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Astro-Sage – June

Astro-Sage – June

astrosageLooking at the Heavenly Climate for June 2010 by Chris Anderson

“Not ignorance, but ignorance of ignorance, is the death of knowledge.” ~Alfred North Whitehead~

(for the full article and multimedia experience, click here:  OM-Times June 2010 Edition)

Greeting Pilgrims!

June enters with a wild abandon, having gained momentum from the events of the last few days of May. The combination of events on the 27th of May (including the fulling of the Goddess in the Sign of the Archer and the reversal of the Ringed One, Lord Saturn, in the Sign of the Virgin… in addition to the grand entry of Uranus into Aries) seems to resolve the heavenly conflict caused by the opposing forces of Jupiter and Uranus to the Ringed Teacher’s influence in the Earthly realm. Good cheer! The tension between these Heavenly Giants will begin to diminish and the seeker will notice progress begins to appear. As the final day of May beckons June’s faire arrival, Neptune begins his retreat backwards in Aquarius… a final feigned sigh before the grand entry home into Pisces, next year.

Although June is fraught with transiting T-Squares and Grand Squares, as was May and April before, the new-found comfort with planetary placement will bring release from the past and progress will prevail. Those seeking Truth, having learned past lessons, will notice a period of release from the bonds of the past!

The Warrior, Mars, will oppose Neptune from Leo’s fiery domain on the 4th of June; caution is prudent as obscurity prevails. Unknown elements could arise that create conflict between egos… retreat to one’s spiritual identity is advised.

See Also

June 5th into 6th is filled with pomp as Jupiter takes the Jovial Court into the sign of the Ram. Lesser celebration is given to the Warrior as Mars moves into Virgo on the 7th and 8th! Those who have placements on the aspected quadrants will observe a time of shifting emotions and new purpose arrive. Capture the moment and move with this momentum, for time is fleeting and doors will soon close once again… the chela is worthy, so advance is assured.

June 8th is celebrated with a pax between Jupiter and Uranus as the conjunction in 0 degrees of Aries makes both Lords benign. The word of this conjunct is announced by the Winged One when Mercury enters Gemini on the 9th of the month!

On June 14th Faire Venus enters Leo in pursuit of the Warrior and egos are indulged by the tribes of Fire and Air. Mars in trine to Pluto on the 15th, Earthy Virgo and Capricorn energies harmonize, sets purpose into motion and capital gains will arise… the seeker who wishes to invest in real-estate will find this the most optimistic of times!

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