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How the Full Moon Influences Animal Behavior

How the Full Moon Influences Animal Behavior

Moon Animals

Explore the relationship between the full moon and animal behavior, shedding light on the reasons behind their changes.

The Moon and Animal Behavior



Many myths and fables are associated with the Moon’s effects on animal behavior, especially the suggestion that certain species become somewhat erratic during periods of a full moon. Everyone has heard stories about how animals change according to the phases of the Moon, potentially becoming more aggressive or entering reproductive cycles.

Researchers interested in these distinctive animal habits try to understand the possible relationships between these behavioral changes and the lunar cycle. Generally, it has been discovered that there is a direct correlation between the events, but for reasons much less supernatural than we might like to hear.

The full moon provides stronger nocturnal illumination, assimilated and interpreted differently by each species. For some animals, the event may mark the time for synchronization of cycles (reproductive or hunting). For others, the full moon’s light may facilitate visual communication at night, which can be useful for predators and a concern for their prey.

Check out some of the most interesting changes in animal behavior caused by the lunar cycle:


Lions Kill More After a Full Moon:

Lions and other predators attack more in the week following a full moon. This occurs because the early hours of the night are darker in the week after the full moon, and lions are hungrier due to unsuccessful hunts during the brighter nights of the full moon.


Badgers Urinate More During the New Moon:

With the increased darkness of the new moon, when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun in such a way that the side facing us does not receive direct sunlight, badgers take advantage of this to mate more safely. And the way they prepare for this moment is by marking territories with urine. It is, therefore, during this lunar phase that they raise their legs more frequently.



Bats Attack Less During a Full Moon:

Bats, including the species of vampire bats that feed on blood, attack less on nights of high brightness. This occurs as a form of preservation, as they would be more visible to predators on full moon days.

The effect of the Moon on the activities of nocturnal mammals has been well documented for some species, such as rodents in the deserts of North America and Israel. In experiments involving the presence of a predator such as an owl and lightning simulating a full moon, certain rodents eat less and seek to stay in more protected places, that is, areas with more vegetation. On the other hand, some animals show no concern for the luminosity on full moon nights.

An example can be found in kangaroo rats (such as those in the genus Dipodomys), so named because they move on two legs and by hopping. They seem more efficient in detecting their predators, as they only avoid open environments when the predator is present. Thus, they do not alter their behavior based on indirect signs of predation risk (like lunar illumination), as quadrupedal rats do. Additionally, it has been found that kangaroo rats have more efficient hearing than other rats, as their tympanic bullae (bony cavities housing the middle ear) are larger, making them more sensitive to certain sounds produced by predators.


Corals Reproduce on a Specific Night in December

Every year in December, corals along the Australian coast synchronize the largest release of eggs and sperm on Earth. Although various environmental factors also influence the event, such as temperature, salinity, and food availability in the waters, researchers have discovered that the level of lunar irradiation plays a fundamental role.


 The Effects on Cats and Dogs

A study reported in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, which analyzed 11,940 cases from the Colorado State University Veterinary Medical Center, revealed that during the Full Moon, there was a 23% increase in cat visits to the vet and a 28% increase in dog treatments. This happens because they tend to get into more mischief during this period. Scientists have been unable to find an explanation for this change in behavior, but pointed out that it may occur because these animals spend more time outside the house during the Full Moon.


Bird Species Hunt Better During Full Moon

Nightjars, also known as nighthawks, are birds that fundamentally depend on vision to find their prey (generally insects). For this reason, they see better on full moon nights and avoid going out on darker days.



Scorpions Glow According to the Intensity of Moonlight

One of the most interesting phenomena related to animal behavior and the lunar cycle occurs with scorpions. These arachnids glow according to the intensity of the moonlight. As they are nocturnal hunters, this characteristic of the species serves as a tool for scorpions to know if it is safe to leave their burrows.

See Also
Animal End-of-Life Doula


Considering these facts, we can conclude that the Moon plays a much larger role than just being a bright celestial body in the sky. Thanks to it, both the oceans and the fauna and flora can develop and thrive in nature.


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About the Author

Ministry Earth is a collective Awareness-Raising, Perception-Building Initiative from Humanity Healing International, Cathedral of the Soul Educational outreaches created to introduce the perspective of Ethical Consciousness and Nonhuman Personhood to its Animal & Eco Ministries. Ministry Earth is a  Service-Oriented Initiative, and its Magazine is a Copyrighted Publication of OMTimes Media, Inc. Broadcasting and Publishing House.


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