An Interview with Benjamin Creme: Manifesting the Divine
Maitreya comes as a great Teacher about the nature of life. He makes no difference between His life and our life. He says: “Don’t worship Me. If you worship Me you are putting Me above you. And I am not above you. I am at exactly the same point. There is only divinity. There is no greater or lesser divinity. There is just one divinity and we all share it.” So He sees us as divine as He is. Only from a mental, or awareness, point-of-view He is far, far older then we are and has evolved to a point where He can demonstrate His divinity. We can’t demonstrate our divinity if we don’t even know we are divine.
JF Speaking of the Masters as having gone ahead of us in evolution, you’ve talked in the past about meditation and service as levers of evolution. Is there a scientific basis to meditation and service if we are spiritually evolving?
Benjamin Creme Meditation and service are prime poles in what we call spiritual advancement. We are all on a spiritual path and that path is known by the Masters because They have all traveled that path and have come, as far as this planet is concerned, to the end of the path. So They can teach us about the nature of the path, the way to the path, how to remain on the path and serve the path. Meditation and service are part of that experience.
When a person is ready to work consciously with his or her evolution, the soul, because each of us is a divine soul, prompts its reflection (that’s the man or woman on the physical plane) into taking up some form of meditation. And meditation brings the person closer and closer to the soul and eventually to complete at-one-ment with that soul. That’s the purpose of meditation: to bring the person into at-one-ment with their soul.
Evolution is really the process by which we become more-and-more identified with and express our soul. The soul is a reflection of the supreme, divine Being Who lies behind all manifestation. So the soul is perfect in every way and we gradually become more-and-more perfect as we become more-and-more like the nature of the soul. That’s what evolution is: the evolution of consciousness.
I’m not talking about the evolution of the physical bodies, which evolve from the animal kingdom. All of the kingdoms evolve from the kingdom below it: the first is the mineral kingdom; from that came the vegetable kingdom; from that grew the animal kingdom; and from the animal kingdom came the human kingdom. We owe our bodies to the animal kingdom. But we are not animals. We are human beings, something different.

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