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Are You Feeling Trapped?

Are You Feeling Trapped?

Don’t try to figure out what is coming forth. Simply trust the words and write them down.

Ask your Inner Coach for the next steps and the ones beyond that. Write them down.

Don’t sit in judgment at the information being brought forward. Don’t say “No” to anything that comes forward.

Don’t become frightened at the largeness of the dreams or steps.

You deserve Big Dreams.  With the three steps provided here, feeling trapped will become a thing of the past for you. I wish you success on your Be the Change journey.

“People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.” ~ James Arthur Baldwin

See Also
tell the children OMTimes


Keywords: Maria Khalifé, personal growth, self-help, personal development, conscious living, feeling trapped, inner coach, big dreams,  relationship advice

Pages: 1 2
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