Your Perfect Teacher
“The difference between school and life? In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.” ~ Tom Bodett
In our business lives; we sometimes wish we had a coach or guru to lean on to help us with our decisions. We frequently think it would be wonderful to defer to someone with a higher level of leadership. Not everyone has someone like this in their lives, and yet each of us has a formidable teacher always beside us, and that is our life itself.
Our business lives provide us with people and experiences on a daily basis replete with opportunity if we are open to accepting this wisdom. After all, the person at the next desk or the manager down the hall doesn’t look like a guru, and yet, if we are on the alert, we can see their wise teachings. Sometimes what they show us is “what to do” and often, the lesson is “what NOT to do.” Tucked into every interface we have is a lesson. Some of them are insignificantly small and some are of enormous impact. Each of them is precisely what we need to learn at that time in life’s classroom.
I find it of great help to remind myself daily of the following:
* My life is my best coach. * Today, I’ll be alert for the lessons. * I am open to receiving the wisdom from today’s lessons.
You may ignite the success you so enjoy and desire more of if you think about what your life is trying to teach you each day. The administrative assistant who arrives late may be teaching you compassion. The middle manager who drafts an inventive proposal may be teaching you to recognize the good. Being late for an appointment may be teaching you humility and flexibility.
The gift box is seldom empty, regardless of how well or how poorly it is wrapped. You can trust your mind to give you the perfect lessons. Lean into it; ask as many questions as you need to; be open to hear the answers that your life will provide you.
Give Your Eyes An “Ahhh” Moment
We all spend a lot of time in front of our computer monitors squinting. When we squint, we don’t blink normally, so our eyes don’t get the right amount of moisture they need. Here is something you can do to alleviate the dry-eye problem:
* Adjust your monitor so that your eyes look down at it and there is no glare. * Look away into the distance every 15 minutes to sharpen your ability to read. * Get up and walk away from your monitor occasionally. * Blink consciously to keep your eyes moistened.
Eat the Good Fat First
Choosing healthy-fat appetizers may help you eat less and lose weight. If you’re watching your weight, you don’t have to decline appetizers totally. Selecting the right nibble before your meal may actually help you eat less! Eat some of that whole-grain bread and olive oil when it’s offered. It could well be a dieter’s good friend.
Don’t clear the table
Do you wish you could control yourself better when that tempting candy or appetizer presents itself? Here’s a tricky idea: Leave the evidence that you have eaten some of it. Whether it’s the wrappers on your coffee table, the wing bones on your dinner table, or the empty cookie box, seeing the proof of your indulgence can help curb overeating. You will know you’ve already enjoyed some.
“Good humor is the health of the soul, sadness its poison” ~Lord Chesterfield
A man goes to the doctor and says, “Doc, I would like to live very long. What should I do?”
“I think that is a wise decision,” the doctor replies. “Let’s see, do you smoke?”
“Oh. Half a pack a day.” ”
Starting NOW, no more smoking.” The man agrees.
The doctor then asks, “Do you drink?”
“Oh, well Doc, not much, just a bit of wine with my meals, and a beer or two every once in a while.”
“Starting now, you drink only water. No exceptions.” The man is a bit upset, but also agrees.
The doctor asks, “How do you eat?”
“Oh, well, you know, Doc, normal stuff.”
“Starting now you are going on a very strict diet. You are going to eat only raw vegetables, with no dressing, and non-fat cottage cheese.” The man is now really worried. “Doc, is all this really necessary?”
“Do you want to live long?” “Yes.” “Well then, it’s absolutely necessary. And don’t even think of breaking the diet.”
The man is quite restless, but the doctor continues, “Do you have sex?”
“Yeah, once a week or so…, only with my wife!” he adds hurriedly.
“As soon as you get out of here you are going to buy twin beds. No more sex for you. None.”
The man is appalled. “Doc…Are you sure I’m going to live longer this way?”
“I have no idea, but whatever you live, I assure you it is going to seem like an eternity!”
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Author Bio
Maria Khalife is the CEO of Soufrah Daimeh TV Network, Soufrah Daimeh Magazine, and Change Coaching Institute. She has written and published over 70 cookbooks.

Known as the Oprah of the Mideast, Maria Khalife is an acclaimed television personality, executive and a beloved media celebrity in the Arabic-speaking world with diverse international audiences. She is the host and executive producer of top-rated network television and radio programs, magazine publisher, author, an in-demand motivational speaker, seminar leader and internationally recognized lifestyle and well-being coach.