Darity Wesley

Darity Wesley

Darity Wesley experiences life to its fullest by expanding the HERE and NOW by following her intuition in integrating both her business and spiritual personas.  A balance driven renaissance lawyer, Privacy Guru™ and Spiritual Revivalist™, she puts in the exceptional energy required for her visions become her reality.

As Chief Lotus Lawyer and founder of the Lotus Law Center (www.LotusLawCenter.com), Darity practices  “A New Kind of Law™” which incorporates integrity, caring and compassion into 25 plus years of business law and strategy and is a national expert in data and technology licensing. As the Chief Privacy Guru and founder of Privacy Solutions, Inc. (www.PrivacyGurus.com), she leads a team which creates privacy, information security, Internet and technology expertise together with legal documentation and risk management for your website. Additionally, as the Chief Spiritual Revivalist™ at The RYS Center, (www.ReviveYourSpirit.org), Darity is just beginning to manifest her next vision of being a resource for the application of the evolving consciousness which so many of us on this planet are experiencing. Reviving Spirits worldwide.

She is a national speaker on a wide variety of topics from “Business 101: How to Protect Yourself and Your Clients’ to “2012: The End or the Beginning?” Feel free to contact her for more information.

Darity has been providing ~The Daily Oracle~ to hundreds of national and international subscribers for almost 5 years and you can subscribe to by sending an email to Darity@ReviveYourSpirit.org.  She is also the creator/channel of the popular monthly Oracle, which appears in OM Times Magazine.

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