Create Your Own Homeopathic Remedies with Reiki

by Regina Chouza
Homeopathic Remedies with Reiki Can Bring Relief
Reiki is a simple healing tool that we can use to bring peace to mind, body, and spirit. To do so, we need only attend a Level One class, and voilà! You have Reiki for life. It has many practical applications that can help us find peace in our daily lives, bringing light to our consciousness.
While it certainly is relaxing to book a session with a Reiki practitioner, learning to channel this energy may prove to be a better investment in the long term! Reiki can be channeled in many ways, including chakra balancing, which allows us to bring the mind, body, and spirit into alignment; meditating on the Reiki principles and enhancing our mindfulness and trust; and of course, creating our own homeopathic remedies when we need a bit of relief.
Let’s Begin with Reiki
Mikao Usui discovered Reiki in the early 1920’s. A lifelong Buddhist, Usui believed that satori (enlightenment) could be reached through meditation, prayer, and fasting. As legend has it, thus began the climb up Japan’s Mount Kurumaya. Usui resolved to meditate for twenty-one days and nights until he reached satori or died trying. Instead, Usui got Reiki.
In the west, we know Reiki primarily as a healing technique, although its Buddhist foundations also give us the benefits of a spiritual path. The word Reiki can be translated as Rei = divine intelligence, and Ki = life force energy. Reiki healers channel this universal spiritual energy through their palm chakras to their clients facilitating the recipient’s self-healing process. It can also be channeled quite easily for self-healing purposes, which should be covered in any Reiki Level One class. Beyond spiritual healing, the core principles involve living one day at a time, self-mastery, gratitude, honor and respect.
How Do Homeopathic Remedies Work?
Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars, colloquially referred to as ‘like cures like.’ The theory is that every imbalance has at its root an energetic imprint, and that we can restore balance to the mind and body by drawing on that very same imprint consciously. Complementary to medical care and not alternative (like Reiki), homeopathy treats the person rather than the symptom, as outlined by Dr. Edward Bach, creator of Bach Flower Remedies, in his book The 12 Healers.
We can create these remedies in different ways, usually by diluting the active ingredient in water or alcohol. In the case of the Bach Flower Remedies, the active ingredient is a flower whose energetic imprint corresponds with the mental or emotional issue we are addressing. When it comes to Reiki, we create the homeopathic remedy with the power of intention. To learn more about Bach Flower Remedies, read Flowers for Every Star Sign (OM Times 2015)
How Do We Combine the Two?
We have two hands to use when channeling Reiki. While we can use both to give Reiki to ourselves or others, we refer to the non-dominant hand as the receiving hand. We can use it to scan the physical body, and the impressions we receive give us clues as to where we can focus our healing efforts. This hand makes it possible for us to read the body intuitively. When forced to choose between giving and receiving, the dominant hand channels Reiki outward. We can use these qualities to create our homeopathic remedies with Reiki.
Follow these steps (you’ll need a glass of water):
1) Begin the Reiki session as you normally do (or as you learned in class), possibly with a quick meditation to ground and center your energy before you clear your aura.
2) Place your non-dominant hand over the part of your physical body where you are experiencing the discomfort or symptom – while holding the glass in the other hand.
3) Use your left hand to connect with the energetic imprint of the discomfort, including any feelings, emotions or underlying tension held there. Intend for that energetic imprint to transfer through your dominant hand, into the glass of water.
4) Hold the intention for a few minutes and then drink the glass or water, or save it for later.
5) Finish by centering yourself and placing your hands on your heart chakra.
We may need to repeat this every couple of hours until the discomfort goes away, although the results can be impressive. Please use this for your own benefit and remember that Reiki and Homeopathy are both complementary to medical care, not alternative. See a doctor when necessary, while also taking advantage of the wonderful healing tools at our disposal.
About the Author
Regina Chouza is a qualified Healer, Angel Intuitive and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love. At the moment, she is developing a new technique that combines natal astrology, energy healing and crystal magick. Visit her blog for a free download on Energy Basics: Grounding, Clearing and Shielding Yourself:
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