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The Altruism Revolution

The Altruism Revolution

by Lonny J. Brown

“Extraordinary times call for extraordinary love. But then again—there really is nothing ‘ordinary’ about love. Watch for and welcome all changes, happenings, disruptions, upheavals and confusions with grace and peace. Blanket the planet in light. Breathe in calm, exhale trust. And remember always that you and we are powerful beyond comprehension.” ~ Courtney A. Walsh

We live in intense times, and all signs point to more of the same for the foreseeable future. The existential/spiritual question is: what good could possibly come from all the social, geo-political and environmental upheaval hitting us at the dawn of the twenty-first century? What have we got to look forward to?

Bad News?

Compared to where we need to be to survive and thrive on this planet, our species seems to have barely emerged from the dark ages, when fear and power were the determining forces in human history. Seeing all the unnecessary, human-caused suffering in the world, it seems we are hard-wired to learn by trial and error. Our long violent history belies a two-steps-forward-one-back syndrome. In the words of the old anti-war folk song, when will they ever learn? In esoteric terms, mankind must now evolve from the power chakra to the heart.

It seems modern, “intelligent” mankind repeatedly distorts perfectly good working solutions to perverse extremes. In the economy, the driving entrepreneurial ideal has warped into the glorification of greed, with all the consequences evident in the global financial melt-down. In politics, national pride is twisted into emotional, self-righteous hyper-patriotism. In the natural environment, we have squandered our most precious resources and poisoned nearly everything. In religion, great insights become intellectual property, while the original spirit that gave them birth calcifies in doctrine and dogma.

There’s an apocalyptic current in the atmosphere at the close of the decade, exemplified by the final destruction movie, “2012,” and cheered on by the fundamentalist Left Behind movement. The unprecedented convergence of ancient prophecies and scientific predictions, environmental and financial upheaval, resource shortages, pandemics, religious fanaticism, political pandering, and media hype presents the ultimate half-empty/half-full conundrum: Can humanity change its behavior and survive the effects of its own impact on the planet? Nowadays pessimism and panic are an easy sell.

Better Than Hope

Happily – and not coincidentally – there’s an equally potent spiritual renaissance afoot, foreseeing unprecedented hope right through the ominous destruction all around us. This growing community of visionaries senses change – even great change – not only as inevitable, but necessary and vital to the next step in human evolution. The very breakdown of our dysfunctional institutions and old paradigms provides the fertile ground for the transformation of our world. Millions have perceived the unity of all life, awakened to the cosmic law that what we choose to think, say and do matters, and are already “becoming the solution” individually, which we all want to see globally.

You can spot these evolutionary forerunners like fireflies on a moonless night. For one thing, they’re not worried. They have a cosmic/practical view of history, and feel like they chose to incarnate in this most auspicious moment on Earth. They know that catastrophe and opportunity come together, like two sides of one coin. These light bearers are always ready to help, but don’t impose and are never attached to outcomes. They naturally value compassion, inclusion, and cooperation. And they laugh a lot.

In ever larger numbers, empowered people of goodwill, conscience and wisdom are choosing to connect with each other and the world, affirming a long-awaited, global up-shift in our understanding and behavior. The coming metamorphosis will be characterized by altruism, equality, justice and most of all non-violent peaceful coexistence. (So important is the development of compassion as a primary motivator in people that the Dalai Lama has commissioned cutting edge scientific brain research into its systematic cultivation.)

Being the New Human

If all this good news excites the optimist in you, you’re already a forerunner. The great world enlightenment only requires that you and I and a few million others simply live like the new age is already here. This approach feels great in your personal life, and it is also contagious. (see “I Bet I Can Find 1,000,000 People Who Just Want Love In The World!!” on Facebook).

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Just as geo-politcal hot-spots can flare up into wars, when a critical number of humans agree on the new reality, the flash-over effect will be an international outbreak of peace and freedom. Skeptical? We enjoyed a thrilling pre-cursor of this positive social phenomenon in the citizen-based “velvet revolutions” that swept soviet communism out of eastern Europe and Apartheid from South Africa a few years back. Watch for similar grass-roots, life-affirming changes in China, The Middle East, and other traditionally repressive regions. Global communications, the sweep of history and the necessities of survival makes this next great transformation of civilization inevitable.

Jose Arguelles, who brought the notorious calendar date December 21, 2012 to popular awareness in his book, The Mayan Factor, puts it this way:

“The conclusion of the cycle in A.D. 2012 bodes a return to natural time and an evolutionary upgrading of planetary life. A resonant frequency phase shift will usher us into the brilliance of galactic-solar-planetary evolution. We shall pass not only into a post-historic, but a post-human, or super human phase of our evolution.” (

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About the Author

Lonny J. Brown is the author of “Enlightenment In Our Time” (, “Self-Actuated Healing” (Naturegraph, Publ.), and the online column, The Holistic Mystic ( His writings on holistic health have appeared on AOL’s Alternative Medicine Forum and in Alternative Health Practitioner, Yoga Journal, and many other progressive publications. Brown teaches holistic health, mind/body healing, and stress reduction courses at hospitals, schools and businesses throughout the US.

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