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By Martin Rayne

What constitutes a Miracle? If this were asked as a “Question on the Street” many of the responses we hear would be expected; spontaneous healing of the body and mind (the lame to walk, the blind to see, etc.) as well as a person brought back to life, etc. Most of these are the Miracles that are easily recognized and focused upon.

I ask what of the “little” Miracles?

These are the ones that take place in and around us every day. The smell of a flower, the touch of a loved one, the smile of a child’s eyes, the wonders of nature, the universe around us…the silent presence of a friend when you need one without one word being said. The “little” Miracles are in reality not little….they are what encompass the larger ones…that Matrix which binds them all together.

A true Miracle, born anew each morning, is our physical body. Look at our skin upon it. Dead skin cells are replaced with live skin cells continually. There we are see life from death….the seed that is buried in the ground takes root and reaches up to grow into a vibrant flower, fruit, etc. We see examples of the cycle of life from death daily.

There is one binding quality that all Miracles flow from: Love. True Unconditional Love is transformational; never dying, ever-evolving and manifesting in more ways that we can perceive throughout all the Sight that we have. I have heard the expression that God is Love….however we term Divine Source if only one word could be used to describe Spirit I feel Love fits this well. We see the manifestations of Love, the Miracles, with every breath we take, at every moment of our existence. Let us not ignore those that manifest so large in our physical sight; yet, also, let us not forget to look beyond them to see the others that are always before us and that we have become shortsighted in remembering each day.

As we embrace that Love, we are not only embracing Spirit; we are embracing our Self…and the Miracles that are there inside which we all share.

We have heard it mentioned throughout many communities that we are Miracle Workers. Let us take the next step and embrace that We Ourselves are Miracles Birthing Miracles at Every Moment.

See Also

Of course all in perspective and keeping this to heart as well…what we may take for granted on a day to day basis to another can be perceived and received as a Miracle for them. We Are Miracles for One Another. Perhaps if we hold this to our hearts, then the differences we experience become less magnified as we see so much that we share as ONE.

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