 Tips for Staying Abundant in Uncertain Times

by Fay Thompson
In These Uncertain Times…
There is an energetic wave sweeping through the world right now that is running at the frequency of lack and the fear of not enough. People everywhere are going into conservation mode. They are deciding that they are low on funds and that this is not a time of abundance.
This is an especially important time to be aware of what is really going on in your world. When the mass majority becomes afraid, we are swept up in the energy of that. People are afraid of uncertainty.
The Brexit vote, the upcoming election in the USA, and terrorist acts across the world are causing people to withdraw from receiving and from being grateful for the abundant world we live in and instead are focusing on what horrible things could happen. This then leads to creating energetic defenses to protect us from the scary and unwanted things in the world. Whenever we build defenses, we close ourselves off from receiving. When we close ourselves off from receiving, we create lack and fear instead of a steady stream of abundance.
Recognizing Abundant Feelings, Not Fear
We live in an infinite universe that is constantly gifting to us. It does not stop because of some world event. It is infinitely rich in its sharing and giving. It provides through the energy that we be. When we be the energy of gratitude and trust and generosity, we create experiences to be grateful for, that we trust, and the feeling of the world being generous with us.
This is an opportunity to no longer be a sheep in the herd of mass unconsciousness. It is time to step out of the thought patterns and beliefs of the majority and stand firm in the knowing that all is well and that we are generously provided for. It is time to become a leader in exposing the abundance that is there for us all, if we are willing to be the energy of someone who acknowledges and is grateful for it.
The fear of many does not create the truth, but it does create a reality. When we stay focused on the truth that we are powerful creators, that we can create money, that the universe will provide for us when we be the energy of having more than enough, then we do not become victims of the fear-based realities, and we do not fall into a state of lack.
Remember We Create Energetically
But if you are hell-bent on proving that you must defend yourself, that the world is scary, that there is less, and we must deny ourselves in order to have something in the future, then you will create the circumstances to prove you are right. The universe is constantly gifting to us from the energy we are being.
Right now the majority of the world’s population is afraid, withdrawing, putting up defenses, and cutting off the receiving of abundance. You do not have to follow the crowd. Be aware. Pay attention to the energy that you are being. It is constantly creating for you. Keep focused on gratitude and the knowing you are a powerful creator in an infinite universe that is friendly and constantly contributing to you. Be the difference that you are and reap the rewards of that. This will then show others the way. Fall into the crowd and your presence will be lost.
If you find that you are being dragged into the trenches and are having trouble getting out of the fear and the feeling of lack, then here are some tips.
Five easy tips to keep you focused on being abundant:
Abundant Tip #1. Focus on gratitude. When you are truly grateful for what you have and for what is coming, you lose all fear.
Abundant Tip #2. Constantly ask, “Who does this fear belong to?” and “Truth, am I really afraid or do I know this isn’t real?” You will find you are just aware of what the world is thinking and feeling. You are allowed to be different.
Abundant Tip #3. Trust in the infinite universe. When you truly trust in the abundance of the infinite universe you let down all barriers and defenses and open fully to receiving.
Abundant Tip #4. Be generous with yourself and others. When you truly give from a place of generosity, you are telling the universe you have more than enough and it will create more of that for you.
Abundant Tip #5. And lastly, laugh and find humor in everyday occurrences. Laughter is a doorway to receiving.
This wave of fear and uncertainty is likely to press on for the next couple of months. Choose to ride on top of the wave with your surfboard of gratitude and generosity. These energies will always keep you with your head above water. In fact, you may find you soar above it all.
About the Author
Fay Thompson is a Licensed Spiritual Health Coach, a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator, and author of the best-selling book, Azez Medicine, who offers private healing sessions and spiritual workshops worldwide. Fay specializes in a modality called Subconscious Mind Correction that allows a person to release limitations hindering them from moving forward fearlessly. For more info on Fay and her work visit www.faythompson.com.

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