How to be Happy – and get away with it
by Wellington Rodrigues
I took up a mission in life. No, it wasn’t because of any “divine revelation”, or a “prediction” from any astrologer or psychic reader. I decided to take up this thrilling mission for very selfish reasons at first.
Many years ago I learned that we, human beings, do not use even a fraction of our full potential. And I came to discover that this is absolutely true. We have an amazing mind, a complex emotional system, and a miraculous self-healing body. There are many things that we can do with this astonishing holistic complex. Many more than what we are doing at this point in time; some of these things would be considered “miracles” by many.
My first goal in life, after I learned the truth about our potential, was to embark on a journey to explore the most I could, to learn the most I could, and to produce above-average results in my life. I did not embark on this journey with the goal of helping others, but to help myself primarily.
As I grew through each personal accomplishment and improvement, I felt an indescribable high. That was my “drug” of choice; overcoming my limitations each and every day and stripping myself of anything that stood between me and happiness.
Later on, however, I discovered that the high was even bigger and better when I helped others experience a little bit of freedom from their unresolved mental/emotional issues and acquire true power over their lives. “Yes! That is what I want to do with my life!” I said.
This order of events made me realize why we must be clear, at peace, and experiencing the truth before we can even dare to teach it to others. We have to walk the walk, if you know what I mean. And I keep walking each and every day, so I can now dare to talk about something and offer a helping hand.
So, when someone asks why I have chosen the path of helping others I say: “Because this is what gets my juices flowing, this is my passion and my high.”
The simple process that I share freely online is one of those “almost magical” pills that can help you experience the miraculous, sometimes instantaneously. That is no exaggeration. My definition of a miracle is very simple and down to earth: Being able to do something or accomplish a result that you did not think was possible. It is simple, right?
Well, you may not call it a miracle if your definition of such is walking over water, or resurrecting the dead. But to me, being able to completely free yourself from the thought and feeling processes that are making your life less than perfect is a miracle.
Sarah would tell me that it was a miracle for her to be able to ride an elevator for the first time in years, after decades of struggling with an impairing fear. Justin would agree that being able to speak in front of a large audience was a miracle, especially because before he wasn’t even able to speak calmly to a single person.
Suzanne could not believe that the deep seated rage against her father could be dealt with and “melted” in just a couple of days. Lisa’s chronic stress was so intense that her body used to shake constantly; it was affecting her blood pressure and heart. Her miracle was to become as peaceful as a Zen monk while still living and working in the real world, without having to escape to a remote mountain somewhere.
And the stories go on and on. Miracles are happening every day in the lives of people, like you and me, who decided to “play with their realities” and adopt a new and friendly paradigm of transformation. It does not require up to 1 hour a day of meditation. It does not require 5 years of psychoanalysis. It does not require making any major change to your life.
I myself have always been very lazy in the sense that I wanted things to be simple to do. I knew there were faster and easier ways of accomplishing results, and that is what I teach is all about. I was never fond of meditation or “100-step approaches” to feeling better. I wanted it all, quickly and easy. Maybe I found it because I wanted it so much and believed that it was doable.
The Liberation Breath Process is my small contribution to the growing “Energy Psychology” field, and I do not say that it is better or worse than any other modality or process. It is what have worked for me in the first place, and has been working for many hundreds of those who have experienced it firsthand.
So, back to my selfishness, the sensation of having someone looking at your eyes or speaking at the phone, and thanking you for the “miracles” that they have experienced is so awesome that I feel like the happiest, luckiest man in the world. And since I want to share that with others so much, to feel that high even more, I have given up any profit from the official LBP guide. That’s because I want it to reach millions of people around the globe. I am in a personal crusade for a stress-free, emotionally balanced world, and you too can be part of it.
Someone once asked me: “How can I use the LBP to become successful in life?” That is a good question, and yes, I have an answer for that; Success really originates from happiness. No matter how much money you have in a bank account or how famous you are, if you don’t live in that beautiful state of constant happiness, you can’t call yourself successful. When I say happiness I do not mean temporary contentment. Many people spend their lives going after temporary moments of gratification. It is like using a band-aid to fix a hole in a water tube.
Happiness originates from balance. To me balance is the ability to control yourself and the results you produce in your world (You-niverse), without being swept away by anything that comes your way. Balance originates from a positive vibrational state.
So, our best bet would be to find balance by reaching an optimum vibratory state. Vibration is the real key to everything else in life, be it financial freedom, health, peace of mind and happiness.
To reach a higher vibrational frequency, however, we must get rid of the things that are preventing us from it. You do not “get it” by adding, but by eliminating. Pretty much like a sculptor that has to cut and chisel parts of a stone to create a beautiful sculpture.
Nowadays most people live in the illusion that they have to learn more and more, that there’s a mysterious “secret” that will bring them fame fortune, and some happiness to go along with it. I am sorry to disappoint you, but again, you would be better off eliminating the energy charges that are holding your core frequency in a negative vibrational state. Only after that is done can you even dream about being an “attraction master”.
So, for the sake of your own growth, stop chasing after the latest way to become a millionaire in 6 months, the latest fitness scheme, or the new “spiritual retreat” that will transform you into a lettuce-eating guru and go straight to the source. Clean your slate, liberate the packets of stagnated energy that you have been carrying around your whole life and everything else will fall into place.
Wellington Rodrigues leading a one-on-one session of the Liberation Breath Process. For more of Wellington’s videos, visit:
There are really two types of vibration; positive and negative. Once you vibrate in the positive side, money, health, peace, power, or whatever it is that you want will come to you effortlessly. YES, I said the “e word”. Don’t be ashamed of creating miracles effortlessly. Who said it must be hard?
My Brazilian background makes me a very good-humoured person, who likes to have fun in life. So, my chosen path is one of fun and excitement. Try it yourself, you may like it.
I want to invite you to download my free book and try the LBP by yourself. I decided to offer it freely for two reasons; 1) You won’t have any money excuse keeping you from reading it and learning the processes. And 2) You will be relaxed in knowing that I’m not trying to sell you any “snake oil”.
So go ahead. Dare to take charge of your life and experience true happiness. You can find the full LBP Guide at:
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