The Heart of the Feminine Struggle

by Elohim Yael
Explaining the Feminine Struggle with Lilith
This third article in the Lilith series focuses on the heart of the feminine struggle. In our previous articles, we discussed how Lilith represents the untamed wife – those parts of the feminine that escaped into humanity’s shadow rather than be constrained. Falling into the shadow, the masculine and the remaining aspect of the feminine hide Lilith and the feminine qualities she represents.
In our previous articles on Lilith (Lilith, Shadowing the Feminine Dilemma and Making Lilith and Her Shadow Visible Again), we saw how throwing light on all our inner shadow parts not only contributes to reconciliation between the two aspects of the feminine with the masculine, but also to experiencing a deeper layer of inner freedom. To truly come to peace with the heart of the inner feminine struggle, Lilith shows us another key.
As with her choice to escape the harsh reality of the masculine-oriented system, the feminine stepped into a trap. This snare is the illusion of restraint in freedom, and the story of Hagar, Abraham, and Sarah explains this.
The Chosen One
Abraham, married to Sarah, was promised many descendants. As Sarah believed herself to be too old to conceive, she offered her slave Hagar to Abraham as a second wife. Hagar then gave birth to Ismael and later Sarah also became pregnant with a son called Isaac. This brought up the question of which son had the first rights. Hagar and Ismael drew the short straw and went to the desert. They end up nearby Mecca. Ismael is known to be the ancestor of the Arabs and Isaac, ancestor of the Jews.
Several themes are played out in this bible story. The most striking is how brothers, men and women were subjected to a great divide for centuries to come. It marks who is or wants to be ‘the chosen one’ and points out what is to be preferred and protected.
This story compares with the foundations of duality described in the previous articles on Lilith: when an individual’s own style, race or color ranks above all others, and the ego-part of the self is preferred to the rest. This created separation between the masculine and feminine and caused an inner battle as well. The figures of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar show us something similar:
~ They tell about being offended, sacrificing, and victimization.
~ This trap lies at the heart of the inner struggle of the feminine.
It Started with an Assumption
It all started with an assumption; the idea something surely was impossible. Sarah believing herself to be too old for conception, makes a grand gesture by offering Hagar. Eventually however, Sarah wonders if she still has anything to contribute, and what she means to the whole. When Sarah unexpectedly brings a child into the world, the question arises of which son has the first rights. Sarah feels she has to secure her position in life. Hagar reacts by protecting hers as well. As if there were not enough room in their three hearts to love the boys equally, Sarah protects herself and her son’s position by sending Hagar into the desert, where she ends up in nearby Mecca.
The wrong committed becomes a new reality for both women. As a consequence, both are victimized. Sarah, a victim of her own assumptions, then victimizes Hagar; hence Hagar, victimized by Sarah, acts upon this. Both ending up being victim and perpetrator at the same time.
Societal Separations and Restrictions
Like Sarah and Hagar, Lilith too makes an assumption, which then leads to a separation from society. As the patriarchal system focuses tangible shapes rather than the (feminine) natural movability and its free-form, Lilith believed herself confined to a style that would restrain her freedom. It seemed impossible to her that there was enough room for both style aspects, not realizing that with this, she herself created a limitation. She restricted her presence because her choice to escape the new (patriarchal based) reality led to her incessant wandering. She also limited her connection with the masculine and other (second) dimension of the feminine.
This is the third in a series of articles for OMTimes focusing on Lilith. Read the first two installments at the links above. The next relates to: Making Peace with the Feminine Struggle.
About the Author
Yael’s essence is Elohim. This essence stands for universal oneness and awareness of essence. It awakens deeper levels of connectedness, with(in) yourself and the universe. Yael enables you to connect with this potential through articles and gatherings. With her essence, she contributes greatly to the process of bringing back purity within the true meaning of light, which is universal and rises above duality.

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