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by Marsha Cook




Reflection: “With just the shake of a tail, seemingly without reason or rhyme, everything can FANTASTICALLY change for the better….” ~Mike Dooley

Welcome to Twenty-Ten…

OK, so it is June – is it ever too late to send your loved ones good wishes?

(for the full article and multimedia experience, click here:  OM-Times June 2010 Edition)

My Happy New Year Wishes for You – May your snow showers be made of angel flakes that gently grace your being through all winters; may the spring rains sprinkle you with fairy dust and the sweet scent of new flowers; may summer wrap its warmth around you and excite your sense of knowing; and, may fall color all your passions! Can you ask for more in a new year, a new decade!

This issue of Silver Threads is all about JOY! Are you aware that human beings are joy? Our cells are composed of happiness, ecstasy, pleasure and bliss. Imagine having all that good stuff inside and not know it! Some cells express themselves as skin or bones; others are organs. The parts that are joy are still looking for the way to convey and articulate their purpose. This energy of joy is frolicking and fervent. Yet mankind has tied this bliss in knots, thrown a cover over it and kept it in the dark. An example of this knotty mess is in the nightly news. The sound bites are comprised of anger, war, violence, neglect, dishonesty, kickbacks, drug abuse, mental abuse, physical abuse, financial abusers – the list seems endless.

See Also

Have you ever wondered how this came to be? We are made of goodness, of greatness, how exasperating so many don’t celebrate that knowledge! What will it take for each and every person on our planet to begin to live their joy and eradicate their darkness?

Just one… Removing the negatives that surround our energies is up to each and every individual. That means me that mean you. When in our most expansive state of mind we wish for world peace, a permanent end to war and hatred; we want to cure the ills of the world; feed the children; provide for the homeless; protect and honor the planet. These aspirations are wonderful and I do not doubt for a moment they are attainable. Once again the ‘how’ question comes into play. How do we accomplish such a monumental task? The answer is one person at a time, one step at a time.

In the August 2009 issue of my local newspaper “Cornelius Today” in a column titled “Silver Threads,” (yes, they are related!) there was an article entitled, “Are We Our Best Selves?” where the following questions were asked of the readers:

  • How many of us walk a path of compassion, integrity, honesty, and/or kindness as a regular habit?
  • What has happened to our society?
  • How long has ‘it’ been going in a questionable direction?
  • How many actually noticed?

As you can see these queries were in relation to society. Did you know that before ‘mankind’ can fix society, he/she has to fix themselves? In this case, the question to be posed is: Are you living the best life you possibly can? In this situation it is the individual who has the power to determine the public face.

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